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Everything posted by doublehelix

  1. doublehelix


    in the imp: very faint patcouli and spicey apples wet on skin: this is a very light scent while wet. I am getting faint notes of crisp apple and rose, and some herbal scents, namely the patchouli. the apple is the dominating note on me. dry on skin: the rose is a lot stronger now. all i'm mostly getting is roses and herbs... the beautiful apple note has faded to the background.
  2. doublehelix

    Brown Jenkin

    in the imp: very faint musk and coconut wet on skin: coconut & musk dry on skin: very tropical, in the tanning lotion sense. smells like coconut tanning oil...
  3. doublehelix

    Horreur Sympathique

    in the imp: very fruity wine wet on skin: strong fruit and red wine. dry on skin: smokey wine! the tobacco note is starting to come out. there are some florals too which i'm not to fond of, I can definitely see the potpuri comparison some have mentioned.
  4. doublehelix

    Black Lace

    Very strong on the inital application. This smells like smokey vanilla on the drydown. Very sexy, i'd wear this on a hot date
  5. doublehelix

    Graveyard Dirt

    This is very mossy... very strange. I had my mom who's a gardener smell this, and she said it smells like moldy dirt!
  6. doublehelix


    in the imp: warm vanilla wet on skin: very soft vanilla... so cuddly! dry on skin: I'm not getting much wood out of this, if at all... just a comforting vanilla.
  7. doublehelix

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    in the bottle: herbal chocolate. a little strange, but sweet and sexy. wet on skin: VERY strong herbals. just a touch of cocoa hiding underneath those herbals. dry on skin: very soft chocolate with a touch of herbals. Oh my, this dries down beautifully! Very sexy!
  8. doublehelix

    Snow Bunny

    This is for the 08 blend. in the bottle: florals with pine in the background. Smells like febreeze.. wet on skin: Oh! Sweet pine! very pleasant. No febreeze anymore! this would be wonderful on a cold winter day. dry on skin: This is gorgeous. A lot different on the drydown. The pine is not as strong, but mingles with snow, florals and something else I can't quite make out. Very girly, and a soft pine!
  9. doublehelix

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    in the bottle: very thick chocolate and smoke. burnt chocolate? wet on skin: this stuff is darker than snake oil! This is musky chocolate... no smoke yet! dry on skin: chocolate and a little bit of smoke. This is very much like a less spicey snake oil/boomslang... yum!
  10. doublehelix

    Snow White

    For the 08 version The 09 is almost identical to this one, although this one seems to be a little more sweet and has more staying power. It has less of the "plastic" note everyone talks about, that reminds me of lush's snowcake.
  11. doublehelix


    I believe this is the 07 version in the bottle: it smells like a smokey candle mixed with febreeze and alcohol. :S wet on skin: wow, uh this smells very febreezy. Almost burns my nose a little. It smells VERY floral-y. dry on skin: a bit of the apple is starting to come out. smells like strong, febreeze still.... I'll have to wait and see how it smells hours after application.
  12. doublehelix

    Black Death

    in the bottle: very earthy and herbal, but sweet wet on skin: earthy with patchouli in the background! there's a hint of citrus and it smells a little smokey, guessing that's the tobacco. dry on skin: dries down nicely, not as strong as it was initially. I think this is a very unisex sort of scent, mysterious and sexy. I want my boyfriend to give this a try!
  13. doublehelix


    in the imp: soft orange and vanilla wet on skin: oh yum. I have to agree this is like creamy orange incense... very lovely. dry on skin: smokey vanilla. can't quite smell the orange anymore, but it's still nice!
  14. doublehelix

    Gingerbread Poppet

    This is pure gingerbread! I think I prefer Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer more than this one, it's a little stronger. Compared to Reindeer, this is the lighter version with less spices.
  15. doublehelix


    This review is of the 2006 luper in the imp: lots of booze and musk! very sweet. wet on skin: musk musk musk! booze is very light underneath the musk. Almost smells a tad fruity! dry on skin: lots of musk and very little booze. Obviously, if you like musk, which I do, you'll enjoy this
  16. doublehelix

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Just tried Black Pearl, and it is VERY coconutty on me! I love this one! It smells a little bit like tanning lotions at first (which I don't mind) but dris down beautifully!
  17. doublehelix

    Black Pearl

    in the imp: sweet, light white musk wet on skin: coconut and musk! This smells a little bit like tanning oils/lotion, but that's okay because I love the smell of them. dry on skin: the flower notes came out a lot more stronger now. But I still like this! I can still smell the coconut and musk. This is a very light, beautiful scent, and would be perfect for summer time!
  18. doublehelix


    in the imp: strong, grassy herbals with some sweet notes wet on skin: strong vertiver and pine. The pine is the most dominant note. dry on skin: This is a very strong scent. The pine is still there, with some sweet notes (vanilla, almond) lurking in the background. But overall what I get most is the pine, and very little patchouli. This is a very woodsy/outdoors scent!
  19. doublehelix

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Alot of the Atomic Lua Lounge LE's feature coconut, including screeching parrot which is delicious, but not as a main note. I don't think i've come across a bpal that smells PURELY of coconut, but the atomic lua's are very tropical.. you may find a winner with them! I'm sure you can find imps in the for sale thread.
  20. doublehelix


    Glory and Majesty, Kokab, God’s Judgement. straight up carnations! Almost a little spicey. No morphing on the drydown.
  21. doublehelix


    YUM! This HONESTLY smells a little bit like the LE creepy! Delicious! butterscotch, caramel, and rum...
  22. doublehelix


    This is weird. it smelled a bit gross at first, like a combo of urine and puke :S I think there's just too much going on. on the dry down the peach note comes out beautifully, and that's all i'm really left with.
  23. doublehelix

    Pumpkin Queen

    Wet on skin, I get the pumpkin, amber and some spices. It isn't a sweet pumpkin, but like a creamy pumpkin cake! On the dry down it gets much softer, but still smells like a pumpkin cake to me.
  24. doublehelix

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Second this! If offical BPAL ones are too pricey for ya, you can find some cute scent lockets on etsy!
  25. doublehelix

    Burt's Bees fans will know...

    I'm so happy I have werepuppy, stinky, and womb furie on its way to me! I've been pretty lucky and haven't had a milk note go funny. I'm going to try layering some stuff to see if I can get the mlk & honey smell... I Love that lotion!