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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by maewitch

  1. Brilliant, thank you! I'll keep an eye out for it.
  2. maewitch

    The Unicorn

    This is very similar to The Dormouse on me, but sweeter overall. I don't get a strong sense of anything green in this, except perhaps for the freshness. This is just incredibly light and sweet and, yes, innocent. It actually does remind me a bit of the movie "Legend", and the scenes where you first see the unicorns. There's just a quality to the lighting and the way the forest seems to glow around them, that's captured in this scent.
  3. maewitch

    Thirteen (13)

    Holy crap. This is...I can't even...must not eat my arm. I was a little worried because when I first put this on, I got a faint wiff of what smelled like chlorine when I sniffed my wrist too closely. I think it must have been the initital settling phase, perhaps some combination of the tea and the iris and the chocolate. Now that has dissipated and what I'm left with is unbelievably gorgeous. It smells like white cake with bits of orange peel, slathered with white chocolate frosting, but not in an overwhelming way. I think the citrus and the light florals keep the sweetness from becoming cloying. This is sophisticated and intoxicating option for those days I want to smell edible, but don't want to go with the obvious vanilla.
  4. maewitch

    The Lovers

    This is one of those oils that immediately makes me think "magickal" as opposed to "perfume". I get a very bright, clean herbal scent upon application, which only mellows slightly with wear. There's somthing a little warm poking it's head up every now and then, but I can't readily identify it as cinnamom. Which is good, because cinnamon has a tendency of taking over a blend and making me ill. I can't think why this blend would be associated with The Lovers, but this is exactly the sort of smell I associate with kitchen witchcraft. Not a scent I would wear regularly, but definately something I might put on when Working.
  5. maewitch

    The Living Flame

    Wow. This is sensual in a bottle. There was a brief shot of something fruity and red, like berries, when it was wet. Dry, it's very warm, slightly spicy, slightly sweet, slightly musky. This is a rich, brown-toned red. If there is sandalwood in here, I can't smell it, or it's - miracle of miralcles - not doing its usual Cloying Powder of Death routine.
  6. maewitch

    Queen of Clubs

    This is a strange one on me. I don't get the vanilla at all, nor the florals. When I first put it on I get a strong resiny earth scent, and something that makes me think of vetivert. It's not entirely unpleasant, but it verges on it. After a bit the vetivert note passes, and the deep earth notes lighten marginally, and the myrrh flows back up to dominate the blend. There is a touch of rose tickling at the back of this. This is somewhat growing on me, strangely. I was intruiged by the notes, yet can only detect a few of them, and none of the ones that drew me the most. This is definately an earth scent, with something mortuary about it, perhaps that overlay of myrrh and dry roses. It's interesting, and I might use this this ritually due to its sensory conotations, but I don't think this will be a regular perfume. ETA: note to self - wait a few hours, then review. NOW I get the vanilla and the amber. This is a rich, sweet scent, and so incredibly different from what I got in the first hour.
  7. maewitch


    I can't even describe how perfectly lovely this scent is. My skin loves ginger and boy does ginger love it back. There's a hint of something citrusy in this, not quite lemon, and the ginger is incredible warm and sexy. But unlike some ginger-citrus perfumes I've tried in the past, it doesn't go too sharp or astringent. In fact, it warms and deepens the longer it's on my skin, becoming this incredibly erotic, spicy-but-not-quite-foodie skin scent. And then it disappears from my skin, and yet somehow manages to linger in the air around me, so that I keep catching wiffs of it. This baby is pure magic.
  8. maewitch

    The Dormouse

    This is very pretty and incredibly light. The combination of tea and white flowers is wonderfully refreshing and slightly sweet, lacking those astringent-bitter or else soapy notes I sometimes get from scents that are trying too hard to be 'clean and fresh'. The downside is that this is definately something you need to slather on. It's just too light otherwise.
  9. maewitch


    A shot of pure, self-indulgent euphoria! A scent that is very, very wicked in its own way: the serotonin-slathered scent of pure milk chocolate. This is pure, uncomplicated, wonderful milk chocolate. It doesn't mutate into anything else, and it stays around for a few hours. Near to perfect.
  10. maewitch


    I almost washed this one off. I have determined that for the most part, coconut and I are not meant to be. It has an unfortunate tendency to lean towards plasctic on me. It also eats up the other notes, or somehow blocks something up in my nose, so that all I can smell is coconutty plastic and an abscence of something. I was ready to cry. But I persevered, and after about an hour or two, the coconut has faded and I can pick up faint wiffs of something soft and creamy and faintly cookie-ish. Very nice, and very faint. I really don't know how to feel about this one. The coconut was not as bad as some others I've had the misfortune to try, and light enough that it wasn't even a problem unless I stuck my nose right up to it. But is the dry-down worth the wait? Meh.
  11. Ahh Shub. Why have I come too late to BPAL and missed your wonderousness? I have but one imp and I shall treasure it, and hunt for bottles. But if anyone has any ideas on what catalogue scents or combinations of scents can approximate this lovely, please share.
  12. maewitch


    The overall feeling I get from this blend is "elegant". I feel ridiculous trying it out wearing my weekend sweats. This perfume demands immaculate, feminine clothes and sleek shiny hair. It demands a mysterious encounter and an evening stroll through a lush courtyard. This is jasmine tempered by a touch of rose, and as it dries it melds beautifully into the light musk. I don't get the insence very strongly, but I suspect it's adding a bit of warmth and keeping the floral edge slightly blunted. This is a beautiful blend, but I don't know that I would need a bottle. It's definately an "older" scent to me, and I don't think I feel this elegant and womanly often enough to justify more than an imp.
  13. maewitch


    I was expecting something much more tart. I actually tried this on once before, but had so many different scents on that all I could pick up was the cranberry, and I wasn't too thrilled. Given it's proper space and time to develop, this very good. I can smell the juiciness and the redness of the cranberry, but it is so well supported and rounded out by the musk and the lily and the spices. It is sweet and soft and warm, almost like hot mulled cranberry "cider" on a chilly evening. I honestly was not expecting anything this subtle and comforting from a blend with both tart fruit and spices. A wonderful surprise, and makes it to my "possible" bottle list for autumn and late-summer-evening scents. EDIT: Wearing this a few more times, I have to say I prefer the drydown to the opening stages. It's the lily, I think, as it adds a certain "greeness" to the blend that smells off to me in some way.
  14. maewitch

    Dia de los Muertos

    This is a very sexy, earthy, feminine scent on me. It feels brown and muted red. I get the incense right off the bat, though not much smoke. The chocolate lies low, but I get that sweetness that I associate with gourmand fragrances, which is a lovely complement to the incense. As it dries, the florals pick up, though I can't figure out which ones I'm smelling. It's definately something lush but not tropical, drier in feel, settling in very nicely with the sweet incense.
  15. maewitch

    Snow White

    Delicious, creamy coconut, with a delicate, green-tinged musk underlying it. It is comforting, luminous, luxurious, with an edge of ice. It is one of the most distinctive BPAL blends, and extremely persistent. One of my favorites.
  16. maewitch


    Daaammmmm. This is completely scrumptious. I was a little worried about the pine, and it is indeed what I smelled most strongly when I applied it. It wasn't, however, the gross pine of room deodorizers, but the wonderful pine that you get walking in a northern forest at night. Woody, clean and a little icy. I liked it, but I wondered if it was perhaps a little too woody for me, too masculine. As it started to dry, I got a very faint spicy note, which eventually morphed into the suggestion of warmth. It went from a fragrance that I could see on my boyfriend to one that he would have to pry from my cold dead hands. Seriously, this is soooo incredibly beautiful. I CANNOT stop smelling it. It is woody yet sweet, cool yet warm. I still have that sense of walking through a starlight boreal forest, snow crystalline and perfect under my feet. But I am also wrapped up warmly in a shawl that's been hanging in a country cottage, where my grandmother has been baking. This fragrance is elusive yet so utterly comforting. I don't know how Beth does this.
  17. maewitch

    Embalming Fluid

    This is super super nice. The lemon was more noticable upon application, but now it's just faded into the light tea-and-musk scent. This is very light and softly refreshing. Not icy-refreshing, but sitting in the backyard after a shower, sipping on some lemonade refreshing. All I can smell is skin and slightly sweetened lemon tea carried on a breeze. I'm going to see how long this lasts on me, but if it does, this is going on my big bottle list.
  18. maewitch


    At first the strongest note I get is something like cherry liquer, which makes little sense considering the notes. Perhaps the alchohol notes amping up the sweetness in the tonka and the tobacco? I don't get the alchohol much, except for the suggestion of the rum in the sweetness. Dry, it just smells wonderfully warm and sweet, a little smokey and spicy. I feel like I'm wearing a sexy man's leather coat, warmed from his body heat, and I'm picking up the faint fragrance of his rolling tobacco in the pocket mixing with the faint scent of my own vanilla perfume. This blend is less a mixture of distinct notes and more of a olfactory cue to very pleasant, sensual memories and associations. ETA: a couple of hours later, this is almost pure tonka-spilled-on-leather. It's still nice, but not as evocative as the initial drying-down phase. (At least I think it's the tonka I'm smelling. It's a very sweet, heavy scent, but not vanilla-y.) Second ETA: Oh no. The dreaded powder-sweet-cloying ultimate drydown. I go cry now. (But first, the vigorous washcloth rub-off.) Perhaps I will experiment a little later with layering something on top of it during this phase.
  19. maewitch


    I was a little wary of trying this one, as I haven't generally like patchouli in the past. It usually smells sweaty to me. And sandalwood tends to go overly sweet and dry and sort of cloying. But this is really quite nice. I can't pick apart the notes, and I think that's what saves this one for me. There's nothing in there that I can pick out to aggrevate me. All of the notes play off each other, supporting a common harmony and masking any potential problems. It just smells earthy and a little spicy, though again, I can't pick up the cinnamon as such. It's perhaps a touch too masculine for my everyday taste, but it still is wonderfully sexy, full and rich blend.
  20. maewitch

    Milk Moon 2005

    More imp love from wickedgoddess! This smells the same from bottle to me, wet and dry. It is sweet, milky and luscious beyond belief. SO GOOD. My mom used to make me these hot milk drinks when I was sick, where she put a little bit of fresh butter and honey into the milk. This smells almost exaclty like that, and has that same comforting deliciousness about it. I may be hunting for a bigger bottle of this one.
  21. maewitch

    Honey Moon

    Thanks to wickedgoddess I now how an imp of this to use and review! Bottle: I am alarmed at first because though I smell the honey, I also pick up a note that my nose is strangely wired for when it comes to some florals. It smells...a bit like fertilizer. I get this most overwhelmingly from Narcissus, and I think the Gardenia must be the culprit in this one. But I have never actually applied these notes to my skin, so I give it a try anyway. Wet: That note disappears completely. COMPLETELY. It's very strange. What's left is a strong waft of yellow flowers (I can't pick them appart) and a sweetness underneath. Dry: The florals are toned down quite a bit, and are blending beautifully with the honey-sweet scent. I buy gourmet honeys made from different flowers, and that's what this smells like. Conclusion: I like it. I don't think I'll hunt for a bottle, but I will definately enjoy the imp.
  22. maewitch

    How much does it cost to ship internationally?

    Ahh, thank you.
  23. maewitch

    How much does it cost to ship internationally?

    I figured out my shipping from the FAQ page, but I couldn't find any info on what sort of customs/duty/whatever charges might be added before it gets to me here in Canada. Does anyone know what extra amount I should expect to pay at delivery?
  24. maewitch

    How to make a paypal order.

    Ahh, thank you! (so excited! in a few minutes....first order will be complete!!)
  25. maewitch

    How to make a paypal order.

    I've never used paypal before, and I'm currently making my first order. The problem is that I don't know where to enter the address I want to have it shipped to. Does paypal convey my billing address to the lab? If so, how do I provide an alternate shipping address (I'm in the process of moving, and to avoid confusion I'd rather have it shipped to my BF's work for this order)? Should I send a separate e-mail to the lab, or just type it in in the comments field after the order itself? Thank you in advance!