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Posts posted by lunchboxmonkey

  1. 2017:

    This starts off very sweet and viscous, like a syrup made of flowers. It smells very thick and a little heavy, but I don’t get caramel like some others have mentioned, it’s definitely more like a floral simple syrup.

    As it dries it gets lighter, sweet, powdered sugar dusting something juicy and berry-like, and slightly tart.

    I don’t get any smokiness, it ends up a very pleasant almost jammy scent, dusted with a vanilla powdered sugar. It stays close to my skin, but I keep practically inhaling my wrists. It’s lovely and soft, and I’m glad I snagged a bottle.

  2. I'm not very good at this (and I thought I'd be able to write something perhaps slightly clever, if clumsy, but really, this is such a serious and beautiful scent I just couldn't), but as there is only one review, I thought I'd throw my two cents in. Its warm, the bourbon vanilla is definitely the main thing I get, but the everything else gives it a darker depth. I like the previous review's description with the chewy tobacco, because it I'm absolutely getting a "chewy" vibe from it. I can just get a wood and slightly spicy smell in the background, overall its a dark, sweet scent, but not at all sickly. It doesn't stray into foodie territory at all, its bourbon vanilla sweet, but with this resiny depth. Its definitely not little-girl sweetness and light, its feels adult, and sexy, it makes me think of dark, shadowy places. I know I'm doing a horrible job of describing it, but really, its amazing. Its vanilla spiked with bourbon and darkness. Absolutely gorgeous. I guess what I'm trying to say is that wearing this is currently making me want to bite my person, and I can't think of any higher praise than that.

  3. at first, this is all lemon-pledgey-punch-to-the-face-blech. but it dries down to a delicious creamy lemony, blueberry pie. i swear i can even get a graham cracker crust smell, with a whipped top. i would swear that there was a slight amount of coconut in there also, but not a suntan lotion coconut, because its good and i usually detest coconut. its so delicious, i want to eat my arm. i'm sooooo glad i bought this off of someone, because it is seriously fantastic. i like it much more than i thought i would, and feel all sticky-sweet awesome.

  4. When I first put this on, I wasn't too impressed. It smelled like sweet, spicy cinnamon, almost exactly like red hots or an atomic fireball. As it dried down though, it calmed down a lot. The candy smell went away completely, and (I'm terrible at picking out notes) something completely smoothed it out. It ends up smelling smooth and creamy and sweet, very warm, but not the hot candy smell I was getting before. I like this one a lot, and I'll be hanging on to my imp.

  5. I still haven't decided if I like this or not. It smells entirely like its description, slightly sour wine, grave loam, dirt, and something decaying underneath. Its like wine spilled across an ancient, rotting tablecloth in a dark room, with something that smells like grave dirt and evil lurking in the deepest shadows. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't smell bad at all. Its certainly evocative of its name, but I'm not sure its for me. I have a feeling it might be one of those that grows on me though, so I'll hang on to the imp.

  6. I'm not getting any coconut at all (which is a good thing, to me). This is just lovely, sweet beeswax. Its warm, and sweeter than I expected. Its a very comforting scent though, it makes me think of the warm glow of candles made of beeswax, flickering in the darkness. Not just one, but many of them. I love it.

  7. This is a light, bright, juicy scent. It would be great for spring/summer. Theres a little bit of greenery, but this is mostly peach on me. I'm not a fan of smelling like peach (though I do like the smell) so I'll probably swap this, but I'm glad I got to try it.

  8. I'm getting the brandy/alcohol smell with this one, but just slightly. Mostly this is peach. A juicy, delicious, fuzzy warm peach, just before you bite into it.... unfortunately not something I want to smell like, but this would be great for people who do like peach. Its not too cloying or sweet, and its certainly a true peach scent, its just not for me :)

  9. As others have said, this has a definite herbal note, with lavender. As it dries I get an almost creamy lemony scent with cooking herbs (basil? sage? rosemary?). Its a strange combo, but not bad. I did put it on right before bed, and the only dream I can remember having is one where I was dismayed that James Woods (where did he come from? :think: ) was playing Doctor Who :blink: Anyway, I think its a bit too herbal for me, and I'm not a huge fan of lavender, so this one goes in the swap box :)

  10. Whoa Sassafrasquatch! At first on me this is all rootbeer, it even smells bubbly and carbonated! Luckily as it dries down, the vanilla comes into play and I get the yummiest creamy vanilla rootbeer scent, with just hints of cedar in the background. Its like a frothy rootbeer float just placed on the wooden table in front of you. Not what I expected at all, but I'm seriously considering a bottle.

  11. In the imp, this smells delicious.... cocoa over tobacco leaf with just a hint of orange in the background... but as soon as it hits my skin it smells like lemon. I know there isn't any lemon listed, but i seriously smell like a lemonhead tastes. I'm still not quite sure how I managed that one :) Like I said though, it smells amazing in the imp, so I'm sure it would be great on someone with better skin chemistry!

  12. Unfortunately, I get no aquatics at all from this one. On me its all mint and pine. Its refreshing, but dark at the same time. I'm getting a little of the lotus in the background, but all in all, its a pretty sharp scent on me. Not being a huge fan of mint, I'll be rehoming this one.

  13. this is so yummy! At first its all berry and cake but as it dries, the berries disappear. I'm left with a fluffy vanilla bean cake and it smells delicious! Its long lasting too, I put it on about eight hours ago and I can still smell it on my wrists. I really wish I could be more eloquent right now, but I'm distracted by having to tell myself every few seconds that it would not be a good idea to lick my arm. I'm going to need a bottle of this.

  14. On me this, is very light and pretty. The florals aren't cloying or overpowering, and the aquatic note isn't a salty sea note. Its more like a clear, still lake with sunlight sparkling off the surface and flowers strewn across it, floating slowly by. Definitely a calm, pretty scent and I like it a lot.

  15. In the imp and right when I put this on its supertart apple peels and something sharp and bitter. As it dries down it does calm down a bit into a juicy red apple, and I'm getting the nuts too. I'm not really getting any berries, its just a nutty apple scent on me. It smells nice, but... honestly, on me, its nothing that special. Unfortunately my skin chemistry seems to be eating up all the other notes, or just amping the apple, so thats mostly all I'm getting.

  16. I was really really hoping for a warm, golden scent like my beloved Scarecrow, but less hay. This however, is very very green. It smells EXACTLY like sweet corn, freshly picked, with green husks. I'm blown away that this scent is captured in a bottle, its completely amazing. Its very fresh, and very very green, with just a bit of sweet corn in the background.

  17. When I first put it on, its all tart apple peel and that cherry like almond, with supersweet honey. As it dries, it gets a bit more spicy and warm, and the tartness of the apple fades completely, as does that cherry almond scent. Still mostly getting apple, but now its a warm baked apple drizzled with honey and spices, but don't get me wrong - its not foody. There is a layer of incense over everything and the rose is just kind of hanging in the background, and theres a little greenery too which may be the fig leaf. Definitely a super feminine scent, and it is perfectly balanced - not a foody scent, not perfumey, not too incensy... just a perfect mixture, exotic and female.

  18. At first on me, this is a pretty sharp rose scent but within about fifteen minutes, it really mellows. It brings to mind smooth polished wood tables with roses spilled across them and incense wafting through the air. The longer I have this on, the more I'm loving it. Definitely a darker, smooth scent, and completely gorgeous. I'm only getting a little of the pipe tobacco, but this is a sweet, smoky tobacco, not acrid at all. Fantastic.

  19. In the bottle this is very cakelike, as others have already said. As soon as I put it on though, the cake fades away to practically nothing and this becomes a fresh, green cucumber scent. Still very sweet, but definitely cucumber. I still get a hint of cake in the background, and the kind of floraly scent of milky earl grey tea. All in all, it does smell exactly like the mixture of scents at a tea party... cake and earl grey tea, lumps of sugar, milk, cucumber... very sweet and fresh and just slightly foody. I can certain sure see this becoming one of my springtime go-to scents :)


    in the imp, I'm not so sure about this. Very much a cologne type smell. As soon as I put it on the patchouli jumps out, but fades pretty quickly, just lingering in the background. Its all lavender and rosewood, with an almost aquatic sharpness. Its very fresh and clean smelling on me, like expensive soap. Oh wait, the sharp soapiness has faded. Its still fresh and clean, but the amber is smoothing it out.... and turning it to baby powder. For a second there, it got my hopes up. This would be amazing on someone who's skin doesnt turn it into a powdery mess, I can still smell it there, lurking under the powder and its very nice.

  21. In the bottle, this is super almond! All I get is that cherry -like almond scent, and it is STRONG. It stays that way for the first few seconds too, and then the almond fades away to practically nothing, leaving a yummy, milky oatmeal scent, drizzled with honey. Four hours later I can still smell it, but it is very close to my skin. All in all though, its a warm, comforting scent, and I like it a lot. Definitely deserving of all the rave reviews.

  22. In the bottle its all yummy sugary incense with the night blooming flowers lurking in the backgroud. Its so delicious, I immediately slather it all over my wrists, in an OMG haze of love.

    And it turns to soap. Not just soap, but sharp, slap you in the face, headache inducing SOAP OF DOOM. I could cry. But as I'm sitting, in the depths of bpal despair, something magical happens. About ten minutes later, any hint of soap is gone and its even better than it was in the bottle.

    This is amazing. People have said this is the grown up version of Midway, and I've never tried that, but this is WAY grown up. This is hanging around the carnival until after it closes and waiting for the gorgeous roustabout who was assembling the ferris wheel earlier to meet you behind the cotton candy stand and doing wicked, unspeakable things to each other amidst the flowers there while the stormclouds gather overhead and the scent of incense and spun sugar hangs in the opressive, electric-charged night air. *ahem*


    Anyway, this is gorgeous, edible (but not foodie in the slightest), and dead sexy ;)

  23. At first I get a dusty wool note (not like a fuzzy lamb, more like a nubby wool coat, which I never realized really had a scent but every time I sniff this thats the mental image I get), and a peppery black tea with cream, very milky smelling. After a few moments I start getting the beeswax which kind of sweetens and smooths everything together. It does remind me of White Rabbit, but while White Rabbit is, to me, a kind of cool/spring morning/earl grey/breezy scent, Ichabod is definitely more of a fuzzy/warm/black tea/waxy scent. I'm a fan of both, but I think I like Ichabod better. I hope I can find a bottle of this one :wub2:

  24. Confections spun of hazelnuts, honey, elderberries, and bilberries with a dusting of hay and a bit of carrot.

    ooooh this is fantastic! Sweet, warm hazlenut dripping with honey, dried berries and fresh hay. Just a hint of carrots in the background. Its not cloying at all, not too sweet, just perfectly balanced. I'm glad I got a bottle :)