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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Say what you will, I am the kill.

  2. Song on repeat today: sleeps with butterflies :)

  3. Thanks, Guy, for driving about two inches from the back of my car and constantly flashing your brights at me. that was scary. and there was someone in front of me. I couldn't exactly go faster. >:(

  4. Homemade bagel and coffee with marshmallow syrup <3

  5. 010110101101100010101010010101:

  6. homemade pesto and pizza crust for epic christmas decorating pizza!

  7. making a top hat for the not yet found christmas tree

  8. sad that whole foods was practically out of dogfish head. Sam adams for me later.

  9. brownies in the fridge, croutons done, salad dressing disaster mostly averted, tofurky in the oven and there is a dandy gentleman with a nifty cane. what's not to be thankful for?

  10. planning to go back to sleep after waking up at 5am was a good idea. deciding i would read some about TSA security procedures before going back to bed was not. its too early to be this fired up.


    http://huff.to/bgD04K Huffpost - pentagon warns congress to hurry up on DADT repeal

  12. lets plaaaaaay..... mousetrap!

  13. today is for making christmas!
