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Everything posted by CiaoBonefish

  1. CiaoBonefish

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    This thread makes me so happy! After reading your post stylesclash it really reminded me of Gennivre, L'artiste du Diable from Carnaval Diabolique! I think it's mainly because of your red hair and that you're an artist Also Gennivre seems pretty myserious which I think fits you pretty well too!
  2. CiaoBonefish

    Aquatics - scents of the ocean, the sea

    BUMPING THIS! So I really want to enable the manfriend, and I figured this is a good place to start. He wants to smell like the ocean! He loves fishing and being out on the sea (fun fact: One of his biggest dreams is to be a sky pirate!) and I also think he would like pirate-esque scents. He wears Drakkar Noir currently which smells great on him but still... it's Drakkar Noir! He is also a bit of a clean freak and I asked him what kind of scents he liked and he said lighter ones. But I still want him to smell manly obviously... I think he'll love Jolly Roger and I already have a bottle of that coming for him, but any ocean type scent suggestions keeping everything I've said about him in mind? Thanks!
  3. CiaoBonefish

    Santo Domingo

    What an interesting scent! Wet and in the imp I get a particularly sharp tobacco leaf I believe with some bay rum. Not super appealing and definitely masculine. Wet on my skin it instantly starts to morph. The tobacco leaf starts edging its way into the background while the bay rum moves forward kind of balancing the blend. I still feel a sort of earthiness to the blend may be but it's sweet too. At dry down the caribbean blossoms start holding their own and the scent becomes perfectly balanced! WOW! This scent morphed really beautifully! A lovely blend of tobacco leaf, bay rum, and blossoms. That being said it took some time to get there for sure! As it fades (which is surprisingly quickly) the caribbean blossoms become more present and add sweetness, but never really get overpowering but stay lush and warm. The scent description is RIGHT ON. It becomes surprisingly sensual, feminine, and light after the dry down as well. That being said it also does not last very long and stays REALLY close to my skin. The scent is gorgeous but I don't like the wet stages enough to justify getting a bottle, especially because the throw and wear time are so light on me! That being said I will definitely use up my imp!
  4. CiaoBonefish

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hmm. I don't know why but I instantly though of Sea of Glass. May be because it's so tranquil and serene and serious in a way. I feel like it would be a lovely marriage of contrast: a light scent with dark clothes etc. Brighten you up Also your fascination with beauty also makes me think of Sea of Glass! Just loverly. I also can't help but think of Bw and Crown of Conquest or Mme. Moriarty. Both are deep and dark scents. Bow and Crown is deep and not sweet but very comforting while Mme. Moriarty has a bit of a kick to it. All the scents are beautiful! Oh and I second the Black Lotus recommedation!
  5. CiaoBonefish

    Staged Moon Landing

    This starts off gorgeously dusty vanilla and orris. Reminds me of Silver Phoenix but better (without the awkward herbal note). Dear goodness that is so delicious! Lightly sweet and orris esque giving it a violet feel with dusty vanilla making it nearly creamy but very dry. Yum. On my skin someting goes horribly wrong... someting is amping. Oh dear what IS that now I smell just like Faith! Faith was overbearingly sweet and sticky and syrupy sugared candied violets. Like a candied violet pudding sprinkled with heaps of sugar on top. That is what this is smelling on me now. Needless to say I will not be keeping this. Because of whatever I amped though it's got really strong throw and lasts a really long time. I kept catching wafts of it and just had to wash if off. Sigh... foiled by my ridiculous skin chemistry!
  6. CiaoBonefish

    Illuminati Cotillion

    I'm trying to keep these reviews short and simple and to the point, the Helicopters unfortunately didn't work as nicely as I thought on me, that being said some where interesting surprises. In the decant I'm encountering lovely rosey incense. It is surprisingly very sweet. No wood note and I think the Pipe Tobacco is helping to sweeten everything, but it isn't smokey. On my skin... hello rose! Hello ROSE! HELLOOO ROSE! (Can you please go away, you've been heard!) Now I'm getting very sweet rose. More like rose petals actually. This reminds me very much of Saint Foutin. Actually to my nose they smell almost exactly the same on my skin expect the sweetness in Saint Foutin is attributed to the beeswax. That being said... once the blend has time to calm down on my skin I kind of like it. The blend is very much a rose scent with a touch of almost sugared incense and a slightly robust nearly fruity feel to it. I just have to be careful and not overdo it. I'm clearly amping something! Perhaps I'll look for a partial?
  7. CiaoBonefish

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    All I can say is... go away you chemical herby undertone! In the imp it's very herbal lemon. Not sugared lemon or the "incapacitating poofiness" I wanted. It is distinctly lemongrass and white amber and citron and herbal chemicalness. Is my nose broken? On my skin it is the same. I was expecting much sweeter because I tend to amp anything sweet in a scent, but the herbal note in this just... well I didn't like it. Sigh. Not very good throw on me either and didn't last very long too. I suppose my decant will be finding a new home. EDIT: Woah. My views on this just changed!! I recently fell in love with Tarot: The Star and because a reviewer had said this reminded her of it I wanted to test it one more time! This now smells like a less sweet brighter and a touch herbal The Star! Fabulous! I'm hoping this means it will lose it's herbal chemical kick with age! Bottle purchase!!
  8. CiaoBonefish

    Old books... Books, paper, libraries

    The Lurid Library is wonderful and it really does pop up on the forum every now and then so keep a look out! It's quite musky too! My oter recommendation would be Hellfire but it seems like you don't want something with a tobacco note and Hellfire is pretty hardcore on the pipe tobacco that being said it's lovely. Very dry and library like in my opinion. Also reconditarmonia give Dee a go! If you love the other notes in it it seems a shame to not at least just give it a try!
  9. CiaoBonefish

    Sea of Glass

    This is so lovely. I can't really add to much as what has already been said. This stays almost the same in the imp and on my skin so keep that in mind! I get really lovely light florals. Not crisp like I like them best but instead rather delicate and creamy almost with a touch of aquatic. Like they have been sitting out in the sun for days and then suddenly it rains. I'm also getting a light citrus note or may be more like a citrus feel. It's positively gorgeous. On my skin it is just the same except it blossoms becoming even more lovely and a touch less delicate. It becomes sweeter too (my skin tends to amp "sweet" in general so ymmv). What a beautiful light aquatic floral. I positively love it! You would think this wouldn't be as unique because essentially it's a lovely light floral almost citrus aquatic, but it really is, and it is SO evocative! This is what a sea of glass would smell like; I have no doubt in my mind about that. So crystaline and peaceful and beautiful. Just beautiful. I don't know if I'll need a bottle, but I may
  10. CiaoBonefish

    Hanerot Halalu

    Hmmm. First off I will have to say that if you do not enjoy beeswax this scent is not for you. If you don't enjoy honey, on the other hand, don't be afraid to give this scent a go! In the bottle it is predominantly beeswax with an interesting more liquid quality to it. It's not waxy per se and I realize now that it was the olive oil. No smoke just lovely olive oil and beeswax. On my skin this is absolutely gorgeous and comforting! I'm getting equal amounts of olive oil and beeswax; the olive oil keeps it from being overly sweet and waxy and the beeswax keeps it from being olive-ish. No olive smell really in sight! The olive ol actually has an almost citrs quality t it... but not really... just ALMOST. This scent doesn't really morph from there and I don't really get any smoke. That being said I'm perfectly content, actually in love, with this scent! Yumm beeswax! Pretty good throw and lasts quite a while on me. I tried to layer with this scent and WOAH it just overpowered everything which just shows how good the throw actually is (I guess I'll have to keep the Lights of Men's Lives for layering purposes which by the way isn't as complex as Hanerot sadly enough)!
  11. CiaoBonefish

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Hmmm. I want to say Wilde just because I think it's fitting! Oscar Wilde and all! Don't know why but it feels like it works? And Carnaval Diabolique. It's lemony but then all lovely opium smoke and musk without being sweet. It's sharp a little daunting but oh so unique and intriguing. Very hmmm. I can't say but it made me think of your description of your personality
  12. CiaoBonefish


    I think my skin and nose like the same leather notes as yours! I love the leather in Hellfire, Bow and Crown and Perversion (Tintagel too but that isn't super leathery on me). The Traveller and Olisbos didn't work on me either, but I'm really hoping the Riders from the Marchen set won't be the leather I can't handle :/ it should be noted that even though Hand of Glory didn't work on me the leather note was nice. So what kind of leather is out there!
  13. CiaoBonefish


    Just got this imp in a swap and i HAD to test it! In the imp... interesting... ROOT BEER! Ahhhh!!! I lovvveeee root beer! On my skin this is more complex than root beer, but at the same time very delicious. The vanilla is peaking through making everything creamy. The sassafras (root beer note) is becoming a little less in your face haha. The balsam and the cedar are there giving his a very very warm almost sticky or heavy background without ever really being too prominent. This blend is just so well formulated that everything blends seemlessly together. I smell like creamy woodsy vanilla root beer AND this root beer isn't the overly sweet kind. Make a note of that. This blend is by no means OVERLY sweet. It is only lightly sweetened, BUT it is a heavy kind of scent in that it is extremely warm. I will definitely be holding on to the imp. It is positively gorgeous. Looks like I've found another one of those comfort scents! This would be swoon worthy on a guy too... Gah... I can't stop sniffing my wrist... IT'S JUST SO YUMMY! (by the way this stays pretty close to the skin and lasts a few hours, average wear, not incredibly long)
  14. CiaoBonefish

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Oh this blend is so good. So good. I never thought I would love it as much as I do! In the decant it's woah Earl Grey with some major musk action going on, so much so that it smells almost peppery with the tea. I'm not getting Earl Grey as much as Im getting strong Black tea. No sugar of course. Wow this smells wonderfully manly and crisp and deep and complex. Much better than Dorian in my opinion. On my skin the scent stays pretty much the same, though now the scent is more rounded. The pepperyness of the blend fades somewhat giving way to just a really strong Black/Earl Grey blend with a touch of musk. I can't smell vanilla or jasmine but I'm sure they're giving the blend a kind of base. Really lovely. It's weird because I almost feel like I shouldn't like such a masculine scet on me, but I can help it! It's spectacular! Average throw. Fades beautifully to a more vanilla ish strong Black/Earl Grey tea scent. It should be noted that this blend is never sweet though. I have a feeling that aging it will help it lose some of that peppery quality making is just yuummmuyyy!
  15. CiaoBonefish


    In the imp this was decidedly red currant with a touch of lemon and a "robust" combination of sandalwood and florals. So seductive and evocative of Venice (all it's missing is a touch of aquatic because when I think of Venice I can't help but think of water)! On my skin the scent stays pretty much the same, but the lemon fades as I thought it would. The red currant becomes a little less prominent and blends in beautifully with the floral and sandalwood part of the blend. I'm surprised how much the florals sweeten this blend! It's quite lovely! The plum is also adding to the warmth and heaviness of the blend just giving it so much dimension. Wow. I can't even describe the scent aside from that it's a delightful combination of warm woody robust sandalwood and red currant making a smooth base (red currant to me isn't very fruity but more woods like... I don't know why?) with a fruity floral sweetness from the florals and plum. So gorgeous. Decent throw and it fades really well and pretty seductively (if that makes any sense). Might be a bottle purchase eventually! it's just so evocative of Venice!!!
  16. CiaoBonefish


    When I first sniffed this in the decant and when it is initially applied to my skin I was smelling straight up honey! I don't know why the amber sweetened up so much, but I could definitely smell some vanilla muskiness and myrrh going on in the background deepening the thick honey sweetness. On my skin after a while the sweetness of the amber begins to mellow out and the scent on my skin now reminds me very much of Chimera which makes me think this is predominantly myrrh and not amber like i initially thought on my skin in the dry down. The amber and vanilla musk add a creamy and deliciously musky sweetness. Wow. I just cannot get over how much this smells like Chimera! This is creamy delicious sweetened amber almost cake like bread like myrrh on me. Gorgeous! Don't know if I'll be needing a bottle but this blend is ultimately a gorgeous myrrh, vanilla musk, and amber blend. The other notes contribute but just in rounding out this lovely blend! Stays pretty close to the skin but lasts a really long time!
  17. CiaoBonefish

    Meadow scents!

    Oh yes do that. The East is amazing - it smells exactly like a meadow full of bluebells. Host of the Air turns to soap on me, but The East has me sniffing my wrist all day. Oh dear! You're such an enabler! The Host of the Air is actually quite lovely on me but it doesn't last too long. I know for a fact Fairy Market is going in my next order and now I've got The East to wonder about. Ahhh wildflower meadow scents are just so absolutely wonderful! I've actually also got the Passionate Shepherd to his Love coming to me in a swap so we'll see how that goes as well!
  18. CiaoBonefish

    Meadow scents!

    Garden path and Rosalind are on my list to try! I got a decant of Little Bird and though I like it it reminds me of Old Moon strangely enough and don't feel like a bottle (because I have two of Old Moon oh how I love that scent and Little Bird doesn't live up to it). I've got the Host of the Air on the way so we'll see how that goes! Sunflower sounds positivey lush as do June Gloom and Pa-Pow so I'll have to be on the lookout for those, particularly in decant form. I tried Fairy Market right now and wow I'm really loving that for spring too, and because the Starsust line works wonderfully for me this far I'm tepted to get a bottle of the East untested! All of these recs sounds wonderful!
  19. CiaoBonefish

    Meadow scents!

    This so much! It smells like grass and squished flowers! (It has that green element of broken flower stems and the blossoms too) Florals don't usually do it for me but I like this one. I have the Host of Air coming to me actually! I was wondering though if it is overly juniper-ish? From reviews it didn't seem like that was the case though. I tried Little Bird yesterday and it was very reminiscent of a lighter wayy lighter Old Moon on me and though I love Old Moon I don't need to collect juniper scents so Little Bird was kind of a disappointment. :/
  20. CiaoBonefish

    Meadow scents!

    Bumping because I'm craving green scents for spring! I'm looking for a glorious meadow scent! Especially looking for something that smells like fresh grass, sweet heather, yellow flowers, crisp air, and the entire blend being warmed by sunlight and fresh dew! If anything you know gives that effect let me know, please!
  21. CiaoBonefish

    Chaste Moon 2010

    In the bottle I'm getting really clear florals. Not full blooming florals though. They smell almost youthful, and very very sharp. Slightly soapy. On my skin the florals tone done a bit with the cream. Though the cream never makes much of an appearance. The soapiness fades somewhat while never really going away and the clear florals round and sweeten. This scent is very crystalline. It's a cool scent, and quite lovely for spring I think. Cool and refreshing without being green. Excellent throw and lasts really long. The only thing that may prevent me from keeping my bottle is that lingering soapiness and the lack of creaminess. It isn't too much, but it's still there. It feels almost sugared in a way. I don't really know what to make of it. I don't get chaste as much as I get regal with a little chasteness thrown in for kicks. I'll have to see if this ages and the creamy notes come out more.
  22. The Snake oil in Green Tree Viper is divine! It gives a warm edge to the minty blend and the vanilla is really quite prominent. Love. I also love the Snake Oil in Asp Viper but it fades to a slightly smoky scent which is what Snake Oil originally did for me that I didn't love. I still LOVE Asp Viper though. Unfortunately the cocoa disappears on my skin from Boomslang
  23. CiaoBonefish

    Lady Lilith

    I knew I would love this is moment I read the notes, and it really doesn't disappoint! In the bottle it is pretty much all mandarin with a hint of creaminess from the vanilla and tea. Really lovely. I have yet to encounter such a perfect mandarin note. I'm not usually a fan of citrus scents, but when they are in combination with teas and creams and musky blends they are truly exquisite. On my skin it is initially the same as in the bottle, but the tea is becoming much more prominent and is balancing out the mandarin. Closer towards dry down the opium poppy makes an appearance along with some of the musks (musks tend to LOVE me to ymmv). The mandarin is still there but is much understated now. This dries to a wonderful creamy mandarin doused with musk and opium poppy all residing over a lovely layer of black tea. Exquisite! The overall effect is slightly closer to a traditional perfume than other blends at the Lab, but it retains a uniqueness that screams everything but traditional. Just lovely. Average throw and longevity. This scent envelopes you and creates a kind of cloud around you. You'll turn and catch glimpses of it as you go on throughout your day. Lovely!
  24. CiaoBonefish

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    This JUST shot up on mt top ten list. It's just beautiful! In the imp i'm getting pretty much vanilla and leather. It's not really sharp so I'm intrigued. I love smooth warm leather scents. On my skin the leather just blooms along with the vanilla. I'm starting to detect some cedar in there but I can't truly smell lavender or sage or carnation. I think they are contributing in some way though. Rounding off the scent in a way and keeping it from being too warm or too sweet or too bitter etc. After a while the drydown smells like glorious leather rounded out by vanilla with a hint of carnation and cedar. Ahh so glorious! My favorite blend used to be Hellfire, and I dare say I may like this better! Who knew the antichrist smelled so gooood!
  25. CiaoBonefish

    High-Strung Daisies

    Daisy, pink carnation, pink pepper, and sugar. Candied daisies in the imp. Woah. I think I like this so far... On my skin it is SUPER CANDIED. The overall effect is very much like a sweet bubble gum or cotton candy like scent with a light reminiscent floral. Sugar tends to amp ridiculously on me unfortunately so it has become too sweet for me and I'm pretty much getting nothing remarkably daisy-esque anymore. It's just sugar and cotton candy and bubble gum... alas too sweet for me. This also lasts a really long time and has excellent throw!