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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. Spilled #bpal everywhere D:

    1. lunchboxmonkey


      midnight on the midway, this is bordering on tragedy :(

  2. Some people don't understand the concept of personal space >:(

    1. cyanidenoir


      My entire family is like that x_x

  3. Gamestop employees are such jerks

  4. Lego harry potter is making me want to read the books again

  5. Aaaand fondant fail! Maybe its not fixable

  6. Talking tastes like feet!

  7. My work here is done. Heading home

  8. Thinking about starting a book review blog

  9. I feel warm and fuzzy now :)

  10. just finished reading the hunger games, i know its a ya book, but it was a fun read

  11. Aaaand I think they made that with regular milk instead of soy. Hello, tummyache.

  12. On a brighter note, red machine=delicious

  13. Wake up and shake myself out of bed again...

  14. I am making the most epic comic ever that will only be funny to myself. Possibly one other person. Its secretly epic.

  15. time to finally start reading abraham lincoln vampire hunter.

  16. Watching the show stella is like getting punched in the face by an awesome fist of hilarity.

  17. Seriously? Michael bolton? I thought there was an unspoken agreement not to play him on the radio

  18. I heard the grossest story ever when I was drunk on my birthday

  19. My new car has a cd player! I can listen to muder ballads first thing in the morning!
