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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by doublehelix

  1. doublehelix


    In the imp: lavender sachets... this reminds me of a pillow my mom made me to sleep with when I was a kid, when I had trouble falling asleep at night. Very comforting. Wet on skin: More herbals... lavender is still there. I'm so glad I have a full bottle of this on the way to me. Dry on skin: the rose, jasmine and chamomile come out now. Still very soft and comforting. I will have to try this before bed tonight!
  2. doublehelix

    Sugar Moon 2008

    In the bottle: sugar, musk, and lavender. I think the leaves and violet give me the lavender note. Wet on skin: WOAH. very strong herbal notes at first whiff. This smells like a sweet lavender and florals. Dry on skin: Still herbally, but thank goodness not as strong. I hardly get sugar, if at all. It still smells like a herbal tea. Maybe warm tea with a few tsp of sugar? I dont know.
  3. doublehelix

    Milk Moon 2007

    In the bottle: very sweet. honey, milk and fruits... Wet on skin: Still very sweet! I smell mostly sweet candied fruits, now. The milk note fades to the background. It hasn't gone sour yet for me, as I was afraid my first milk blend might. Score! Dry on skin: Just about the same scent. Sweet, creamy fruits. I agree with the previous poster, it smells like creamy fruit punch. Yum!
  4. doublehelix

    Screeching Parrot

    In the bottle: Oh yum... smells like fresh pineapple juice with rum Wet on skin: Not as strong as in the bottle, but still lots o pineapples! The grapefruit comes out now, and ohhh... this is the perfect summer scent. I'd love to wear this while basking in the sun with a margarita. Yum! Dry on skin: A little softer now, the grapefruit and citrus scents are still present. Overall it smells like a fruity alcoholic beverage.
  5. doublehelix


    In the imp: toasted sugar and vanilla Wet on skin: sugar and vanilla... yummm.... delicious and sweet Dry on skin: more sugar and sweetness... very foody, obviously if you dislike foody scents you will not like this. For foody lovers, (like myself) I recommend!!!
  6. doublehelix

    Queen Alice

    In the bottle: soft florals, carnation, and a hint of spice Wet on skin: much more spicey, almost like a warm, fresh baked apple pie! the floral notes are still there but are much more subtle. Dry on skin: carnations are back and much stronger. the apple pie scent has faded and i'm left with the florals and a touch of spice.
  7. doublehelix

    Block Buster

    in the imp: smells like rubbing alcohol with cinnamon and a touch of fruit. wet on skin: the alcohol smell is gone!! yippie! I smell cinnamon & apples! Reminds me of a tart candle I have called apple cinnamon muffins. dry on skin: Spicy, with undernotes of fruit. I put off trying this for quite some time because it smells VERY much like alcohol/mall perfume in the imp. It warms up on skin though, to a sort of nice spicey fruity desert I would wear this around christmas time, yum!
  8. doublehelix

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    yes, sorry, the 2009. pomona feels like the softer version of creepy on me. Creepy was very strongly apple scented.
  9. doublehelix

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    I have to say Creepy is a very strong tart apple scent... I tried pomona this morning, and boy does it smell strong and nutty in the bottle. It mellows down to a REALLY nice apple scent once dried on skin. A soft, wearable apple.
  10. doublehelix


    In the imp: warm apple cider and nuttyness... The scent of apple cider while taking a stroll in the woods! very much a fall scent. Wet on skin: warm apples... less nuts. definitely not as strong as it was in the bottle. there are some sweet pear and blossom undernotes as well which makes it even fruitier. Dry on skin: Apples with a hint of pear! the nuttyness has completely disapeared. If you're an apple fan, give this one a try. Much softer than Creepy's crisp apple scent.
  11. doublehelix


    In the imp: smells like marizpan - butter, almonds... with a slight touch of butterscotchy booze Wet on skin: more almonds and butter! Almost reminds me of a light, fluffy buttercream frosting. there are a bit of powdery notes my nose is picking up, too. Definitely a foody scent, but something else is there... It is very light, though. Dry on skin: more powdery... but not nessisarily in a bad way. It's not your typical "baby powder" scent. The almond is still there.
  12. doublehelix

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    Spooky RES was delicious on my skin wet, but dried down to a barely there powdery mint
  13. doublehelix


    In the Bottle: straight up apple and carnation! smells like sweet apple juice. Wet on skin: crisp apple with undernotes of florals Dry on skin: florals are a little bit stronger now, with the apples and guava in the background. Very sweet, soft scent. The florals are definitely not overpowering. & I agree this could be the perfect spring scent!!
  14. doublehelix


    Review for Spooky: RES In the bottle: very boozey, with a hint of mint in the background. almost reminds me of minty hot cocoa or chocolate mint thins! Wet on skin: pure mint! no noticeable booze. there's some buttery cookies in the background. Compared to the scent in bottle, this is a VERY light foody scent. Dry on skin: scent died down pretty quickly. If you don't normally like "in your face" foody scents and like mint, you'll like this one. Almost a little too light for my tastes, though. Still smells minty, with a bit more of a chocolate vibe. EDIT: an hour or so later this fades to a powdery minty scent on me... first blend i've ever had go powdery
  15. doublehelix

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    In bottle: fruity, strawberry cake Wet on skin: smells like white cake batter, whipped frosting and topped with berries Dry on skin: a little fruitier, I can smell the grapefruit a little more. Still very sweet If you love foody scents, you have to try this!
  16. doublehelix

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    Hey everyone--We CAN make it stop!! --Let's go stalk the lunacy update--tonight should be the night! LUNACY LUNACY!! *stalk stalk* I took a cold pill earlier, so here's hoping my brain can stay awake that long. i'm currently plotting other possible add-ons. muwaha I'm just a tad surprised this thread hasn't been shut down yet :S
  17. doublehelix


    Review for 2009 weenie In the bottle: boozey apple cider wet on skin: more booze and caramel! Smells like caramel dipped apples! with a very subtle tart apple undernote. dry on skin: less booze, more caramel and appley goodness. The apple notes are definately more noticeable when dry. It faded into a crisp apple scent. Nowhere as near as much booze as initially smelled in the bottle, thank goodness!
  18. doublehelix

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    In the bottle: pure melon! definately a sweet summer scent. Wet: the mint comes out more, with some citrusy undertones. Dry: smells a little bit musky, but it's a soft nice musk. (normally I'm not a fan of musk scents.) Not as melony now as it is in the bottle, but it's still noticeable.
  19. doublehelix

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    I agree. Beth and company are amazing... this gives me even more reason to put through my very first offical lab order. (I only have swaps on their way to me )
  20. I would love something similiar to cinders/so white....
  21. doublehelix

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    Well said. I can't wear commercial stuff anyhow because I'm highly allergic to perfumers' alcohol and it makes me break out in ridiculous hives. I didn't think there was an alternative unitl this past summer, I Googled dark perfumes, found a link to BPAL and basically enabled myself. A friend of the family is an avon lady, so every birthday/holiday/etc we get bags filled to the brim with avon goodies. To me, the perfumes all have that same alcoholy/cologney scent... I purchased a betsey johnson perfume when it was on sale last year because I had a thing for her bags for a while. It was supposedly a fruity scent, but it was way too strong for my nose. I couldn't wear contact lenses while wearing the perfume because it would cause my eyes to water and i'd get really bad congestion. But to each their own, I guess! I just think it's great having an alternative for those of us who aren't fascinated by brand names & big logos, and looking for something unique.
  22. doublehelix

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    and this is exactly why i stick with bpal. beth does use oils which appeals to me and works better with my wonky skin- but beyond that, i don't like wearing what other people are wearing. i knit for the same reason. i know that i'm not wearing a completely unique blend (i could go to strange brews down the street, get my own oils, and mix them myself if i wanted that) but it's a lot less common than the stuff that i can smell on five seperate people walking through the student union at the local campus. I realize I'm not the only person wearing Snake Oil in the world, but I'm the only one wearing it in MY world.... oh i can't even argue that at this point, most of my friends have the same blends that i do...lol. I think that is a great point about BPAL. They aren't scents you can find just anywhere, even at your local mall for example. They definately stand out, in a good way!!! My mom is even starting to become enabled (she's a plant fiend, we have 4 greenhouses and our entire basement is filled with plants) so unusual plants/flower notes call to her. Other than that, my friends have never even heard of BPAL I have to say it has taken me quite some time to switch from drugstore/mall brands to etailers, and i'm very pleased that I have... the quality, lasting length of a product and even packaging differences are very noticeable! I guess there's also something exciting about wearing blends that not everyone can recognize the scent of or has in their bathroom