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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Anyone want a puggle?

  2. apologies to everyone subjected to my texts earlier. be glad they werent nude pictures.

  3. Apparently left my ipod playing in my file cabinet at work... on the plus side it was playing meatloaf when I got to work this morning

  4. attempting to make vegan omelets. this may be a mistake.

  5. Bees are coming, beer will be brewed, I'm a happy lady

  6. breadsticks and wheat pasta with pesto and veggies.... yes plz.

  7. breakfast scramble and biscuits and french pressed coffee ftw!

  8. brownies in the fridge, croutons done, salad dressing disaster mostly averted, tofurky in the oven and there is a dandy gentleman with a nifty cane. what's not to be thankful for?

  9. calzone soon, and dogfish head raison d'etre.... certainly can't complain.

  10. Can this day be over please.

  11. Can't wait to get off work and get on to more important things, like MAKING CHRISTMAS!!!!

  12. Can't wait to relax with some dogfish head tonight. its been a trying week.

  13. Chili dip and FINALLY about to watch Harry Potter. The butter beer with rum is more than making up for it though.

  14. cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!

  15. Consecutive normal punches

  16. Considering getting 30,000-60,000 new pets. They will hopefully be fuzzy and mostly named lenore.
