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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. trying to make vegan skyline chili dip.

  2. also, anyone know where you can buy a thomas edison shaped dog toy?

  3. Stop staring at me, swan!

  4. My favorite dinner place time!

  5. i am a frosted mini wheat.blueberry flavor. and maple brown sugar. but not strawberry.

  6. Marshmallow mocha!!!!!!!!

  7. Not to be one of those people who hates it when a company they love becomes more popular, but I am starting to feel that I may never find my raison d'etre again

  8. time for a valentine's day movie classic... predator.

  9. cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!

  10. correction: scrambled eggs.

  11. attempting to make vegan omelets. this may be a mistake.

  12. I am a lucky lucky lady

  13. Do not want to work today ...

  14. i have the best dog of all time <3

  15. What is wrong with people?????

  16. pizza and fullmetal alchemist and sam adams!

  17. Moar coloring! Markers are fun :)

  18. Weekend morning breakfasts are my favorite thing :) well, my weekend anyway

  19. Well apparently when you have breasts above a certain size you only want to wear the ugliest undergarments known to humankind.
