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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Babylon

  1. Babylon

    Blood Lotus

    Wet: Sticky sweet bubblegum. Dry: Sticky sweet lotus flowers. This really makes me think of a pool of sticky drying blood with lotus petals floating in it. Sure, it's a lot sweeter than a pool of blood would smell, but it's still blood! Dark candied blood. This scent also has the added benefit of making me feel very langorous. After a few hours, the scent has turned powdery on me, as in the smell of an old compact of pressed powder! That must be the lotus, because I can still smell the blood over it just fine. This would be my re-apply time, to freshen up the scent. I also need to really slather this one on, or else I can barely smell it around me. Overall, it's ok. I'd wear it, but not often. I really like Black Lotus more. Boyfriend did compliment Blood Lotus, though, and said it smelled nice. Oddly, I wore it to work yesterday, and my boss asked if I had just taken my clothes out of the dryer because I smelled "Good and fresh like a dryer sheet" to her. Hah!
  2. Babylon

    Black Pearl

    I would never have ordered this on my own. Coconut is one of my least favorite things to eat, right up there with beets and shrimp. Fortunately the Lab included this scent as a freebie in a recent order, so I got the chance to give it a try. I was fearing the worst, because well, coconut = yuck. But Black Pearl smells GREAT! I really dig this scent. It's so well blended; never smells like "COCONUT!" to me. Instead, it's like the scent of the Caribbean stuck in a bottle. Wet on my skin, it reminded me of rum and vanilla, without really smelling like alcohol itself. Now that it's dried, it's very evocative of the Caribbean and a warm inviting beach. I don't care that it's November in Wisconsin and 30 outside. I feel like putting on a bathing suit and lying on some warm sand under the sun, sipping a drink with a little umbrella in it, or at the very least a Rum and Coke. Every time I turn my head, I get the most wonderful nuttyvanillacoconuttropical smell without a hint of fruit or flowers (on me, at least. The flower just makes this scent a little softer around the edges). This is a very well-done scent that completely surprised me. I really don't like coconut, but love Black Pearl and would recommend it to others. Now I'm going to go put this on my Want-A-Bottle-Of list and try to resist the urge to put on a bathing suit.
  3. Babylon


    This is nice! When I first apply it, it smells a lot like Anne Bonny to me and soap to my boyfriend. After about 5 or 10 minutes, Anne Bonny dies. She's resurrected as a ghost, a whisper of her former self, surrounded by soft and somehow sad flowers. If you haven't tried Anne Bonny, then I'd say it's the smell of faded incense or bone, melancholy flowers, and a tiny bit of sweetness. Boyfriend also noticed the smell of soap went away when it dried. I'll have to take his word for it, as it never smelled like that to me to begin with.
  4. Babylon

    Where does the art on the website come from?

    Haha, thanks much.
  5. Babylon

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    In the bottle: Yikes! Stripes! Fruit Stripes gum! Wet: So fruity it makes me giggle, with some flower petals also floating around. Dry: It changes pretty frequently on me from fruity to light white flowers to an almost spicy peppery musky scent, and back to fruit again. After about 3 or 4 hours of that, it fades to a soft musk. This is a very complex scent, but the overall effect is pineapple and papaya and exotic fruits. It's definitely a pleasing scent.
  6. Babylon

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Cocktail stirrers for me. I use a pink one for Mi-Go and one with a red lobster on it for Cthulhu.
  7. Babylon

    Where does the art on the website come from?

    I got a postcard with my latest order that's just so cool. It's full of people dying, being eaten, being tortured. Oh, and there's a pig wearing a nun habit. Anyone know who did this?
  8. Babylon

    Rain Scents

    I can't wait to try these!