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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. what to do first today?

  2. Apparently left my ipod playing in my file cabinet at work... on the plus side it was playing meatloaf when I got to work this morning

  3. today is going to be a long day

  4. Today is taking forever...

  5. Whatever possessed me to think that making up two hours of work would be a good idea today??

  6. watching fullmetal alchemist with some dapper gentlemen :)

  7. well, that was certainly enjoyable

  8. Currently making the scrumpiest dog toys of all time.

  9. Great. Someone just got muddy.

  10. Wants to leave work and plaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

  11. tahini lime cookies in the oven. this may or may not work out well.

  12. pesto pizza for dinner? i think yes.

  13. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

  14. i really need to stop lazing around

  15. pesto pasta with fake chickens!

  16. breakfast scramble and biscuits and french pressed coffee ftw!

  17. finally off woooooooooork..... days off!

  18. the cookies i made are very possibly awesome.

  19. making sweet potato fries and pinto bean burgers and watching final fantasy and drinking beer.

  20. Tater tots with veggies and cheese! And then moar rock band, WITH singing...
