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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Say what you will, I am the kill.

  2. scramble and biscuits... i <3 awesome station breakfasts

  3. Seriously? Michael bolton? I thought there was an unspoken agreement not to play him on the radio

  4. soggy cardboard boxes and neon green packing peanuts make the perfect rainy-monday-morning-lawn-decoration.

  5. Some people don't understand the concept of personal space >:(

    1. cyanidenoir


      My entire family is like that x_x

  6. Song on repeat today: sleeps with butterflies :)

  7. Spilled #bpal everywhere D:

    1. lunchboxmonkey


      midnight on the midway, this is bordering on tragedy :(

  8. stop being sick, kyokyo!!!! >:(

  9. Stop staring at me, swan!

  10. sweet potato fries in the oven, sam adams winter lager in hand.

  11. tahini lime cookies in the oven. this may or may not work out well.

  12. Talking tastes like feet!

  13. Tater tots with veggies and cheese! And then moar rock band, WITH singing...

  14. tesla – 2 richard – 0. super black eye this time

  15. tesla has a hard head. and rich has a black eye.

  16. tesla is helping me draw. unfortunately, he's not very good at it...

  17. thanks to richardrichardparkerrich, i was unsuccessful at killing off my cat.... for now.

  18. Thanks, Guy, for driving about two inches from the back of my car and constantly flashing your brights at me. that was scary. and there was someone in front of me. I couldn't exactly go faster. >:(

  19. That had to be the most unrestful night of sleep ever

  20. The bees are coming!

  21. the cookies i made are very possibly awesome.
