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Posts posted by BrittJD

  1. Is the Body Shop oil just straight patchouli?

    The notes listed with the product description were not very helpful:


    Top notes: warm

    Middle notes: herbaceous, patchouli

    Base notes: earthy


    The search function on the Lab website brings up 70 blends with patchouli that are currently available. But in most of them the patchouli is just a complimentary note or a base note.




    It might really help if you could find out what other notes she likes and dislikes, so you know what direction to take - or not to take - when you chose Bpal scents for her, because they will not exactly be straight patchouli.


    If all else fails - if the Body Shop oil is straight patchouli you can get her a bottle of high quality patchouli essential oil in addition to some bpal imps. It is fairly inexpensive, even in high quality, and is supposed to improve drastically with age, it gets considerably more mellow and smooth with time.

    From what i know, The Body Shop is just Patchuli, i could be mistaken, though. She doesn't really wear anything else besides that, so it's hard for me to tell what other notes she would like. To me, hers smells like dark and smokey, almost. I wouldn't even be able to detect if there were other notes in her oil.

    Thank you so much to everybody who has answered so far. You guys are really helping me out!!

  2. I would like to buy my step mom some imps, but all i know is that she uses Patchuli oil from The Body Shop. They have since stopped making her oil, but, mmmm, it smells so good. She will be running out eventually and she doesn't know what she can get to replace it. Her oil smells dark and almost smokey. (I am completely new to BPAL, only have 8 imps, so i don't really know the notes i am picking up. I could be a bit off in describing the Patchuli, but that's just what it smells like to me.) Her Patchuli lasts alllll day and you can smell it when she hugs you or whatever. Something that would be similar to her oil that lasts pretty long.

    Could anybody help me out a bit?

    Thank you so, so much!

  3. I am very new to BPAL, in fact, i only have ordered one set of imps. So, forgive me, but I can't describe all of the notes, let alone detect every one of them.

    I will say, however, that this smells amazing. It's hard to describe. I like darker, warmer scents, like Blood Kiss, Blood, and Bloodlust. Me liking Darkness came by complete surprise to me. I ordered it because I liked the name. It's a bit floral, but in in a different way. I HATE floral.

    Like I said, I can't describe to you what I'm smelling, because I don't even know, but this is absloutely amazing, coming from somebody who hates lighter scents and who hates the smell of anything floral.

    Give it a try, really!!
