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BPAL Madness!


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About MShcherbatskaya

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 11/19/1969


  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Country
    Nothing Selected

Contact Methods

  • ICQ
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  • Favorite Scents
    Blood Kiss, Hexennacht, Wolf Moon, Spellbound, Harvest Moon, Wanda, Honey Moon, Skuld, Imp; musk, amber, honey, red wine, spice, patchouli, apple, fallen leaves

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Ayurveda, pet rats, martial arts, painting, writing, ideas that click
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    Scorpio with Gemini rising and moon in Aries, 5 planets in Scorpio, and absolutely no Earth anywhere in my chart. Ayurvedic body type: Vata to the max (total human chihuahua)
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  1. MShcherbatskaya


    Ah, I am in the throes of very Poe-appropriate despair! I ran around the house making with the squeeing when the descriptions were posted - I love the BPAL patchouli and cardamom is one of my favorite smells in the whole world. So hurray! it finally came (despite boo! the post office smashing the box and shattering The Haunted Castle to bits) and I put it on and-- --I smell like a dirty hippie with a mouthful of stale Big Red gum. *cries* I'm going to give it one more try, really I am, but I have very little hope. My sharp skin chemistry torques some spices really badly and turns the BPAL sandalwood into a Home Depot lumber department. Please, O Perfume Powers That Be, make Samhain work on my skin. Don't let the clove turn it into pumpkin cough syrup. Amen.