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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. My poor mom. A tree fell across the end of her road and driveway. Took out the power and phone.

  2. My Zumba instructor has the gift of spreading happiness. Our class really is a dance party.

  3. Need a tad more coffee.

  4. Need more coffee this morning. Yawn.

  5. Need more coffee. Lots more coffee.

  6. Never want to see my old frames again. Totally tired of them. Had them for almost 8 years.

  7. New Moon day. Feel wide awake and ready to roll.

  8. New moon today. A good day to purge my front porch of junk. Scary how stuff accumulates.

  9. No meetings today. The universe is giving me time to polish off my To Do list.

  10. Not doing much this afternoon

  11. Not in the mood for April Fool's today. I'm still cranky from events at work yesterday. Have to be in a good mood for pranks.

  12. Not sure why but I'm wide awake at 4:00 AM. Looking at the moon.

  13. Now drinking coffee and trying new perfume oils. My #bpal order came Friday.

  14. Now savoring a golden sunset.

  15. NSFW spam on my work email this AM, meeting updates coming thru as cancels, phone rings and it's an empty call. Hello #mercuryretrograde

  16. Off to bed, good night to all.

  17. Oh be still my heart - Daniel Craig in an SF/Western action movie!!!!

  18. Oh I've got a cold. It stopped tiptoeing and started thundering about two hours ago. Going to be an early night tonight.

  19. Oh no! More snow on the way for my part of Jersey.

  20. Oh noooooo. My work PC is getting the dreaded blue screen. Called the tech. Oy.

  21. Oh yeh and I'm working from home so I can slather myself with #bpal without bothering anybody!

  22. Oh yeh and my advice to myself: keep wearing #bpal. Scent of the day is The Miller's Daughter.

  23. Oh yeh and no stress! I'm saving stress for Thurs nite when our code runs in prod for the first time.

  24. On second pot of coffee this crisp Fall morning.
