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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. drinking beer while its still in my budget. bottoms up!

  2. well... tesla seems to be having fun.

  3. muppet show! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

  4. Chili dip and FINALLY about to watch Harry Potter. The butter beer with rum is more than making up for it though.

  5. VEGAN CARAMELS!!!! i will eat them all!

  6. these caramels are disappointing. to say the least. for my next trick, i shall transform this caramel sludge into cupcakes.

  7. i want to eat the salted caramel pecan bars. badly. must.. let... cool...

  8. the salted caramel pecan bars seem to be awesome so far. without having tasted them yet.

  9. my little brother is getting married today. how strange.

  10. roasting garlic. lots of garlic

  11. this can only end in tears...

  12. The bees are coming!

  13. Consecutive normal punches
