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Everything posted by CiaoBonefish

  1. CiaoBonefish

    Eat Me

    Oh, so lovely! In the imp it is heavy foody cake-ness with a little icing and currants galore! On my skin the heavy foodiness goes away (as it usually does) and I'm left with a light sweet fluffy cake scent with a touh of swirled icing on top and a touch of currants. This is mainly light fluffy cake and a little currant on me. Surprisingly enough thought he currant note isn't super foody. It is a foody blend don't get me wrong, but not ridiculouly so. Really nice and comforting. I smell good enough to eat!
  2. CiaoBonefish


    I loved the idea of this scent SO MUCH, but it just didn't smell like I expected it to. First off I'm going to say that the smell in the imp and on my skin is pretty much the same. The only difference being that it is more concentrated in the imp. I'm getting the bread. Oh yeah. Buckets and buckets of bread that is slathered with butter. The tea and cream and sugar are all apparent too... but this is where it gets me. I love the bread and butter scent and i love the tea scent... but together they're just not working for me. It's pretty and EXTREMELY evocative, but it isn't something I would wear on a daily basis. May be I'll keep the imp and wear it on days I just feel like some alice in wonderland hehe. Edit: I have a feeling this will grow on me though and that I'll eventually love it (if that makes any sense at all!)
  3. CiaoBonefish

    The Knave of Hearts

    This scent was quite a bit too rich for me I think. Other have compared it to Eat Me, but I find Eat Me to be much, much lighter. But I can see where the comparison comes in. This scent it to me in the imp a very very rich combination of sweet cake dripping with sugar and butter and a touch of caramel. The roses are there but only so much. No tart yet. On my skin the richness of the cake subsides a little and roses step forward. I'm also getting a little bit of currant right now. Overall it is alright, but like I said the combination of the buttery heavy foody-ness and rose is too rich for my nose.
  4. CiaoBonefish

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    Carnations, plums, musk. Wow. This is really pretty. But not pretty in the light girly kind of way. In the imp it is already promising. On my skin the musk and carnation bloom giving the plum a deeper, spicier feel to it. Almost as if I'm smelling some kind of plum pastry without it being overly foody. I find carnation to be a floral that isn't really too floral, but in this blend I think it's what keeps the plum from being a foody plum. After a while the scent REALLY just blends into itself seemlessly. I can't tell where the plum begins and the carnation ends and the musk creeps in. Very Very pretty. I'm hesitant to say this is my favorite plum blend because it isn't fruity enough. The plum is more that of a plum pastry if that makes any sense. Sweet and sticky with a twinkling of spices on top and carnations laying all around. Just lovely!
  5. CiaoBonefish

    Carnaval Diabolique

    I got it as a sniffie in one of my lovely bunny surprises and decided I wanted to wear something CD today. I took out sniffies of Carnaval Diabolique and Mme. Moriarty and smelled them both. Surprisingly enough I picked Carnaval Diabolique as it smelled more interesting to me. In the decant it smelled like lemon, and not the dishwasher detergent lemon either, but something fresh that made my head go zing! I could smell something slightly deeper underneath as well. On my skin the lemon is even more powerful! But I love it. It's so refreshing, and coming from someone who isn't really a huge citrus fan that really says something. For the first five to ten minutes it remains that same glorious lemon BUT then it morphs. More than any other scent I have ever tried. I'm getting a lot more of the opium smoke and musk now along with creaminess that can only be coconut and vanilla. I can't really smell the flowers per se but I can tell they're mixed in. The lemon is pretty much gone I want to say. I don't know if my nose is playing tricks on me saying it is there or saying it isn't. What a morpher! I must say I love it though. I'm going to pick up a fresh bottle and hopefully the lemon will last longer then because my sniffie was two years old I believe. Overall a surprisingly lovely lemon opium smoke musk vanilla coconut scent that is truly unique!
  6. CiaoBonefish

    dragon's blood recommendations...?

    Kenjari - The Hesperides wasn't all that great on me so I don't know if apple works or not, BUT I didn't get much of an apples smell from the Hesperides anyway. I'll have to give Ladon a try! Skyelyric - Dragon's bone was on my list of things to try and has now been bumped higher on the list!
  7. CiaoBonefish

    dragon's blood recommendations...?

    Just wanted to revive this thread because I've recently discovered I actually like Dragon's Blood A LOT. After initially trying Dragon's Milk I was turned off on dragon's blood in general because Dragon's Milk was SO sweet and syrupy on me. It was also ridiculously floral at first. After a little aging it isn't quite so floral anymore and better blended, but it is STILL far too sweet for my liking. I did however try Tintagel the other day and I absolutely adore it, but dragon's blood is quite prominent in it which confused my nose. It is more of a spicy DB though with some nice dry woods thrown in and a deepness from a touch of leather and a slight sweetness from the wine. I really love it. SO. I was wondering if there are any other DB scents that I should try? I'm not a fan of super florals, but I do like light and crisp ones (violet, orchid, poppy, carnation, night-blooming flowers, lotus and such). Woods are nice too, but I tend to stay away from overly HOT blends like ones with nuts (aside from almond, I LOVE almond). Fruit is good, astringent is bad (I don't like it when a blend pierces my nose). I really like dry scents as well (like hellfire). Aquatics work well on me too, as do musks and tea blends! Coconut is iffy as is rum and anything overly boozy. I can't say I love cherry. Vetiver is good as long as it isn't dominant, and I LOVE BEESWAX and vanilla and milk and creamy and foody blends. Anything sugared though has the potential to be WAY too sweet on me (my skin just amps it). I don't know if that helped a lot... but there it is! I would really appreciate some help
  8. CiaoBonefish

    White Chocolate, Strawberry, and White Pepper Truffle

    This smells like strawberry jam initially, though not as sticky or as sweet. I'm not getting anything distinctly chocolatey, but there is a kind of creaminess to it. On my skin the creaminess comes out a bit more without having much of an actual scent to it. I can't detect pepper but I have a feeling it is keeping the strawberry and white chocolate from being overly sweet. The pepper becomes slightly stronger and I'm getting an almost watery feel to the chocolate. Hmm. While drying this is light strawberry jam with a hint of creaminess and some watery pepper thrown in. Gah. Just not liking this pepper combination thrown in. I understand how it works for some people, but the pepper becomes too prominent for my taste. A little while after drydown the chocolate comes out more and the strawberry recedes somewhat. Hmm. Wow. This is really becoming pretty now. The pepper has integrated itself really well into the blend balancing out the strawberry and white chocolate. On second thought this smells like a creamier Beaver Moon 07 on me with a dash of pepper. I initially thought I liked this less than White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle, but now I am not so sure. Not sure if it is bottle worthy, but gee I'm really starting to like it now! Edit: Yep this is my favorite truffle of the box!
  9. CiaoBonefish


    Initially on my skin and in the imp I'm getting woods that have a slight edge to them (juniper probably), leather and a hint of wine that's adding sweetness to the blend. There is also a hint of Dragon's Blood that is making everything lightly spicy, but in a good way. As it dries the leather scent pretty much disappears and the woods become much more melded into everything else. They've lost their edge. I'm not detecting much juniper anymore either; it too has dissolved into everything else. When the scent is pretty much dry I'm getting dragon's blood and wine (but not too much wine, just enough to sweeten and add some depth to the blend) fused together with warm comforting woods; I think there is a touch of leather there too deepening the blend and adding to the warmth. I can hardly pick out the notes anymore. It's just such a complex and well blended scent. I did not expect to like it this much. The scent is extremely evocative of Tintagel too. I can smell the feasting and the leather and clash of armor and the wonders of the days of King Arthur. Truly glorious! A wonderful comforting scent
  10. CiaoBonefish


    Milk and honey and carnation, but mainly milk and carnation. When I first tested this a zillion times I didn't think I needed a bottle. It just seemed almost too simple for me. I put it away for later use thinking an imp would be enough. I was, however, strangely drawn to it and didn't notice at the time how much i was using it. The other day I whipped it open to put on before I sleep and lo and behold my imp was pretty near empty. I felt sad. In the imp and on my skin it remains pretty much the same: a gorgeous, warm, comforting, creamy milk stirred with carnation. The carnation itself is a touch spicy but not overly so. It's really the perfect sleep scent or feeling warm and toasty scent for me. It fades to a creamy milk with a touch of carnation and the throw is fairly strong and it lasts about an average time. Why have I waited so long! I need a bottle! ETA: I was looking through my old review and realized that lately I've been even smelling a touch of rose in this! It is really pretty! Definitely heavy on the milk, but the carnation and rose just bring it to a completely different level for me! Amazing!
  11. CiaoBonefish

    Carnaval Diabolique recommendations

    If you like Bastet then you must try Asp Viper! On me it is pretty much a lighter Bastet plus Snake Oil which is DIVINE. I'm actually wearing both right now because I wanted to compare them. Bastet is definitely more warm and comforting almond on me, Asp Viper gives it a bit of an edge. It isn't quite as sweet but has a slight smokiness I associate with Snake Oil on my skin. It's absolutely delicious! If you're scared of Snake Oil I would try getting a decant of Asp Viper off the forums. I'm sure someone is selling it! Well if you were thinking about trying Boomslang (which I've heard is predominantly cocoa) may be you should give Wulric, the Wolfman a go? On me it's mainly cocoa and vetiver (if you're afraid of vetiver DON'T BE because in this blend it's lovely and coming from a vetiver despiser that's definitely saying something). It's not foody per se, but definitely amazing! I've only tried a handful of the CDs myself so I'm sorry I couldn't help as much! I actually have some more CD decants coming to me soon though!
  12. CiaoBonefish


    Started off as amazing chestnut and rice power. The most promising Shunga of all! On my skin that glorious chestnut rice power lasted for about a minute, and then I get straight up soap. Weird. I've never had a scent go so completely soapy on me before. So sad. On a second whiff of the decant, I notice that there is the slightest hint of soapiness in it. I guess my skin just amped it like crazy. How upsetting. It smelled so good...
  13. CiaoBonefish

    Inganok Jewelers

    The scent in the decant, well, I can only describe it as the smell of this middle eastern desert, palette cleanser type thing called paan (a kind of wrap made from a betel leaf with its contents being a combination of fruit preserves, dried coconut flakes, candied spices and herbs such as fennel, and a whole lot of different syrups made from saffron, dates, honey and brown palm sugar). Now sweet paan is one of those things you love or hate. Personally I used to really like it, but now I can't stomach it. Something about the flavor is just off and it ROTS your teeth. I also associate the scent to the dirtier places of Pakistan and bad Pakistani food restaurants. I don't know why (and I don't mean to offend anyone either)! Well. I digress! This smells like sweet paan in the imp. Its a really clear smell though, not muddled at all, but I can't say I like it. As it dries the sweet paan scent fades a bit and instead I start smelling... hmm. Well. You know that smell of really glossy paper? Like in new text books? It gets up your nose and is a combination of paper and metal? That is what is smells like in combination with sweet paan. It pretty much stays that scent too. So disappointed. I thought I would love this because I love the rock/mineral note in Black Opal and the metallic-ness of Silver Phoenix, but no. This just doesn't do it for me :/
  14. CiaoBonefish

    Enchanted Wood Florist

    I was really, REALLY looking forward to this one. In the decant it is surprisingly sweet florals, but the florals aren't delicate or heady, they are more slightly juicy if that makes any sense. The grasses and sap are coming into play and its really pretty, but familiar... On my skin it blooms into something quite sweet, and I remember what it reminds me of: Hope and Faith. This scent is very much like sugared grasses and juicy flowers on my skin. Ahhh! Sugar notes AMP on me ridiculously, but there isn't any sugar in this (at least I don't think). So I must conclude that it is the sap making this overly sweet. Very pretty in the decant, but it just sweetened WAY too much on application for me.
  15. CiaoBonefish


    Oh my goodness. I did not expect this to be so lovely, but it is. The main reasons I wanted to try this scent were the red bush tea, vanilla, peach, and myrrh. The combination sounded too amazing. Amber is good on me usually, but I'm not a huge fan of OVERLY amber scents, mandarin can be soapy on, and lotus I had no idea about. So I was hesitant to get a bottle straight away... I should have! In the decant this is predominantly tea and fruity-ness. It smelled promising, but I was hoping for more myrrh. I don't know what red bush tea smells like, but this tea note reminded me very much of black tea sweetened with honey that has a slight bit of spice or depth to it (which is probably my delicious myrrh peeping through). I HAD to try it immediately. I've been looking for a creamy, wonderful, tea scent! On my skin it remains more or less the same, BUT the myrrh makes a grand entrance and it's lovely! The amber peaks through slightly too helping out the myrrh. Overall it is a deep tea scent that is warm and fruity, but the fruit is more of a spice fruit without truly being spicy. Like peach dipped in resin. If you have ever had Tangerine Orange Zinger tea by Celestial seasonings, it is VERY reminiscent of that scent. To me anyway, and seeing as I love that tea I was so excited. The only real difference is that the vanilla and myrrh add a creamy deepening and the mandarin/peach is not as strong. This also fades quite well with the fruits fading and the scent becoming overall more meshed together and like delicious warm tea. Throw is average. Ah. Gorgeous! I know that may have all been quite confusing up there so I'm going to summarize this scent as a red tea, peach, mandarin, and myrrh scent. Overall, warm and red-ish golden with a slight spice to it. So very comforting and lovely. I need a bottlleee!
  16. CiaoBonefish

    White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle

    This is the first of my decants I tried and wow. It does not disappoint. In the decant it's mainly apricot and black raspberry. The black raspberry being quite more dominant. It's not overly juicy either which I like and is sweetened by a hint of creamy white chocolate WITHOUT being overly sweet or sugared (but don't get me wrong, this IS a sweet scent haha). On my skin the white chocolate becomes more prominent and the black raspberry calms down ever so slightly while still remaining dominant over the apricot, but the apricot keeps this from being too raspberry-ish of that makes any sense. Over time the raspberry becomes less dominant and dissolves into the chocolate and apricot. At the days end I can still smell it, but I'm left with something hmm. Not light, but not as intense. Like warmed white chocolate and roasted raspberries. My skin tends to make things smoky as they fade which is odd, but it definitely happened for me on this scent without it really being SMOKY. Lovely dry down. Overall this is a really, really lovely white chocolate black raspberry with a hint of apricot scent on me. Quite spot on and realistic! I'm contemplating a bottle!!! Oh by the way. This is foody, but as the day does no it morphs into something that is more than just chocolate, something better!
  17. CiaoBonefish

    Carnaval Diabolique recommendations

    Saw-Scaled Viper was EXTREMELY spicy on me. I couldn't even wear it, and I'm rather fond of spicy scents. So a word of caution there. I'm going to recommend Asp Viper but only if you like almond. It's pretty much a warm smoky almond snake oil type scent. You mentioned you like honey and amber and that combination is very warm and smooth to my nose so you might like Asp Viper, but it's just a thought though! I'm just going by the feel of scents here. Habu, Aeronwen, and Inez sound like good choices though, but I can't say I've tried any of them!
  18. The only cocoa blend I've tried is Black Temple Burlesque Troupe and it's absolutely wonderful. I tend to think "brownies/brownie mix" before "chocolate bar" with this one. On me, it's mainly a musky cocoa with a very faint touch of tobacco. Very grown-up and not entirely foody. Edited to add: This was a Yule 2009 release but you might be able to find it on the sales boards. Drat! I new I should have picked that up! I'll keep a close eye for it now!
  19. Favorite cocoa scents everyone? Specifically NOT chocolate BUT cocoa! I know, weird right? The chocolate note goes rather nutty on me and warm so I've noticed, but I absolutely adore cocoa. I've only tried Wulric though (which was a HUGE success! Chocolate-y cocoa deepened slightly by vetiver with a touch of lavender. Mmmmm ) So lets see them! Favorite/best cocoa blends!
  20. CiaoBonefish

    Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand

    In the bottle I got a very mysterious scent. It was so well blended that the only notes I could really make out were sweet quince with a dash of honey, but the entire blend was so lovely. I had to put it on. Wet I'm starting to smell the quince more strongly with a dash of mandarin, and the honey scent becomes more prominent as well. Except this honey is different. It isn't a sharp honey, but it is quite a bit more decadent tan beeswax... what is that smell? It was the vanilla! Of course! The vanilla and honey together create a very thick rich sweet warm and delicious honey. It sweetens the quince lovingly making it more of a honeyed quince. Now the tobacco appears in full bloom with a touch of cognac, definitely not too boozy at all, but there is a hint of it. Now I love, LOVE the smell of Beth's tobacco note, but this is just beautiful. Honey quince and tobacco? Woah. As this sits on my arm the quince recedes ever so slightly and the tobacco rounds out the sweetness of the honey and vanilla. Making this flat out divinity in a bottle. A truly decadent scent that is just comforting AND sexy at the same time. Swoon. I may need another bottle of this, or two!
  21. CiaoBonefish


    This is one scent I was most anticipating from the Lupercalia update this year. Lychee? I LOVE LYCHEE. When I opened this bottle, I immediately gasped, "Oh my god, Lychee?" I actually said that out loud. It smelled like the most heavenly blend of lychee and rose, but in the bottle the lychee is far more prominent. No hint of cistus yet. I hastened to put this on my skin and it just bloomed. The lychee and rose melt perfectly into each other into a sweet sticky, almost jam like consistency. (How am I getting that from just smelling it? I don't know!) This is by no means a light scent, and I keep getting whiffs of it as I move about. In the wet stages the rose and lychee fight it out, and rose does become more prominent, but that is okay... for now anyway. Once dry, however, the lychee and rose are pretty much equal, the rose adding a soft sweetness to the lychee and the lychee adding a burst of fresh juiciness to the rose. Very beautiful. Still no cistus, but I believe it is helping to hold everything together because this is one blend where the rose isn't going super powdery on me like it does sometimes (Hope I'm talking to you!) Overall, I love this! I wish the lychee had been more prominent than the rose otto, but it is still wonderful. Really unique. Glad I have a bottle!
  22. CiaoBonefish

    Silver Phoenix

    Oh my, oh my. So glad I ordered this last minute (impulse buy)! I was really spot on. My first thoughts on this scent were mainly, "Hmmm. Silver? Metallic? I don't know if that is me." After reading reviews, however, I became intrigued as to how "silver" might smell. In the bottle this is very herbal. It's a transparent green smell with a flash of yellow here and there. I'm smelling the orris and moonflower for sure, a slight hint of juniper, and perhaps a hint of pear in this (I love BPAL's pear note but you don't come across it very often) adding a lovely sweetness. The orris, or is it mugwort? is giving a slight sourness though. Rather like cilantro, but not in a bad way. Very herbal and yummy. On my skin it's more or less the same scent, but now the notes are blending so seamlessly together that I cannot even pick them apart! This also sweetens and the sour note I had before is gone. Wow. So deliciously pretty and light and herbal floral. Definitely my favorite kind of scent. I'm getting very much the violet vibe others have talked about, without really smelling pure violet. It's more just a violet feel if that makes any sense. Others have also compared this to Black Opal and I REALLY REALLY get that comparison. The first time I wore it I thought it smelled exactly like Black Opal, but after wearing it more often I can see just how different they truly are. Black Opal IS one of my favorites, but I think Silver Phoenix surpasses it by far. On a final note. This really does smell like silver! Elusive, gleaming, delicate, beautiful, and just mesmerizing. I have one bottle now, but I may track another later on depending on how fast I go through this
  23. CiaoBonefish

    Tobacco scents

    Ever since watching The Parent Trap again, I've been wondering what a "peppermint and pipe tobacco" scent would smell like hahahaha. Any suggestions? GC scents perferably and I'd be up for any tobacco and mint combination really. If anyone has any layering ideas, those are welcome too!
  24. CiaoBonefish


    Wow. Was frimped this in my last order and dear goodness I love it. The imp smelled oddly fruity and sweet to my nose with a dash of leather thrown in there and a tinge of incense and tobacco. Very interesting. On my skin the fruity-ish note fades into a sweet pipe tobacco surrounded by warm gentle leather. I'm also getting the musk and incense now, but they're only attributing a soft smokiness to add some depth to the scent. When dry the leather was quite may be not sharp, but prominent and very warm, hot almost. As it dries completely it rounds out, though, and becomes wonderfully soft and dry and warm. Yes! Yes! Yes! Overall this is sweet pipe tobacco and dry leather with a touch of incense-y musk on me. Smells like hellfire alright, but a very warm dry and inviting one! Depending on how fast i got through my imp I'll be picking up a bottle eventually!
  25. CiaoBonefish


    In the bottle, I smelled amazingly lovely violets sweetened with sugar. A little creamy, but not overly so. Just perfect actually. The violets are still crisp and flowery, rather than candied. Mmmm. As soon as I apply this, it sweetens even MORE. The creaminess becomes far more prominent and now I'm smelling candied creamy violet custard with way too much sugar. What. Happened? The crispness of the sugared violets in the bottle completely disappeared. I feel more like I'm smelling sugar violets than sugared violets. I thought I would love this scent, but alas it is too creamy and far too sweet on me. The violets in Faith don't hold their ground like the roses do in Hope, and unfortunately the sugar takes over making the blend EXTREMELY sweet. I'll give this a week or may be a few weeks until I decided to swap. I really, really wanted to love this one. If worse comes to worse I'll decant some and sell the rest. Sigh... Oh Faith. Why did you not work when I so looked forward to our relationship? It appears Hope has seduced me instead!