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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by madscientistdh

  1. Such a bright fizzy scent! The sparkling quality of the champagne notes is beautifully complimented by the sweetness of the berry fruit and the bright zest of the lemon. I'm loving this!


    However, I'm very upset by the fact that I decided to try this one after having received a frimp of it, because now I love it, would be sad if I ran out, and I want to try the others in this line now. Oh, BPTP.


    ETA: the boyfriend is allergic to it, oh no! Guess I'll have to wear it when he's not around... :)

  2. Well, I had to get a decant, of course; my middle name is Aurora. That being said, this scent never stopped reminding me of my grandfather's Barbasol. Not sure how I feel about smelling like him, but it's a clean unisex bordering on masculine scent, for me.

  3. Okay. This is the first cinnamon/cassia blend that has actually been painful on my skin. Mostly my chest. That being said, it would be a lovenily gentle room smell when used in moderation. I smell like those cinnamon oil soaked brooms they sell around autumn... the pain is enough to make me want to wash it off though. Be forewarned if you have doubts about having sensitive skin.


    On the bright side, my co-worker complemented my scent. I think I smell like the old cigar box I have in storage, mixed with cinnamon spice tea and a touch of something creamy. This scent mellowed nicely over time, but my chest is still uncomfortably warm and pink where it was washed off four hours ago

  4. Whilst looking for lavender-based relief from cramps, I tested Shiny Furball HG on the backs of my hands, and I find it really soothing. I could definitely sleep to this... and since I usually sleep with my hands near my face, it's perfect.

  5. The first time I tried this, it was just as floral-heavy as I was worried it would be. It had great throw and great staying power, as it overwhelmed well into the night and nearly stayed through my shower the next morning. I'd hoped the patchouli, sandalwood, and pepper would have asserted themselves in this blend, but my skin really just kind of projected FLORAL with maybe a touch of woodiness underneath. None of my beloved patchouli stood out. The combination of florals really reminded me of my mother though, with her jasmine hair oil and ylang ylang rollerballs.


    I blind-bought a bottle with high hopes because I'm a Taurus (and because my birthday was the upcoming Friday the 13th so it felt like a sign to BUY ALL THE SCENTS) but I don't think it's my cup of tea. I think I'd enjoy an earthy/herbal-focused Taurus better, myself. Maybe some mellowing will do it good?


    I'll be back when I can brave another skin test.

  6. Villain for Slytherin not just because of the Death-Eaters and their kind, but because I find it a very regal, refined scent. Like old money, hunger for power. Highwayman and Kataniya the Clockwork Woman also seem appropriate to me.


    Hufflepuff, something herbaceous (for the herbology aspect), friendly and comforting. Alecto? Baba Yaga? Aureus? The Apothecary? Death Cap? Probably quite a few in the Rappaccini's line.


    Ravenclaw I think should be a studious scent with parchment and soft book leather. Maybe even candlewax. I'm definitely biased because I'm a Ravenclaw, but The Light of Men's Lives and Philologus are some of my picks.

    (Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw, and I could see her wearing something lavender based like Somnus, or Cheshire Cat or something intriguing like Tis The Voice of the Lobster)


    Gryffindor would be a golden warm, bold scent, always up for adventure. Maybe Coyote? My Gryffindor friend loves Satyr, if that means anything. I second the recommendation for Lyonesse.


    I'm sure I'll come back to this thread with ideas, I'm kind of a Potterhead haha

  7. These are the notes that came up more than once among my top 12 favorites.

    Musks- 8 (red, blood, skin, sexual, egyptian, white)
    Dragon's Blood-3
    Patchouli- 3
    Myrrh- 3
    Rose/Rosewood- 3
    Tea- 3
    Myrtle- 2

    Leather- 2

    Pear- 2

    Vanilla- only one?? What?

    I'm surprised there aren't more foody-clean ones on this list, to be honest.

  8. I'll be Mad Max on Friday, and a Harry Potter themed character on Saturday for a local event :)

    Mad Max seems like Coyote or Miles would fit him, and as for the other character I could probably get away with just about anything... Probably going with Witch's Garden.


    ETA- Maybe Miles would be too... clean for Max. Probably will go with Fighter, from the RPG line. For my unnamed witch character, Baba Yaga or Crossroads might also be nice...

  9. Upon application, I have violet, calla lily and geranium at the forefront. Strange, almost medicinal sweetness, definitely perfumey and softly powdery to my nose, reminds me of what an old woman's purse might smell like. A tad vanillic, too, perhaps even starchy.

    In the crook of my arm versus my wrist, the tea rose is more prominent and makes it prettier, rounds it out more nicely. I like the smell of it everywhere but my wrists :( Must just be where my blood flow warms my skin more, that allows the scent to morph in that regard, whereas my wrists are a tad cooler. My chest is quite lovely :) clean soapy florals.

    Personally not really digging the medicinal factor, but I'm not sure quite where it's coming from. Muguet?

    I can definitely sense the sweet wistfulness in this scent though, my impression of an old woman's purse might not be too far off.

  10. Hmm, so, upcoming convention this weekend and I need to decide on scents (preferably GC's) that go with my costumes-


    Marie Mjolnir from Soul Eater: Embodiment of Thor's hammer (for which she's named), somewhat motherly in nature (I thought of Lightning and I also own an imp of Kataniya the Clockwork Woman, and a number of Steamworks scents)


    Rao (Tsuzurao) from Okami: *spoiler alert* a priestess turned ninetails fox demon (I was thinking perhaps Kumiho or Kitsune-Tsuki)


    Wufei from Gundam Wing: asian pilot of a giant robot guy, very arrogant and proud. (perhaps Shanghai?)

  11. Necrobump for a couple BBW that the boyfriend LOVES, that I'd like to try and find BPAL that at least evoke similar qualities-


    Rainkissed Leaves, Aromatherapy Stress Relief Eucalyptus Spearmint, Frosted Snowberry, and Cucumber Melon (which I was never fond of because of the fakeness of the scent, but to each his own...)


    And for my friend, whom I'm trying to enable into BPAL~ Aromatherapy Energy Orange Ginger. (she also tends to reach for coconut/pineapple scents but that's not really for this thread)

  12. In imp- sticky sweet syrupy patchouli. My god that's gorgeous.


    On skin- STILL GORGEOUS. This is not your old man's patchouli. This is an ultra-femme version of patchouli that I'm really digging on. Utter sensuality and wicked lewdness captured in scent form. The sweetness of apricot mixing with the earthy spice of patchouli is just... absolutely stunning.


    Drydown- Patchouli and apricot have blended beautifully into a sweet/earthy/juicy sex romp on my skin. I wish I were a cupcake, I'd eat me.


    Verdict- Man, why was I ever worried about apricot ruining patchouli? This scent feels like it was made for me, my chemistry is baking this up fabulously. Of course nobody else is going to get to smell how heavenly I am right now (maybe 'heavenly' is the wrong word? XD) but there's always tomorrow. And the next day...

  13. I received this as a sniffie, but there was some oil left to test. AWAY I GO!


    In bottle: sweet-tart, a bit of a clean bubbling from under a sinister fruit. Hmm!


    On skin: SUPER CINNAMON where am I getting that? It reminds me heavily of mulberry cider candles.


    Drydown: After a bit more of a bright fruitiness comes out, as though someone were slowly melting a sweet tart on the flame of said candle. This is rather nice after a longer while, it reminds me of the scent of multiple teas together in one box- spice tea, spearmint tea, pomegranate tea... And mulberry candle.


    Verdict: All in all I get mulberry/spice/cider candle wax and tea, and I agree that it's a very autumnal scent. Kind of appropriate for the subject matter though, yes? I smell very much like these candles my friend's grandmother has, I believe they're called either "home sweet home" or something along those lines, it's a yankee candle scent.


    I imagine availability of this scent is far and few in between, but I wouldn't mind happening upon it again someday.


    ETA: After a few hours I'm finally getting something like a rosewoody myrrh, must be the fruits sweetening the myrrh. On my chest I get an almost ozonic mint tinge that was extremely surprising to experience. HMM!

  14. I wish I had more to say about this scent, I recieved a decanted sniffie from a fellow forumite with just enough to test and well... it smells like Eau du Ghoul to me. It's as though someone attempted to wash said ghoul with cold water and cologne scented soap, and, shrieking, the ghoul was able to barely get away. That's Snowball Fracas on me. I was really hoping to get something icy, ozone-tinged and soil-trodden.


    Oh well.

  15. Recieved this as a sniffie, but there was just enough to test!


    In bottle: Rosy, musky. A gentle honey scent underneath a creamy floral. Here's hoping it doesn't go straight honey!


    On Skin: This is simply beautiful, a decidedly feminine scent. The notes all play so nicely off one another, I can't quite pick anything out. There's almost an orangey, juicy undertone over something heady and luxurious.


    Drydown: Still can't pick out notes! I just love this scent. It's heady without being cloying.


    Verdict: I wish I had more. I would definitely wear this on an elegant night out, when I wanted to be alluring and mysterious for whatever reason :D

  16. in imp: Weird sharp scent, something between milk and mildew with a slight aura of spices


    on skin: an old spice cabinet, with a weird tinge of... maybe that's milk?


    Drydown: creamier, but still a hint of spice/wood.


    Verdict: Not sure where I was getting that wood note, but the sharp scent and the wood may have been ginger, as in a freshly grated ginger. I'll have to try this one again, but so far it hasn't really made a huge impression on me.

  17. in bottle: deep molasses/butterscotch/caramel/honey sweetness, with a bit of a bite


    on skin: RUM with a twist of something green, lemon balm almost. Odd.


    Drydown: This is definitely rum. I have written in my notes, "Elegba's baby", and I agree.


    Verdict: I'll have to try this again to really discern it from Elegba in my mind, but this is good for a sticky sweet, possibly pirate-influenced vibe.

  18. in imp: apple, lemon, rose- in that order. Bright and juicy, feminine.


    On skin: rose petals wrapped around an apple, dipped in lemon juice. A weird undertone is lingering there that reminds me of... poultry. Cooked, moist, chicken.


    Drydown: Can't pinpoint particular scents besides a morphing of the three together, I do feel almost delirious attempting to track them down! I ended up reapplying and got an instant shot of apple, which quickly began it's crazy dance with my nose, throwing on its rose and lemon masks. Where am I getting cucumber from? And TURKEY?? What on earth? I keep getting wafts of all these different scents, and think, "Who's wearing rose perfume? Did someone just cut up a lemon in the library? Am I eating a fresh green apple I wasn't aware of??" Oh, no, it's just Delirium, plucking at my olfactory sanity.


    Verdict: This is the equivalent of hearing voices, but it's SO DARN NICE. I don't even care that it tricks my brain, I want to slather and slather!


    Delirium, indeed.

  19. A deep red oil, my imp was a bit difficult to open and I ended up splattering it as my application for this XD


    in imp: sharp dragon's blood, almost like gasoline but... juicy? hmm!


    on skin: angry lilac, musky spice with a mouthwatering juicy black currant background. Almost cherry-like.


    drydown: oooh this is the dragon's blood I was hoping Dragon's Blood would be! Warm, soft, pulsing, musky.


    Verdict: The addition of the other oils to this really improved on my experience of dragon's blood as an oil. This is almost reminding me of the warm musky sweetness I get from Fenris Wolf, which is a PLUS PLUS PLUS. Intensely passionate scent, right here. I like.

  20. In imp: definitely jasmine, but with a hint of what I assume is ginger. In my notes I have written "moldy wood" haha


    On skin: slight fruity sweetness of apricot peeks out, but still the jasmine/ginger combo


    Drydown: light femme musk, with a creaminess that lends it some sophistication


    Verdict: I was hoping to be mega-wowed but I suppose I was only a little wowed XD I'd like to try this a few more times before I make any rash decisions, but frankly I'm not so sure I like the combination of jasmine with... well any of these notes. On a personal note, jasmine itself reminds me of this jasmine-scented coconut hair oil my mother used to have, that I'd use to mix with henna and other ingredients for my hair in high school.
