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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. tesla is helping me draw. unfortunately, he's not very good at it...

  2. well tesla is pretty good with cats....considering he just sat and watched one use the garden as its bathroom

  3. popcorn, tesla, decemberists, final fantasy, cleaning, socks, treacle tarts, onions, primeval, penn and teller, christmas trees, phone chargers, my sandman comic books, dr who, and gentleman clubs. thanks for asking, facebook.

  4. scramble and biscuits... i <3 awesome station breakfasts

  5. And now for something completely inappropriate

  6. internet people are funny.

  7. Oh save ferris... and just when I feel condescending towards my high school self you go and get to me. Fair enough.

  8. I should start cooking earlier...

  9. Can this day be over please.

  10. NACHOS!!!!! i love nachos.

  11. Wow..... donna says f.u. in case anyone was wondering. With pictures.

  12. tesla has a hard head. and rich has a black eye.

  13. looking at swing dresses.... wantwantwantwant.

  14. about to play mad scientist in the kitchen

  15. Anyone want a puggle?

  16. tesla – 2 richard – 0. super black eye this time

  17. calzone soon, and dogfish head raison d'etre.... certainly can't complain.

  18. futurama and a vegan calzone... plus the bpal update is live. happy lady over here.

  19. Why is this happening?????????????

  20. Veggie burgers and sweet potato fries on the grill aaaand namaste by dogfish head in the hang zone... great night :)

  21. A plague on both your houses!
