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Posts posted by freznow

  1. I shouldn't like this but I LOVE it! I didn't read the description until after I tried it, and now I feel naughty for liking it.


    Mostly getting sweet vanilla coconutiness (which I strangely like - I guess it's artificial coconut that I dislike, this coconut is a win). Knowing the notes, I can pick out a touch of tobacco and rum, a bit of leather I guess. Which is bad, I'm technically a minor and ought not to be smelling like tobacco and alcohol! (Plus I'm a good nerd girl who stays home studying all the time.) But I don't care at this point, I love this scent. Despite all odds, it's amazing. It must be the tonka! (Must get more scents with tonka!)

  2. It reminds me of running track outside. Not to say that's necessarily a bad smell, just that all the woodsy smell come off a bit pine-fresh on me, somewhat like some sort of shoe freshener, and when mixed with my body chemistry just makes me think of track. So yeah, not going to be wearing this one unless I feel like running I guess.


    It lasted a mid length for me, not short or long. More shorter than longer.

  3. I got this from the swap board, one of the first imps I've tried, and it's my favorite by far. I just love it. Looking above, I guess it's the vetiver. I've never smelled that before. But it reminds me of ocean water and decaying vegetation, in a good way. It smells 'clean' despite of it.


    The only sad part is that it's completely gone before two hours, max. Most of my others I can still smell a bit after wearing for 8 hours or more.

  4. At first, this one I liked very much. It reminded me of sitting under the damp shadow of a tree in the sun, all the scents getting up everywhere. A bit animal too. I was fond - I like sitting under trees.


    But as I wore it, something turned... wrong. I would catch whiffs of something as I went about my day, and wonder if the cat peed in my shoes, or if the dog rolled in something she shouldn't have. No, wait, that's me. Drat. Maybe I'll try it at another point, but I really can't go on wondering if today's the day it's going to turn to animal waste on me. (I wonder what it is in the mix that does this for me...)
