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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by sarielswish

  1. sarielswish

    Mr. Ibis

    In the vial, unf. That's all I need say. I'm in love. I'd forgotten how much I adore Egyptian musk until someone sent me this empty. Color, cream. Wet on my skin, it's Egyptian musk and papyrus and sharp, clean aloe. I could *bathe* in this. As a matter of fact, if I had more, I would. 10-15 minute drydown - It's all beautiful Egyptian musk and reeds and that slightly sharp aloe and I love it. 1 hour drydown - No change, I still can't stop huffing my wrists. :-) Note - this has an insanely long wear on me... 12 hours later, I can still smell it.
  2. sarielswish

    Ded Moroz

    In the vial, amber and mint... very cold mint. Reminds me of a foot refresher spray I have that makes my skin tingle when I use it. Color, white. Wet on my skin, tee hee! It tingles, just like the spray! Very minty. Smells nice, but I don't see where I'd wear it as a perfume. Although, Ded Moroz is the mint that I was looking for in Nuclear Winter. 10-15 minute drydown - Most of the mint has dried off so I'm getting amber, moss, and sage with a hint of the coldness from the snow. Very nice. Note - I can't really see myself wearing this as a perfume because I can't get the thought of FEET! out of my head long enough to really enjoy it.
  3. sarielswish


    In the vial, it smells like dishwashing liquid! Color, for some reason, day glow orange. Wet on my skin, I'm getting a lot of amber, orris, and bourbon vanilla. Not bad, so far. 10-15 minute drydown - *gag* Flowers... too many flowers.... I would have thought the patchouli and sandalwood would have toned down the flowers but noooooo. The kush, vanilla orchid, champaca flower, and orris(iris) just overpower. Erk.
  4. sarielswish


    In the vial, it smells oddly almost edible. Must be the spices. It reminds me of something I'd find on a plate at an SCA feast. Color, carnation red. Wet on my skin, I'm taking a chance. I didn't realize this one had carnation in it until just now. Here goes nothing. At first I'm getting nothing but a faintly spiced tea. Not unpleasant, but not really what I'm looking for in a perfume. 10-15 minute drydown - Now it smells like bittersweet chocolate that's gone somewhat *off* and it's kind of making my head hurt.
  5. sarielswish

    Loup Garou

    In the vial, it smells like freshly cut wood. Very pleasant smell, in my opinion. Color, very light yellow-white. Wet on my skin, I think there's a little more juniper than I'd like in this blend. All I can smell is GIN. Maybe that will calm down on the drydown. 10-15 minute drydown - Lol... I smell like I rubbed against a pine tree. Very faint, but quite pleasant. Kinda like I've been on a hike or something.
  6. sarielswish

    Dragon's Musk

    In the vial, rich and sweet. Almost reminiscent of good leather. Color, dark red. Wet on my skin, I'm hoping either there's no red musk in this or that it plays nicely. So far, so good. 10-15 minute drydown - Hmm. I seem to have eaten all of the dragon's blood. All I can smell is musk. Not unpleasant, but not something I particularly *want*. 1 hour drydown - Red musk. Ugh. My head hurts.
  7. sarielswish


    In the vial, a little dry and acrid. Reminds me of dried leaves. Color, dark brown. Wet on my skin, it's vetiver and clove and pine and I'm in love. All I can think of is early fall days at an SCA event when it's warm enough not to freeze but cool enough to have a good fire and not burn up. 10-15 minute drydown - Wow... it's very... pungent. I love the way it smells, but it's very strong. I don't know that I'd wear it as a perfume but it's one hell of a mood piece. 1 hour drydown - It's fall leaves and woodsmoke. At first, I didn't think I'd wear it much, but it's become one of my go-to scents, especially on bad days.
  8. sarielswish

    Lick It Til It's Sticky

    In the vial, it smells like the guts of a Peppermint Patty! I like that. Color, WHITE! Wet on my skin, it smells like I've got a candy cane stuck to one arm! HEHE! This would work for Christmas with my daughter or something. It's very *cute*. But seriously, I'm getting nothing but straight peppermint. 10-15 minute drydown - No change. Still straight peppermint. Not bad, but I would have liked a little more depth. Maybe I need to search out some of the other Lick Its and see how they compare. 1 hour drydown - Hah! Now, for some odd reason, it smells like Ben-Gay. Now, go ahead, think I'm weird... I actually like the smell of Ben-Gay. But perfume, it is not.
  9. sarielswish

    Champagne Bath Oil

    I was frimped this in a swap. In the vial, sparkly! It kinda reminds me faintly of ginger ale. I like it! Color, ginger cream. Wet on my skin, it smells like ginger and limes, with a sparkliness in your nose! OMG I NEED LIKE A GALLON OF THIS as long as it doesn't go to lily of the valley on me, which I suspect it might. Nope, still fizzy and awesome.
  10. sarielswish

    Temple Viper

    In the vial, it smells almost like an herbal brown sugar, oddly enough. Colorwise, red gold. Wet on my skin, ack. I was hoping that age would temper the frankincense a little... Not so. It smells beautiful, but I can already feel a headache coming on. It's gotta go.
  11. sarielswish

    Western Diamondback

    In the vial, it smells clean. Like leather polish. I think that's the sage and the tonka. Color, butter yellow, like leather. Wet on my skin, it's *very* sweet. Gotta be the tonka. This reminds me of yellow tanned leather - that sweet, slightly acrid leathery smell. 10-15 minute drydown - This smells EXACTLY like brand new yellow leather work boots on me, right down to the slight oily acridity of the rubber lug soles. Crazy.
  12. sarielswish

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    In the vial, sweet and musky and just slightly medicinal. Color, dusty black. Wet on my skin, I'm anxious to see if aged red musk plays any more nicely than fresh. Oh, my. Mme. Moriarty is very persuasive. I like this... Now to see if the red musk agrees with me. 10-15 minute drydown - Holy Patchouli! It's sweet and resinous and I love it. It reminds me of these black patchouli scented candles I used to buy that I adored. 1 hour drydown - Hrmm... I dunno if I'll be able to wear this. The red musk is starting to amp. I quite like it, but it's starting to take on an overly heavy medicinal quality I've started to associate with red musk and my body chemistry. We'll see how this goes. 2 hour drydown - Ok, I think Mme. Moriarty has won me over. I need a bottle of this one. The notes are playing well, which is what I was worried about, and I think after some aging, she'll work quite well.
  13. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's very clean and almost green smelling. Pretty appropriate, given the notes. Color, very light green. Wet on my skin, I quite like this. It's feminine without being cloying and overly floral. Hubby actually asked what this one was before I had a chance to ask his opinion of it! Good sign. It has a nice citrus note to it that's not overpowering - enough to lift the whole thing up but not enough to bowl you over. I think I like the olive blossom, too. 10-15 minute drydown - Wow. Morning star lily and olive blossom have been added to the list of flowers that don't make me want to cringe in terror and I have confirmed that I <3 snow notes.
  14. sarielswish


    Wet and dry, it's peppery honey. No thank you.
  15. sarielswish


    In the vial, Oh, My. It's spices and patchouli and orange. I think I'm in love. :-) Wet on my skin, sad. It's cinnamon, clove, and incense on me. I seem to have eaten the oranges and patchouli. It's a plainer, darker version of Plunder. If i wanted that, I'd just buy another bottle of Plunder. 10-15 minute drydown - Unfortunately, I think the only way I would be able to wear this one would be in a locket... However, this may be my excuse to buy one. Heh.
  16. sarielswish


    In the vial, this is a *very* herbal, green scent. Color, light purple-green. Wet on my skin, it smells like fresh cut herbs - the ginger, lilac, and lavender are prominent with my chemistry. The herbs are very appropriate - it's a very spring-ish scent. 10-15 minute drydown - It's very pretty, but I don't see myself wearing it much. Something just doesn't seem 'me' about it. I think it's the lilac in this one... I don't know if it's the note itself or if i don't care for the herbs it's combined with, but it's just not appealing to me that much.
  17. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's peach and lotus root and myrrh. Color, red gold. Wet on my skin, this is the myrrh I like. The tea, amber, and peach temper it to the point that it doesn't give me a headache. This I could see going well with my garb (Ottoman Turkish), but I don't know if I could wear it to summer events or if it would be too heavy for War. Maybe at night? 10-15 minute drydown - Very nice. Feminine without the florals. I like this a lot.
  18. sarielswish

    Penis Admiration

    In the vial, it smells like movie popcorn butter. WTF?! Color, cream yellow. Wet on my skin, kettle corn. Huh? This is, by far, the weirdest smelling perfume I've ever found. 10-15 minute drydown - Creamy vanilla lilac. Ok, that's better. That initial scent was something else... 1 hour drydown - There's something kinda addictive about this one... I keep sniffing my arm. 6 hour drydown - There's just something inherently comforting about this one... I think it's the vanilla/tonka combination - it's very warm.
  19. sarielswish


    In the vial, it's rich and sweet without being sickening. Amber, musk, honey, and currant. Thankfully, the daemonorops doesn't overpower like it can. Color, red gold. Wet on my skin, it's musky, sweet, and golden. Almost soporific. 10-15 minute drydown - It's musky-sweet, with an incense-y edge. Heaven. 6 hour drydown - This is a definite Pennsic Party Night scent. ;-)
  20. sarielswish

    Psychological Horror

    In the vial, it smells like celery and coffee?! WTF?! I'm almost afraid to try this one. Color, light green. Wet on my skin, it's a crisp musky aquatic. *Almost* smells like celery, but not quite, thankfully. Man, that threw me for a minute. 10-15 minute drydown - Ech. There's some weird aquatic floral in here that smells like celery and I don't like it. No thanks.
  21. sarielswish

    Dragon's Milk

    In the vial, Holy Sugared Incense, Batman! Wow, that's sweet. Color, RED. Wet on my skin, certainly sweet, but not cloyingly so. I can see actually wearing this. I'll have to see how the honey develops in this one because I tend not to care much for the heavier BPAL honey scents. 10-15 minute drydown - Eh, the honey seems to have taken over. I can't smell much of anything other than that. A pity, really.
  22. sarielswish

    The Torture Queen

    In the vial, it's very sweet, almost innocent. I have a feeling there's something more to this one. Question is - what? Color, chrome. Wet on my skin, amber, white tea, and gardenia with a little bit of a tang - the 'chrome' note. Smells almost like citrus to me. I'm just hoping the gardenia doesn't amp to painful levels. 10-15 minute drydown - Very nice. Not too floral at all. This is a very light, feminine musk with a bit of a bite. I wouldn't mind a bottle of this, either.
  23. sarielswish

    The Illustrated Woman

    In the vial, it's musky, resinous, and a little sweet. I'm actually pretty excited about this one. Here's hoping the honey doesn't take over and ruin the whole thing. Color, pick one. Wet on my skin, musk, patchouli, vanilla, and pine pitch. Interesting combo. It's got an interesting sweetness on the underside. I like it so far. 10-15 minute drydown - I could see buying a bottle of this one. :-) I really like it. I think the hubby will too. Very musky, but sweet at the same time. The pine pitch dies off and I get mostly patchouli, vanilla, tobacco, musk, and honey. Nice.
  24. sarielswish

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    In the imp, Oooh that smells nice. Dusty, smoky, and slightly sweet/sharp from the tobacco. Here's hoping it plays nice with my body chemistry. Color, parchment. Wet on my skin, wow. I hope this one stays just like it is. OMG. I really can't describe it other than *guh*. 10-15 minute drydown - It's strong, but this smells sooooo good. This another 'I NEED A BOTTLE NOW' scent!
  25. sarielswish


    In the vial, I really get nothing beyond good, polished wood and herbs. Not a bad scent, but I don't know how it will react to my body chemistry. Color, honey gold. Wet on my skin, that tarragon is really strong. The redwood and amber are a nice combo, though. The fig lends it a nice earthy sweetness, though. Surprisingly enough, I can't smell any of the myrrh, musk, or orange at all. 10-15 minute drydown - I am just not digging this one. I think the tarragon is killing it for me. Oh well. That's why we have imps, no?