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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by kyrsed

  1. #73


    First I have to mention that I'm not all that familiar with the scent of frankincense. I just wanted to try all the Chaos Theories!


    In bottle: Buttered popcorn - seriously. I was not expecting this to be foody but there you go.


    On skin: the popcorn smell is gone. This has softened to a much warmer and less foody scent. I can almost smell some vanilla in it. Definitely feminine. I wish I could tell if it was the frankincense I'm smelling - all I know is that this is soo good I want to eat my arm . I will have to see how dear husband feels when he comes home from work ;)

  2. #373


    In bottle: It almost smells like there is a lot of spice and maybe coffee in this one. It reminds me of the initial smell of The Feast For The Greatly Revered Ones - the main difference being no cocoa or wine.


    On the skin: Definitely spicy! The amber is there but very faint. I'm getting a lot of pepper. Not sure how I feel about this. I'm going to make my SO try it and see how it changes. It's definitely a more masculine scent, which I usually love.

  3. #680


    In the bottle: it smells very lemony. I wouldn't say that it's too strong - more like cutting a lemon open and smelling it and the rind. There is a softness underneath that I would guess is the vanilla.


    On skin: The vanilla has come out to play. This is a very romantic scent. The lemon is still there but it's blending so well with the vanilla that it's hard to tell where one stops and the other begins. Definitely one to wear when you want to be a little more feminine.


    I'm glad this one came my way!
