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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. the salted caramel pecan bars seem to be awesome so far. without having tasted them yet.

  2. these caramels are disappointing. to say the least. for my next trick, i shall transform this caramel sludge into cupcakes.

  3. Thinking about starting a book review blog

  4. this can only end in tears...

  5. this girl only sleeps with butterflies.

  6. This iced coffee is like nectar

  7. This is not a good day.

  8. This is the most irritating day.

  9. time for a valentine's day movie classic... predator.

  10. time to finally start reading abraham lincoln vampire hunter.

  11. today is for making christmas!

  12. today is going to be a long day

  13. Today is taking forever...

  14. trying to make vegan skyline chili dip.

  15. VEGAN CARAMELS!!!! i will eat them all!

  16. Veggie burgers and sweet potato fries on the grill aaaand namaste by dogfish head in the hang zone... great night :)

  17. Wake up and shake myself out of bed again...

  18. Wants to leave work and plaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

  19. Watch amanda multitask with no coffee! Go manda, go!

  20. watching fullmetal alchemist with some dapper gentlemen :)

  21. watching my person make out with a dog.
