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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Horrorpop

  1. Horrorpop

    Snow White

    Okay......so my first review! Snow White 09! Being new to BPAL I haven't tried any of the older blends, but I do have to say..... at first sniff here! It's a boiling summer here in Australia and I decided to try some of my Snow White on a 44 degree day hoping that if I can smell something cold, it would hopefully cool me down too! I was getting something a bit floral, a bit coconutty, a bit almondy.....and something a bit minty? It was so nice and refreshing. I couldn't keep my nose still all day! My sister had a sniff and loved it too, and has been coming over everyday to sneak some on before she sees her SO lol Average throw and looooooooong wear length on me! So glad I got a bottle!