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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Perfect Spring day in the marshes.


    #TGIF Have safely arrived at the Friday feel good zone ...

  3. Good night all, my bed calls and I must answer or doze upon the couch.

  4. “@StephCalahan: #Productivity Fact: You can be busy all day and still have gotten nothing done.” so true!

  5. Everybody wants to add value to this project since it is very visible. But value adding can, sadly, be misinterpreted. Usually as criticism

  6. Ah bah! TIme to get on with my day.

  7. Rain falling on wood leaves and pavement, robins twittering, a deep crow caw. So peaceful.

  8. Today has turned into a personal care day. Waiting to get my hair done.

  9. Good morning all! Drinking coffee and listening to Handel's Water Music on this mellow full moon morn.


    #bpal update this morning! Am hoping for time to peruse today.

  11. Great Zumba class. I had a good time shaking it off!

  12. Good morning! I dreamt of Aphrodite last night, birdsong fills my sonic landscape, and I'm drinking coffee.

  13. Weird day. Lots of little ups and downs. Not sure what to make of some things going on at work.

  14. When is my lunch? Stuck on the phone and call not ending any time soon. Telling self it is worth it to get this done.

  15. Why did I have to check out that story about the boa constrictor and the model? Rhetorical question since I'm nosy.

  16. Am engaged in a struggle with my To Do list this morning.

  17. Good morning all! Bird song abounds this morning. Mostly robins.

  18. Peaceful for a Monday morning.

  19. Listening to Beethoven's 9th. Need big music today. Can't go with trivial right mow.

  20. At office headset on one ear for conf call and iPhone on other ear listening to news from Hawaii.

  21. Drinking coffee and trying not to confuse or sidetrack this meeting

  22. Good morning everybody. Slept like a log last night. Woke up to a wet world. Looks like the daffodils grew 3 inches overnight.

  23. Game over. Nighty-night.

  24. Wow my boss just enraged me. This hasn't happened before it must be all the stress we're under. I had to step outdoors to calm down.
