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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunchboxmonkey


    http://huff.to/bgD04K Huffpost - pentagon warns congress to hurry up on DADT repeal

  2. "Cheer them on to their rivalsCause America can, and America can't say noAnd America does, if America says its soIts so"

  3. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

  4. 010110101101100010101010010101:

  5. A plague on both your houses!

  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!

  7. Aaaand fondant fail! Maybe its not fixable

  8. Aaaand harry potter will never be the same.

  9. Aaaand I think they made that with regular milk instead of soy. Hello, tummyache.

  10. about to play mad scientist in the kitchen

  11. about to try my fancy new keyboard, this christmas has been great!

  12. about to watch the room. i find that i am enjoying the anticipation of scarring someone for life.

  13. also, anyone know where you can buy a thomas edison shaped dog toy?

  14. And now for something completely inappropriate
