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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Sitting here looking thru a building to blue sky and a building on the other side. Gives an expansive feeling.


    #andsotobed Awesome evening. Has to end. And so, to bed.

  3. Good morning all. Wonder what marvels today will bring.

  4. Hanging out watching basketball. Not going to be a late night, I'm already yawning.

  5. Ready to go home. Flight doesn't leave until 3:00 though. Hope I can cram all my Payments swag into my carry-on.

  6. Flight delayed. Waiting in Austin airport.

  7. My ears are still blocked from being on the plane. Everything sounds muffled.

  8. Good morning ... was slugabed this morning. Just had a cup of coffee.

  9. Back from a tasty dinner. Relaxing. It wasn't a healthy dinner, but it was very very satisfying.

  10. Wearing #bpal Brisingamen. It's a comforting, soft scent, like snuggling into flannel sheets.

  11. Making coffee. Need more today.

  12. Good morning! It's a great morning to ... attack my email queue. No really. Excelsior!

  13. I like working from home better than going into the office.

  14. Relaxed. Time to let go of the day. Anticipating the moment when I get into bed and sink into the mattress. Aaah.

  15. It's damp, drizzly, and cool this morning. Reminds me of New England Spring days.


    #andsotobed where I will luxuriate on my mattress and so to sleep.

  17. Good morning! Trees are budding out. Amazes me every time. I pay attention, I see the signs, I know it's coming - boom! Flowers & leaves.

  18. Wearing #bpal Worm Moon. Opening is a happy compost heap, drydown is a delicate powdery patchouli.

  19. Good morning The smell of coffee fills the air. This'll be a great day! It's Friday too.

  20. Listening to Ella Fitzgerald to ring in the weekend. #TGIF #nowplaying Nobody does it like Ella.


    #bpal update came in over night. Yay!
