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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Can't wait to get off work and get on to more important things, like MAKING CHRISTMAS!!!!

  2. Aaaand harry potter will never be the same.

  3. why am i not watching stella right now?

  4. Glad twitter is finally working on my phone again

  5. Just ate way more than I should have even thought about eating. Sleep plz.

  6. Why is it that when I'm upset I want to start shoveling food in my face? I'm such a cliche.

  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!

  8. I feel like an animal caught in a trap, except I can't even chew off my own leg to escape.

  9. This iced coffee is like nectar

  10. Watch amanda multitask with no coffee! Go manda, go!

  11. I am in far too good a mood to be here today

  12. Drawing things I can't draw while I'm at work

  13. Planning on driving until I find the perfect song to encapsulate how I'm feeling. Cause that's how I roll.

  14. That had to be the most unrestful night of sleep ever

  15. I left my pencils at work. My hand is lonely.

  16. Talking tastes like feet!

  17. Outside is not so fun as I supposed. Drawing now contains smooshed bug
