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Posts posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Snake oil does not play well with others. This smells so good in the imp, but as soon as it touches my skin, snake oil annihilates every other note in this blend. Doc constantine and dorian are first to go, as I can't make them out at all. Then the yummy cream cheese scent dies a quick death leaving.... snake oil, whose spiciness is slightly tempered by a faint scent of cupcake hanging on for dear life. Which still wouldn't be so bad, except every time I wear snake oil it ends up smelling like playdoh.

    Sigh. This does smell amazing in my scent locket, complex, sweet, creamy yumminess. As long as it never touches my skin. :(

  2. To me, this is a fresh, airy morning scent. It makes me think of waking up early to sip warm, milky earl grey tea on the front pourch in soft, fuzzy cotton pajamas. The ginger and pepper in the background give it just enough depth and spiciness to keep it from being just weak tea and milk.

    Its really a beautiful scent, but unfortunately on me its so light I can barely smell it. I'm thinking about purchasing a bottle so I can just slather it on to see if that helps :)

  3. On me, this starts off with a very herbal rosemary, with a tart orange scent lurking in the background. I'm not getting any rose at all. As it dries, the tangy orange starts overpowering the rosemary, and its not a sweet, juicy orange, its more like an orange rind - slightly bitter. I think that if I got any rose it would sweeten it up, but the orange is dominating here. Its definitely feminine, but its a haughty, bitter lady, and not inviting at all. I could certainly see this scent being great for projecting a cold confidence, but its not me at all.

  4. This is a very pretty floral. I'm new to all this and not very good at picking out specific notes, but its a lovely scent. It smells like stepping outside of a hot, stale party in the early hours of the morning when the sky is just beginning to lighten and taking a breath of the cool night air in the garden. Walking through in a slinky black dress, running your fingers over the dewy petals... flowery, heady and elegant.

    Ill be holding on to this imp, but florals aren't really my cup of tea and i'd hardly use the word elegant when describing myself so no full bottle. Its gorgeous, but its not me :)

  5. I love the graveyard book, and well, pretty much all of neil gaiman's work, so i absolutely had to try this and i really, really wanted to love it...

    so maybe i'm a bit predisposed to like it, but this scent is fascinating!

    i am absolutely amazed that this actually smells like stone! it smells like running your hands across dusty, ivy-covered marble, and on me there is only a faint hint of florals in the background, which i love :heart:

    its uncanny how this scent evokes its description - i am so glad i only get a hint of the florals, i cant stop sniffing myself :)

    its like leaning against an old, forgotten tomb in an abandoned, overgrown graveyard on a grey, misty morning.

    another keeper!

  6. A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters.

    in the imp: salty, briny sea with dark undertones! just what i was hoping for!
    this is the first aquatic i've tried, and after reading the reviews of this one, i was a little concerned. soap? no way does cthulhu end up smelling like soap. especially on me! it will stay just the way it is in the imp: murky and salty like a good slithering monstrosity :twisted:
    sigh. i don't know what possessed me to believe a mere mortal such as myself could make demands of the mighty cthulhu. he does what he wants, and apparently he wants to smell all fresh and clean. which isn't a bad thing, just not what i was hoping for :(
    i hope i don't do this with all aquatics

  7. well, this definitely matches the fae nectar description. in the bottle its very sweet, and candylike, i'm not really getting any vanilla or honey, but i'm intrigued, i've never tried dragon's blood before, and i'm really really hoping the milky part of dragon's milk will come out to play on my skin....

    unfortunately something here doesn't like me, when i smell my wrists all i get is a kind of sweet plastic smell. almost like those scented toys you could get when i was small. this is the first scent ive tried that has really not worked on me, but thats ok, there are plenty more on my list to try :D

    this will eventually go to a better home were it can live up to its true potential instead of being affected by my wonky skin chemistry

  8. mmmmm, i have to admit, this does smell tasty :yum: i agree with the many of the previous posters, drink me smells just like a buttery, glazed pineapple upside down cake to me. the strongest smell on me is the pineapple, with a buttery cakelike note and cherry lingering in the background. its very evocative of the description, and i like it a lot, but i'm not sure i'd wear it super often. i'm definitely keeping my imp, but i don't need a bottle. i'm new to this whole thing, but i have a feeling not many foody scents are for me :blush2: if thats up your alley though, this is one i would certainly recommend!

  9. oh yum! :yum: if i wasn't a vegetarian, i might be tempted to eat my arm right now, i smell so delicious!ahem, anyway, this is definitely a gingerbread-y type smell, but not a warm cozy bakery smell, more the way i'd imagine the witch's gingerbread house from hansel and gretel smelled - tempting, spicy, and dark.i'm not getting any lemon or lime smells here at all which is fine by me, i love the dark spicy edge and lemon or lime would brighten it up too much.i've always wondered what would possess someone to just start munching on a house they found lurking in a dark mysterious forest, but if this is how it smelled, i can't say i blame them. if it tasted as good as this smells, it might even be worth going through the whole being cooked for dinner thing :twisted: so glad i have a bottle of this. evil gingerbread indeed ;)

  10. Spun gold, tear-soaked straw, and rose-infused amber.

    First time posting, so be gentle with me :unsure:
    This one is so pretty, and doesn't seem to have as many reviews as others... I couldn't resist.
    I normally would not have bought something with rose, but I really wanted to try something with the straw/hay note, and I loved the description. This is really beautiful. The rose isn't the powdery, grandmotherly scent I was afraid of, and on me at least, the rose is just a soft dusky background to the warm, salty-sweet hay. Its more of a golden warm smell than a watery one.
    I'm really not usually a fan of soft, feminine scents, but this has just enough salt and metallic gold to give it a little edge and keep things interesting. I love it, and I'll be buying a full bottle :wub3: