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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Looking at tat designs. Thinking lower back.

  2. Lunch and back to work

  3. Lunch with Mom was fun. She made tuna salads.

  4. Lunch. Not a moment too soon. Salad and coffee.

  5. Magical day and night ...

  6. Making coffee. Need more today.

  7. May have to read a bit of Three Men in a Boat at lunch today.

  8. Mercury Retro strikes! Every conversation I've had this morning has been confusing or misunderstood by me. Maybe if I keep my mouth shut?

  9. Metaphor only: in the choir and being preached to. How annoying is this? Quite.

  10. Mom-in-law telling us about alligator mating season in FL. One spring she found one under her car.

  11. Moments of perfect happiness this afternoon.

  12. Monday, Monday. New week, new goals. Coffee first though.

  13. More rain! Hope it ripens my figs. We'll get a bumper crop this year with enough water.

  14. Mother's Day is lurking out there in the projectable future. I'm thinking champagne cocktails and yummy perfume. Sister has other ideas...

  15. Moving right along today. Just found out I will have to change my timeline again this afternoon. Oh Joy.

  16. Mowed the grass the first time this year. Celebrated with a very cold Noble Pils.

  17. Mr B deployed the pump and the basement is draining. The lake near us has overflowed.

  18. Mr Cardinal is staking his claim from the hedge and Mr Robin is staking his from across the street. Nothing's settled yet.

  19. My body didn't get the memo about #daylightsavingstime. Extra coffee needed.

  20. My daffodils have come up! Magnolia buds swelling. Hellebore is blooming.

  21. My ears are still blocked from being on the plane. Everything sounds muffled.

  22. My mom has had her share of trials and tribs already this month.
