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Everything posted by sarielswish

  1. sarielswish

    Dragon's Tears

    Wet on my skin, this reminds me somewhat of Calico Jack with dragon's blood added, I think. Not sure how this will react to my body chemistry, but it could be promising. Very tangy, though. 10-15 minute drydown - Weird. This smells almost like burnt hair. 20 minute drydown - Ok, no more burnt hair smell. Thank god. LOL. Now it's slightly salty dragon's blood, like good skin musk. Nice. 1 hour drydown - This almost smells like there's myrrh in it, but I don't see where there would be any by the notes. I'm not complaining, though. It's very nice.
  2. sarielswish


    In the imp, it's very sharp, almost bitter. Not at all what I was expecting. Must be the benzoin and oakmoss. Color, green-brown. Wet on my skin, there's the honeysuckle and a bit of the jasmine. Hopefully, the orris doesn't turn this into soap on me. 10-15 minute drydown - Ugh. This is Worm Moon, without all of the good parts. 30 minute drydown - Hi, Old Lady Powder/Perfume/Soap. On me, this smells almost dead on like Evening in Paris - you know, the one in the big blue glass bottle that sat on grandma's dresser.
  3. sarielswish

    Green Tree Viper

    In the vial, it smells like a mint cookie! I think that's because of the tea. Color, tan with a tinge of light green. Wet on my skin, OH HAI MINT! I seriously smell like a mint Milano cookie! So far, this is the one Snake Pit scent I've really dug. It has a slightly medicinal scent, but sometimes you'll get that with mints and I don't mind at all. :-) 10-15 minute drydown - Very nice. Minty vanilla-y goodness. I can see a bottle of this being added to the list, too. 1 hour drydown - Most definitely getting a bottle of this. Very nice indeed.
  4. sarielswish


    In the vial, holy vetiver! Seriously, it smells like potting soil. Wow. Color, loam black. Wet on my skin, I'm almost afraid to try it. I mean, I like vetiver, but the initial smell scared even me. Hrm.... vetiver, maybe some pine or juniper, and something salty. I can't say I'm liking it on myself, but it could prove very nice on the hubby. 10 minute drydown - OMG. This smells like gin on me. Honestly, like I upended a bottle of Beefeater on myself. No thanks. 30 minute drydown - I wish the initial drydown didn't suck so bad because this smells awesome now. Woods and I think patchouli... probably be really nice for DH. I keep huffing my arm. ;-)
  5. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's almost all patchouli. It's also one of the more bitter patchoulis I've smelled - probably due, in part, to the ginger and neroli. Color, bronze. Wet on my skin, here goes nothing. Orange blossom doesn't usually agree with me, but patchouli does, so we'll see how this behaves. So far, not bad. The patchouli is nice and dark on me, with the tanginess of the ginger. Unfortunately, I'm already starting to pick up that damn neroli. 10-15 minute drydown - It smells like patchouli scented play-doh. I don't know why. It just does. Not a fan.
  6. sarielswish


    In the vial, it reminds me of the melon flavored Air Heads taffy. Not a bad smell, but I don't know if I want to go around smelling like melon candy. Color, watermelon pink. Wet on my skin, it's melon and grape juice and moss. Kinda like the sweet stuff you'd have at a picnic. Tasty, but not my idea of a perfume. Thankfully, the 'flowers of motherhood' aren't going haywire, either. 10-15 minute drydown - It's a candied floral now, but with a distinct melon note. Not unpleasant to say the least, but not really my thing. 30 minute drydown - Spoke too soon. Now I smell like flower-flavored jellybeans. Don't ask. I just do. It's not terribly pleasant.
  7. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's a beautiful orange and plumeria. I <3 it. I hope it stays this beautiful on. Serious deep jungle life. Very nice. Color, fuschia. Wet on my skin, so far so good. I'm getting sweet orange and plumeria, with a hint of incense smoke. God, I wish there was more plumeria in the catalogue. :-) 10-15 minute drydown - Well, hell. I think the copal is disagreeing with me, because something smells distinctly like tree sap and I'm not talking about the good pine sap smell and it's overtaking EVERYTHING. No more plumeria, no more orange, no more incense. Just sap. *pout*
  8. sarielswish

    Embalming Fluid

    In the vial, very nice. I'm getting mostly green tea, aloe and lemon - not much of the musk. Color, spring green. Wet on my skin, aloe and tea. Maybe a *touch* of lemon, but not much. I'm really not getting any musk at all. Very bright. 10-15 minute drydown - Hrm. Tea. Nothing But Tea. This really just smells like Kumiho on me... maybe a little more depth, but that's about it.
  9. sarielswish

    Scurvy v1

    In the vial, I'm getting lime, definitely, and maybe bay rum and sugar of some sort. Reminds me of a boat drink! Hello, Mr. Buffett! Color, lime green. Wet on my skin, I'm getting lemon, lime, some sort of sugar, possibly that bay rum and another citrus. I'm smelling something peppery - I can't quite place it but it's very reminiscent of cardamom or the slightly effervescent peppery scent of grapefruit rind. 10-15 minute drydown - Hrm. I'm now fairly certain that that pepper note is cardamom. I dunno how I feel about smelling like cardamom. Love the way it tastes, not so sure about the scent. There might be some almond in here too because I'm getting a 'baked goods' note every once in a while that I've come to associate with the Lab's almond. 30 minute drydown - Ok, I don't think I'll be hunting down a bottle, but it's not painful.
  10. sarielswish

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    In the vial, it's lemon, lime, herbs, and musk. I'm in love. Color, deep scale green. Wet on my skin, I'm getting lemon, lime, red currant, green musk, and something herbal. It smells very bright and clean, almost like something I'd expect from a dishwashing liquid or something. 10-15 minute drydown - When Beth described one of the notes as 'snakeskin', she nailed it. There's something in there that's cool and sinuous and slithery and I <3<3<3 it. I want to bathe in it.
  11. sarielswish

    Mr. Nancy

    In the vial, nothing but lime and tobacco. Not a pleasant scent... but I've been fooled before. :-) Color, mahogany. Wet on my skin, it's Scurvy without the peppery note and with tobacco! I was right! On another note... I'm getting a *lot* of lime, some tobacco and rum, but not much of the 'sugar cookies'. 10-15 minute drydown - I like the bay rum and lime, the tobacco in this one I could do without. I generally *like* tobacco notes, but it just doesn't add anything TO this one IMO. 30 minute drydown - I'm starting to smell the sugar cookies, but it still doesn't impress me like I'd hoped it would.
  12. sarielswish

    Templum Victoriae Atmospheric Spray

    Ack. Ack ack ack. I don't know if it was the bay myrtle, since I've never smelled it before, the frankincense that I know I'm sensitive to, or the perfumer's alcohol but *one* little spray of this stuff and I was coughing and choking like someone had stuck a spoon down my throat and my nose burned for a good hour. NOT fun.
  13. sarielswish

    Red Devil

    In the vial, it smells dead on like Orange Bubbleyum bubble gum. Yummy! Playful, indeed. Color, red-orange. Wet on my skin, it smells like orange gum, but with spices. And I dunno about kinky or sexual spontaneity, but it definitely makes me feel a little feisty! >:-) 10-15 minute drydown - I can't stop sniffing my wrist and I've got a big stupid grin on my face... hehe. Nice. I think I need a bottle of this one.
  14. sarielswish


    In the vial, it smells like fresh cut hay and corn husks. Color, gold. Wet on my skin, it's very sweet, like freshly husked white corn and almost milky. 10-15 minute drydown - Too sweet. Like, corn syrup sweet. Not for me. I mean, that's ALL I can smell - corn syrup. 30 minute drydown - Ok, now it's corn mash and musk. Not unpleasant, but still a little too sweet. I think I still prefer the sun-dried musk in Coyote to this one.
  15. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's all anise, lavender, and bergamot. Herbal, herbal, herbal. And talk about MASCULINE! Color - redwood. Wet on my skin - Still *very* herbal, but now I'm getting some of the leather. No patchouli, amber or tonka, though. 10-15 minute drydown - There's the tonka. Very warm. Most definitely more for the hubby than me, but it smells quite nice. Very clean and herbal.
  16. sarielswish


    In the vial, I'm getting vetiver, patchouli, and juniper. *Very* earthy. Nice. Color - black loam. Wet on my skin, this has a caramelized, almost sweet smell to it. Odd. Reminds me of vinegar and sugar, a little. The floral offerings seem to be the same ones from Worm Moon - one of the few florals that don't hate me. 10-15 minute drydown - Unfortunately, I think there's some violet in here because there's a weird soapy/alcohol-y note that does *not* agree with me. Pity, because it smelled REALLY nice. 30 minute drydown - After wiping some of it off, I'm getting a *very* soft floral, maybe iris, and the juniper/patchouli/vetiver combo. Nice. I doubt I'll order a bottle, but this makes me want to try Graveyard Dirt, Deep in Earth, and The Potter's Field. I really like the 'dirt' scent, but I want it without the flowers.
  17. sarielswish

    The Robotic Scarab

    In the vial, it reminds me of a machine shop or a garage. It has a tinge of 'generic cologne' - probably the leather and star anise, something vaguely petroleum based, and a hint of exhaust. I know it sounds weird, but that's what it smelled like when I opened the imp. Color, oilslick black. Wet on my skin, oh wow. I'm getting leather and frankincense, with a little sweetness from the anise and a bit of the acridness from the 'lubricating oils'. This is so much better than I expected. 10-15 minute drydown - There's a little bit of sharpness coming out from the metallic notes, which is nice. That keeps the frank from being too heavy. This is soooo much nicer than I anticipated. Definite bottle material. 30 minute drydown - Spoke too soon. Apparently, I amp mineral/metal/oil notes. Erk. All of a sudden, I smell like a gas station. That interesting, not unpleasant petroleum acridity I was smelling... now smells like I spilled half a gallon of Unleaded on myself. Same thing happened with Inganok Jewelers, but not as bad. Whew! Stinky!
  18. sarielswish


    In the vial, it smells like furniture polish. What is it with me and cleaning products today? I think it's the olive leaf - Olisbos gave me a very similar feeling. Color - olive. Wet on my skin, it's nowhere *near* as unpleasant on. This is a pretty masculine feeling scent, IMO, though. I think the cedar is giving that impression. Hopefully it doesn't turn to straight pencil shavings on me. 10-15 minute drydown - Now, it's almost all cedar and vetiver. Not a bad combo, either. I think this would be nicer on the hubby, though.
  19. sarielswish


    In the vial, it kinda reminds me of window cleaner. Helloooo, lavender and ozone. The black currant is surprisingly strong and sweet, too, and the resins present a nice strong base. Color, electric blue. Wet on my skin, I'm getting black currant and lavender, almost exclusively. It smells like candy. 10-15 minute drydown - Ok, there's the ozone again. I was starting to wonder. :-) It smells very... clean, though. It almost reminds me of shampoo. *ACK!!! Now I know what it reminds me of and why it bothers me. It's starting to smell more and more like Ultraviolet!!!!! GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF!!!!!!!
  20. sarielswish

    The Black Rider

    In the vial, I swear to god there's rose in this. I smell leather and roses. This is what I expected Whip to smell like. Color, red so dark it's almost indistinguishable from black. Wet on my skin, I can smell the leather distinctly, which is unusual. I'm wondering if the 'rose' note I'm picking up is a combination of the oppoponax and the black amber, though. The tobacco is standing out nicely, which I like. I'm usually pretty fond of tobacco notes, though. 10-15 minute drydown - So far, it's drying to leather and tobacco. Very nice. If it stays like this, it's a definite bottle purchase. It's reminiscent of Parliament of Monsters, but without the incense-y notes, so a little softer. 30 minute drydown - Slightly powdery, but not in a bad way. Amber has a tendency to dry that way, but it wasn't unexpected. I think this is a definite bottle.
  21. sarielswish

    Fenris Wolf

    In the vial, the rosewood and red musk are strongest. I don't know that I'll care much for this one because of that. I'm usually on the fence with red musk - it can go either way with me. It can make or break a fabulous scent. Color - red, but not primary red. Fur red. Wet on my skin, red musk. I might have to wash this one off before I give it much of a chance, unfortunately. It smells almost like the red oil I've mentioned before. 10-15 minute drydown - Nope. Red musk headache territory. Needs to go now.
  22. sarielswish

    House of Night

    In the vial, heavy white blooms and ivy are dominant to my nose. I have a feeling this one is going to be too much for me. Color, white. Wet on my skin, fresh cut ivy is the first note I catch. That *very* wet, green note that almost drowns out everything else initially. Flowerwise, I'm getting maybe gardenia and carnation, because I'm smelling something similar to Euphrosyne and I know it's not jasmine or rose and I'm getting a spiciness that I can only associate with carnation. Not a favorite of mine. 10-15 minute drydown - Ok, I don't know what flowers are in here, but I was wrong and I am in love. They're the same beautiful sweet flowers from Worm Moon and I want MORE. 30 minute drydown - Whew... phenomenal scent, but I don't think I need a bottle of this one. An imp or two is probably MORE than sufficient. It's just THAT strong.
  23. sarielswish


    In the vial, I smell lemons. Huh? There's no lemon in this. Weird. Color, yellow. Wet on my skin, Ok. Now I can pick out actual notes. I have no idea why this smelled like lemons in the imp. Bizarre. I'm still getting hints of lemon every once in a while, though. Mostly getting jasmine, vanilla, and gardenia. 10-15 minute drydown - Now it's all jasmine and gardenia, with a little lemon. Unfortunately, WAAAY too floral for me.
  24. sarielswish


    In the vial, it smells like I should be drinking it, not wearing it. >.< Heavy on the caramel, hazelnut, and buttercream. Tasty, though. Hopefully, it doesn't turn burnt on me. Color, caramel. Wet on my skin, HELLOOO TOFFEE AND BUTTERCREAM! I smell like nothing so much as butter and sugar and hazelnut. While I smell *edible*, it's too foody for me, I think. Thankfully, the chocolate isn't horrendous in this one, though. 10-15 minute drydown - I smell like the inside of a Yankee Candle shop. No thanks. I guess I'm not a foodie person, huh?
  25. sarielswish

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    In the vial, it's very citrusy and sweet-tart. Almost reminds me of orange Pez. :-) Color, orange-white. Wet on my skin, I am in love. Citrus and musk and sugar and resins... If it stays like this, I need like a dozen bottles. 10-15 minute drydown - <3<3<3<3<3 I don't think I can *put* enough hearts on this one. This is the citrus I've been looking for.