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Posts posted by whisperstilled

  1. A complex and sweet marine-green scent. I can smell almost all the notes - wood and florals and water. The frankincense is pretty heavy, but I love frankincense, so that's not a problem. Just gorgeous.

  2. I had to breathe deep to catch the snake oil under the thick layer of honey and cream. Surprisingly light, for what I thought would be an overpoweringly rich scent. This one definitely deserves a full day test.

  3. Strong coconut on the first sniff. Classic sunscreen coconut, with the florals and musk contributing to give it a truly 'tropical' feel. As it dries down, it's more vanilla and lilac and less coconut. Not to my taste, but a lovely tropical floral for summertime.

  4. Holy hell, this is horrific. That's essentially what I figured from the description, but yep. Sickening sweetness over a nasty scorched bitterness. The only scent I can relate it to is Drink Me - not because it smells similar, but because it has that same kind of sickening mix of totally incongruous notes.

  5. Coffee and black musk are both very hit or miss for me, and this one was DARK in the bottle. Reminds me a bit of Zory Utrennyaya. There's something medicinal about the deep, dark mixture of coffee and musk. The vanilla starts arcing over both after it sits on the skin for a bit, like the back of the dashing aerialist on the bottle art. As it settles, as others have mentioned, it gets much more appealing. This feels like a perfect fall/winter scent to me, and wonderfully sophisticated despite the simple combination of notes.

  6. Eve reminds me very strongly of Morocco, perhaps my all-time favorite GC, but there's just so much more to it. This is a rich and deeply sophisticated blend, heavenly resinous, with a sweet amber at the core. Something in it goes slightly baby powder on me, which I suspect is the honey. It's a deeper and darker scent than I remember from testing it a year or two ago, and I suspect it's darkened as it aged. It reminds me of something a deeply glamorous creature would wear. Enchanting.

  7. Finally managed to snag a bottle in the restocking!


    In bottle: Sweet and musky, and something like incense.


    Wet: Softer than I expected! A little chalky, in an odd way, like candy. There's something almost like...bubblegum?


    Dry: There's vetiver down there somewhere, under the candy/incense note. This is one weird blend! Thrilled I had a chance to try it, despite it possibly not being for me. What really surprises me is how little throw it has. I had to pin my nose to my arm to smell it.

  8. Ozoney, salty sea water, with practically none of the lab's creamy milk note. It's definitely in there, but the ozone drowns it out. If you're into aquatics, you'll love this one - to me, the milk/cream hint and sea salt rankle my nose a bit.

  9. Fresh, yummy lime aftershave. This one would be right at home in Phoenix Steamworks with the oil and cologne quality. There's also the soft downiness of the lab's wool/fabric note, and the scent on the whole reminds me of a brighter, nattier version of Ichabod Crane. Traditionally masculine, but with a hint of sweetness.
