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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. My new car has a cd player! I can listen to muder ballads first thing in the morning!

  2. My work here is done. Heading home

  3. NACHOS!!!!! i love nachos.

  4. not looking forward to working today.

  5. Not to be one of those people who hates it when a company they love becomes more popular, but I am starting to feel that I may never find my raison d'etre again

  6. off work early.... lots of kitchening to do

  7. Oh save ferris... and just when I feel condescending towards my high school self you go and get to me. Fair enough.

  8. On a brighter note, red machine=delicious

  9. on second thought, lets not go there. tis a silly place.

  10. Outside is not so fun as I supposed. Drawing now contains smooshed bug

  11. pesto pasta with fake chickens!

  12. pesto pizza for dinner? i think yes.

  13. pizza and fullmetal alchemist and sam adams!

  14. Planning on driving until I find the perfect song to encapsulate how I'm feeling. Cause that's how I roll.

  15. planning to go back to sleep after waking up at 5am was a good idea. deciding i would read some about TSA security procedures before going back to bed was not. its too early to be this fired up.

  16. popcorn, tesla, decemberists, final fantasy, cleaning, socks, treacle tarts, onions, primeval, penn and teller, christmas trees, phone chargers, my sandman comic books, dr who, and gentleman clubs. thanks for asking, facebook.

  17. roasted red pepper pasta sauce pasta and homemade breadsticks? yes pleeeeeease.

  18. roasting garlic. lots of garlic

  19. sad that whole foods was practically out of dogfish head. Sam adams for me later.

  20. salad fingers is the most frightening thing i've ever seen. i'm going to go have nightmares now.
