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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Moar coloring! Markers are fun :)

  2. pizza and fullmetal alchemist and sam adams!

  3. What is wrong with people?????

  4. i have the best dog of all time <3

  5. Do not want to work today ...

  6. I am a lucky lucky lady

  7. attempting to make vegan omelets. this may be a mistake.

  8. correction: scrambled eggs.

  9. cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!

  10. time for a valentine's day movie classic... predator.

  11. Not to be one of those people who hates it when a company they love becomes more popular, but I am starting to feel that I may never find my raison d'etre again

  12. Marshmallow mocha!!!!!!!!

  13. i am a frosted mini wheat.blueberry flavor. and maple brown sugar. but not strawberry.

  14. My favorite dinner place time!

  15. Stop staring at me, swan!

  16. also, anyone know where you can buy a thomas edison shaped dog toy?

  17. trying to make vegan skyline chili dip.

  18. "Cheer them on to their rivalsCause America can, and America can't say noAnd America does, if America says its soIts so"

  19. roasted red pepper pasta sauce pasta and homemade breadsticks? yes pleeeeeease.
