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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. cooking with beer is fun! now chili!

  2. correction: scrambled eggs.

  3. crossword puzzles and trying to decide what to do about breakfast

  4. Currently making the scrumpiest dog toys of all time.

  5. Do not want to work today ...

  6. Drawing things I can't draw while I'm at work

  7. drinking beer while its still in my budget. bottoms up!

  8. finally off woooooooooork..... days off!

  9. futurama and a vegan calzone... plus the bpal update is live. happy lady over here.

  10. Gamestop employees are such jerks

  11. Glad twitter is finally working on my phone again

  12. goodbye christmas tree.

  13. Great. Someone just got muddy.

  14. Homemade bagel and coffee with marshmallow syrup <3

  15. homemade pesto and pizza crust for epic christmas decorating pizza!

  16. i <3 eminem. i do not <3 eminem+megaman 2 music. this makes me sad.
