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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Considering getting 30,000-60,000 new pets. They will hopefully be fuzzy and mostly named lenore.

  2. This is the most irritating day.

  3. Bees are coming, beer will be brewed, I'm a happy lady

  4. i will defeat the risotto.

  5. soggy cardboard boxes and neon green packing peanuts make the perfect rainy-monday-morning-lawn-decoration.

  6. goodbye christmas tree.

  7. mst3k: pod people and general tso's.

  8. Way to be dignified, ohio.

  9. on second thought, lets not go there. tis a silly place.

  10. i should not have even rolled out of bed this morning

  11. just found a piece of tesla's frisbee stuck in my hair. beginning to rethink how often i brush it.

  12. crossword puzzles and trying to decide what to do about breakfast

  13. not looking forward to working today.

  14. off work early.... lots of kitchening to do

  15. I would like to go home and fringe now please

  16. will be listening to the john wayne gacey jr song on repeat and drawing clowns all day at work. Hoping I emerge with my sanity intact.

  17. I feel like someone just drove a spike into my brain.

  18. Well, who can resist a luxurious sparkle finish on a hair dryer? I'm sold...
