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Everything posted by Beckiemort

  1. Beckiemort


    Wet: It smells very masculine to me, the cedar is definitely pronounced. Dry Down: I feel as though I smell like a man for sure. The cedar is still there with a little citrus and other background notes but definately man. However I can just imagine how it would smell on a guy…now I only need to find one to slather this with.
  2. Beckiemort

    Love's Torments

    Wet: HOLY Vetiver. That’s all I get from this blend. Dry Down: Same thing, and I don't particularly like Vetiver. Not the scent for me.
  3. Beckiemort


    Wet: Berries and lilies…and that’s all. I HATE lilies, they are beautiful flowers but the scent always makes me sneeze. That being said I don't have the urge to sneeze with this blend. Dry Down: I can identify the berry as a cranberry because of the specific sharpness and crisp scent and the lily begins to receed and turn slightly powdery on me. The amount of lily left after 5 mins is definately tolerable to my floral hating nose, it acutally gives the blend a little intrigue. The cranberry is sweetening up and I am beginning to really fall in love with this blend. I think I can sense the ginger tang but it smells almost like candied ginger on me with a little sweetness and the musk seems to ground all the notes to keep them from being too sweet or just floating away. This has completely shattered my expectations as I thought I might like the blend or hate it. I didn't expect to it, and I think I might.
  4. Beckiemort


    Wet: It's a really fresh herbal berry scent. Almost as though one is up on the mountain in the summer picking berries to bring home for dessert. The thyme and sage are definitely right at the top, its quite sharp but lovely. Dry Down: I start to get a tingly feeling, almost as though I need to sneeze when I sniff the scent after about five minutes and it begins to smell slightly floral which would explain the need to sneeze but then the berries become a little more pronounced but not super sweet, more like just before they ripen and the tickley feeling disappears. I really like the freshness of this blend, it seems like more of a spring/summer scent because of the freshness but it is very nice. Later on in the dry down the berry becomes more pronounced but still remains a little sharp. It's nice.
  5. Beckiemort


    First I will preface this with the fact that I absolutely despise carnation but the other notes and review intrigued me enough to buy an imp. Thankfully I detect no carnations at any point in wearing this scent. I detect no morphing on me really at all, I really like the warmth that happens when it is on my skin but mostly it just smells like spicy vanilla. It's smells tasty. It seems to fade fairly quickly on my skin as well.
  6. Beckiemort


    I didn't like this scent at all at first but I wanted to test it anyways becaue of the great reviews. Well that and the fact that I like to see how things react with my chemistry. Wet: The first time I tried this I thought ewww….patchoulli and the second I thought the same thing. But I don't dislike patchoulli as much as I used to and decided to see how the scent ended up on my skin. Dry Down: I could still detect the patchoulli for a while, but now it is definately a very subtle background note and the cinnamon is wonderful and hovering at the top with what I thought was vanilla but must be the amber but the patchoulli and sandalwood prevent the blend from becoming too sweet or wood. This is definately a sexy scent. Its very intoxicating and I am quickly growing to love it. ETA: I :love!: this scent. I also have decided that Beth is completely amazing for making me not only like but seemingly love patchoulli. On me I have decided that I amp amber (which is nice) so the scent has a very warm, sweetness about it esp. with the cinnamon but the patchoulli grounds the whole thing and makes it undeniably sexy. At the moment it tops my favourites list.
  7. Beckiemort

    Dragon's Heart

    A scent pulsing with vitality, warmth and insurmountable strength: dragon's blood resin, red and black musks, a throb of fig and a sliver of black currant. Wet: I am not getting a lot of musk in this blend more of a wet flower of some kind. Like after the first rain in a few days or even with the morning dew. Dry Down: It retains the floral note but it smells much drier now and a little powdery, my unrefined nose can't smell any of the currant or fig. At the moment not really enjoying it but it hasn't made me want to wash it off (yet) I just don't agree with floral scents.
  8. Beckiemort

    Lady MacBeth

    Wet: It's super sweet and seems all too innocent to be Lady Macbeth. Dry Down: It's still very sweet but there is a hint of something hiding behind that sweetness, could it be madness or ambition? It is quite sweet in the end and I like it but don't think that I could wear it all that often being as sweet as it is.
  9. Beckiemort


    Wet: HOLY LEMON CLEANER!!!! Wow that was a sharp lemon note I wasn't expecting at all…not off putting but unexpected. Dry Down: The lemon starts to play nice with the other notes and the vanilla starts to warm up on my skin but it isn't all vanilla there is a slight bit of black tea and I am definately getting a whiff of floral...maybe thats the fougere. Later on I can't detect the lemon at all but mostly a vanilla floral which surprisingly doesn't put me off at all. Its quite nice and on me a little masculine. I think I like it. ETA: Not even ten mins after writing this review the vanilla becomes even more pronouced and the floral starts to fade (this makes me super happy...I generally despise most florals) I have changed my mind again...I LOVE this scent the vanilla is really warm without being too sweet or cloying, there is still just a hint of lemon and a smigeon of tea and a little cologne scent. This is sexy, not in a RAWR I'm going to pounce on you way but in a 'You can't afford me way'
  10. Beckiemort

    Cheshire Cat

    Wet: Light, airy bright citrus. It must be the grapefruit and it is calmed a little by what I believe is the chamomile and lavender. Dry Down: The grapefurit stops being the centre of attention and I can begin to smell the current and a little musk. The current blends surprisingly well with the chamomile and lavender and there is something else I can't identify, either is is the seemless blending or the delphinium. Throw: Not huge I have to bring my nose fairly close to my hand in order to smell it, making it nice to wear in places where too much perfume is frowned upon. Not that it helps at all but I am totally getting a pinkish purple and yellow striped 'colour' in my head for this scent. Overall it is a very nice blend, possibly bottle worthy but I haven't tried enough to be entirely sure.