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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by misscoldheart

  1. I took a bit of a break from trying new scents but I decided to go through some old imps and decants and see what's what. I know I tried this before and I'm glad I didn't review it because I think I didn't like it before.

    I think this is pretty nice!


    At first it is a huge blast of bubblegum carnation. It isn't bad, just kind if odd and not something I usually wear. There's also something that smells kind of "watery" to me. I can't quite describe it, but it mutes the carnation enough so it doesn't go out of control.


    Once dry the carnation fades and it is a delicious light spicy musk. I get a little vanilla but that might just be the musky cassia. Either way I am a fan and could see myself wearing this if I want something subtle and comforting. I like it a lot!

  2. Oh man, ok so I've been passing on a lot of the LE updates lately cuz I haven't seen a lot of stuff I thought would work for me. This was the only one I bought from the Yules and it is everything I wanted Snow White to be but wasn't.


    It does share the snow note (I think it's the snow note-- there is something distinctly "Snow White" about this) but it doesn't turn to plastic play doh powder like SW did on me.


    I'm never good at picking out notes but this is just cozy and sweet and lovely. There was about a 5 min period where it went to baby powder and I was scared but it passed and now it's just awesome beauty.


    I have a "no hoarding" rule that I just broke becuz I ordered another bottle of this and I'm not even sorry. It is so good. Sorry I can't be more specific about what I like about it but the other posters who liked this said things I agree with.

  3. So I don't know what changed about this that it works well for me now, but when I tried the tester I was generously frimped it was OK but not my fav. I don't remember specifically what I didn't like but none of the notes I wanted to be were there. I had a bottle coming anyway so its been sitting in the drawer a couple weeks . I decided to give it a try today on a whim and was very pleasantly surprised by the difference! I'm getting the vanilla and incense, but I def got copal when I used the tester I had and not with the bottle I tried today. I agree it doesn't stick around but I am pleased but the change! It's comforting and light, which is a nice change from big sister black lace who totally overpowered my sensibilities after a while. Could see this for any season also! I can never detect a tea note, bit this one is almost there on me! Coconut husk and woodyness is tiny but also lingering. It's interesting and lovely!



    I actually had no idea what to expect with this one, especially cuz I got it into my head that I didn't like citrus notes. But HOLY CRAP, I cannot even deal with how awesome this one works for me, which is rare cuz I'm extremely picky about this stuff!


    At first it is definitely dominated with the lemony note, which isn't unpleasant though I don't think I'd like it as much if it didn't fade after a little bit. For me, this one dries down to a really pleasant, sweet scent with something else going on in the background that I can't quite put my finger on....Maybe its the mix of the white chocolate and mint? It's hard to know as really picking out notes in blends isn't generally my strength and I think in this one all of the notes really blend together so seamlessly that I have a difficult time really picking out what is what. The only thing I don't really know about is the absinthe. I am not familiar with the lab's absinthe blend as i'm not a huge fan of the anise but so far i don't smell anything that offends in that arena. I also noticed some comments about mojitos, which I am also not getting with this one either. Just perfectly delicious mysterious sweetness.


    And I've been wearing this one every day since I got it in a swap a few weeks ago...Move over Ashlultum and Paper Kite, there's a new holy grail in town!

  5. Ok, so really I tried this one because I have LV and Cake Smash and it seemed necessary for posterity. It also seemed to be the most promising of the 2 birthday blends this go'round. The first time I tried it I think it wasn't mixed very well because it definitely didn't smell at all like rum or butterscotch. I noticed some separation so I shook it up before the next time, and now whenever I put it on its basically ALL rum and butterscotch. I tend to be pretty liberal in application of BPAL scents because I usually go for lighter, close to the skin scents. This one is definitely one to use sparingly as it can be overpowering, esp after a while with the butterscotch- It kind of starts to smell like maple syrup. It is really fun, but I wish I got more of the other notes! I think my body does crazy things with butterscotch/caramel because it did the same thing when I tried red lantern. I do like this one better than red lantern though. It is really comforting in the cold weather!

  6. I kind of agree with a poster above about this one being kind of weird but not being able to stop sniffing it. I did like it from the start, but it definitely smells like laundry, which I find to be somewhat strange. The creamy vanilla scent does come along, but I wish it were sweeter on me! It is such an odd blend, and I can't quite put my finger on what I like about it, but something about it just works and its ADDICTING! It is also super fun to think about the concept that inspired this one (bedsheet ghost!!). So cute!

  7. I ordered 3 bottles in my last lab order- this one, anne beany, and boo. To my delight they were all winners, but The Soldier is my decided favorite of the bunch. I really wasn't sure about some of the notes- I am a musk fan, but I'm one of those lucky fools that snake oil doesn't work for. I have also had bad luck with fruit blends so was unsure about the implications of pie. So, against better judgement, went out on a limb with it and am so happy I did!

    I actually don't get much pepper, and I am so glad it isn't the anise that others are reporting. I definitely get the vanilla tea and musk at first. The leather and pie usually show up a little later, which is nice and certainly not overpowering. This is a very sophisticated scent, without being snobbish. A definite winner!

  8. This is a review for the Original Midway.


    In the bottle it does smell sweet, and I get a bit of coconut?? but not as strong or complex as I was thinking. My husband LOVED it when he sniffed it, saying it was one of the best BPALs he had smelled so far! (I"m always bugging him like "...sniff this!"


    Once I put some of it on I got the cotton candy right away, with the candy apple, I think. Whatever the cake note is, it's really awesome and not gross like some of the BPAL cake notes I've tried in the past. It really does smell just like a funnel cake!! The salty note is there as well...And after a while, everything melds together and smells sort of like a melty chocolate bar or something. So awesome!!


    Sadly, it's been a while since I was at a fair midway, but nonetheless I really love this one and will certainly compare it to the state fair later this season!! LOVE.

  9. I just got a bottle of this and it is my first experience with cassia. I was surprised because a lot of reviews compare cassia to cinnamon, which I am not a huge fan of smelling like, but cassia is definitely different. Can't quite put my finger on how that is, though...

    This one reminds me exactly of the coffee cake my grandmother used to make, esp in the bottle.

    On the skin it dies down a bit, and there is definitely a cakey element there, but on me is was mostly spice. Not really cocoa or coconut, sadly, but perhaps it is hiding in the sweetness? I think this is a lovely and very wearable blend. It is a bit stronger than I prefer, but I think I will wear it often if I remember to go easy on the application. And I was expecting the cassia to give me a rash since that seems common with folks who have sensitive skin, but it didn't!

  10. I recently got frimped a partial decant of this (woo thanks!!) and I was really expecting it to be a winner. Unfortunately it just didn't work...In the vial it smelled kinda floral soapy, not really offensive at all. But after it wore for a while that horrible thing happened that happened also when I have worn BPALs with plum notes...My skin amped something in this one so horribly that it smelled like super sweet...something- and made me feel really sick. It sucks when this happens because for some reason it doesn't want to wash off, either. I scrubbed with soap, witch hazel, water, and soap again throughout the day before it finally went away. Not too sure what caused the gross amping this time, but it was a huge bummer cuz I really was looking forward to trying this one...


    ETA: I also noticed a distinctly "cologne" scent when first applied. It wasn't too bad at first, but definitely bothered me after a while, before the amping started. Never figured out what caused that, but gaah..how awful

  11. I like this one for sure, but only in small doses.

    When I finally got around to testing it iI just put a tiny drop on and it smelled amazing. Vanilla, musk, and lavender. I definitely got the leather note, but it went away pretty quickly.

    This morning when i put considerably more on, it started out the same as when I tested it but then I also got a really strong, sort of cologny scent that wouldn't go away and just got stronger. Now it is pretty much vanilla and musk, but there's still a cologny scent there that is giving me a headache.


    I do like this one, but I think in the future I am only going to use a little bit- Like a drop.

  12. Maybe it's because it's had some time to age, but I honestly am not getting lavender from this one AT ALL. I have two different bottles right now, and they both smell the same: slightly floral, sweet vanilla with a bit of powder.


    I don't really know what fennel smells like, but I assumed something like licorice? In any case, I don't get that from this one either. Basically, when I put it on, it start out pretty strong like super sweet vanilla and a little floral and some powder. It goes through a pretty distinct powder phase (but not offensively so!) and end up being a really nice, unique vanilla scent. It seems like the Dorian is there as well, but the SO is hard to reach. I think I can smell something spicy, but it's hard to pick out.


    Maybe I'm completely off base with the lavender, but its either so subtle and well-blended that it isn't really prominent or it is simply not there! I am a lavender fan, so I don't know...but either way this is a lovely blend that is certain to be a top favorite. I have already broken my rule against keeping multiple bottles of the same scent, but I think this one is worth it.

  13. Just got a decant of this one...

    Usually gardenia is a bit strong for me, but I was curious about this anyway.

    It reminds me a lot of Schaflende Baigneuse (sp?? HELP!) and Needlework (which, to my nose and skin, smell exactly the same)


    At first the gardenia is really present, but once it dries a bit I can smell the honey and a bit of something musky- the rice paper? That doesn't seem right, but I know musk when I smell it!


    I actually really like this one. Florals aren't really my favorite, but if tempered by something non-floral and creamy/sweet, they seem to behave themselves on me.



  14. Just got this in a swap and wasn't sure how I'd do with a foodier scent since it's kind of hit or miss these days. I really liked this one! The SO and Dorian (and presumably Doc C, although I haven't tried it to I can't attest) do something to keep this from going way over the foody edge for me. It is sweet and beautiful without being overpowering or cloying. I'm not sure I got the frosting, but I am definitely happy with this one nonetheless!



  15. Hm, this is a weird one. I will start by saying I notice an immediate difference between the green and amber colored imps. I am reviewing the amber colored one because it seemed more promising.

    Wood doesn't usually work on me, but this is ok. I have many musk blends and was able to pick up on that right away. The spiciness is also immediate.

    It went through a short powdery phase and then settled into a sweet ambery, somewhat cologne type scent. I'm also picking up a hint of vanilla. This may be a bit too masculine for me so I'm not sure how much I'd wear it, but it would be lovely on someone who was better suited to it!

  16. I will be echoing many of the reviews already posted, but I really love this. The honey comes out as it dries down and becomes a glorious sweet slightly powdery snake oil. The honey is so evident but not cloying. Love!

  17. As a seamstress, I was naturally drawn to this one. Lucky for me the description seemed promising as well!

    This, on me, is a nice light springtime floral blend. Not getting much ginger or tea, which is a shame, but I can def see myself wearing this in the warmer months. It's really light, though, so application through the day may be key.

  18. I was very kindly frimped a decant of this in a recent forum sale (although I have a bottle on order that will be here tomorrow!!!! :dance: )

    and, at first I really didn't know what to think. I tried it and was really unsure about the smell. I can't really remember what I thought inititally, but I was pretty apprehensive at first.

    The next time I wore it, I layered it with Giant Vulva, which is, I found out, an amazing marriage! Bean Man and Beanwoman prepare to attack the GIANT VULVA??? Indeed, they do, because on me, this turns into sweet vanilla cake but somehow without being foodie??? I don't know how, but, it's amazing.

    today i tried it on it's own again and I really love it. Its a nice floral coconutty, creamy smell that doesn't smell anything like the sun lotion or flower stems others are reporting...although I could see why folks might liken it to snow white...I really dislike SW, so I'm glad I'm not getting much of that vibe here. I actually get more of a springtime feel form this, which is awesome cuz I feel like a lot of the scents I normally gravitate to are too heavy for warmer weather. I also appreciate that this one settles down to a scent close to the skin, which is my preference in perfume. Yes, so glad I took a chance on this cuz it is really beautiful!

  19. I have the '08 version...


    At first, in the bottle and on the skin it is very, very light and "perfumey." The florals really come through first and this beginning wet stage is my favorite of this blend. After not too long, the florals fade and the amber and tonka really seem to come forward. The blend sweetens up and also amps quite a bit until all I get is sweet tonka-vanilla-y overpower.

    This is not unsimilar to what happens to me with black lace, but the difference is that BL will back off eventually and tone itself down over time...JL really starts out light and not only strengthens, but really hangs on to that tonka note...

    I don't mid deeper blends, but I require scents that stay closer to the skin and don't pollute all of the air around me. It is a nice scent, but I'm just incredibly picky about things like throw and such.

  20. This may be bordering on something a bit too foody for me...but it is quite nice, nonetheless.

    At first I really get a huge whiff of hazelnut. Like...it basically overpowers everything and is also very very strong. I am a hazelnut fan, so I think it's ok!

    After a while, things start to kind of mellow out and blend a bit more. The hazelnut definitely runs the show here, but at least it gives the other notes some room to breathe as well. It's hard for me to pick out the other notes individually, actually...but I definitely get a sweet, nutty, creamy scent that is still foody, but not outrageously so. I'm not sure how often I would wear this, but I really love the artwork and will certainly get use of the scent somehow!

  21. I really had no idea what to expect with this one, especially after reading the reviews!

    I have never smelled copal before, but I assume that is the kind of heady citrus I am smelling. It's almost smokey, but not quite...I can't quite put my finger on the undertone, but it's something like that...

    I know there are other components int his blend, but it seems like my skin really amps up anything remotely fruity at all. I think I am going to let this one sit a while and come back to it in a few days....I know the honey and sugar cane want their turn to sing! I can defintiely smell the beeswax in the distance...and I'm really hoping the other notes aren't too far behind!

  22. I also have a best friend who is a dog, and I really was touched by this sentiment and wanted to love the scent...Unfortunately I just can't get with it.


    The musk is nice and I am a musk fan, so that was fine...but at first there is a really strange sharpness that maybe is "grass" that some other folks are reporting. It smells EXACTLY like this perfume my mother used to wear...My sister has the bottle. It's round and blue with 2 snakes intertwining but no name on the bottle at all...Pretty cool, but it really is a strange smell.


    Anyway, this lingers for some time and then fades off to a pretty generic musk smell with a tiny hint of florals in the background. I dunno, I guess I could take it or leave it but I probably won't be using it much, so it's off to the swaps pile.

  23. I just got a bottle of SC res, and, honestly it reminds me a lot of The Witch Queen. It's because the one note my skin amps more than any other is plum. I'm not a big fruit scent person, so I'm kind of iffy on this. Since the scent was so faint when I first tried it I think I put too much on, cuz now all I can smell is really sweet plum and incense, which is just what TWQ did on me as well.

    Not too sure if this is for me...I was so sure it would behave!

  24. I'm a sucker for a musk blend, but I'm starting to realize there may be more to life than musk...

    I like this one, but it is also quite similar to many other musk blends I have and love. It is a nice powdery musk and the spice keeps it from going to a baby powder sort of powder on me. It's kind of fruity somehow which may be from the almond blossom...Kind of sweet.

    I think this is nice, but I don't know that I need another 5ml of musk-based perfume. I think I need to broaden my horizons...
