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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by jamcde03

  1. doctor boyfriend got me the most excellent desk chair for sitting at my jewelry table! i feel like Big Boss Lady in it.

    1. BuxomM


      Hooray for awesome desk chairs! I need to get one for my puter desk ... I'm currently sitting on an ottoman

  2. happily, drunkenly reveling in lamia

  3. hi dear! it did indeed make it here, and while i think i can live without killer swarm, a bottle of lyonesse is most certainly in the plans!! thank you somuch!

  4. i am puzzled, trying ot leave you feedback but it's been a while and for some reason i can't figure out how. wait, we've swapped before and i left fb then, am i only able to leave it once? either way, thanks for being a lovely buyer!

  5. i can't make the PMs work, but i wanted to tell you i have just discovered, crumpled in the corner of my mailbox, the cutest postcard from youuuu! it seems to have been in there a while:/ my dumb neighbors never get their mail out so i can never see the bottom. thanks missy! made me smile.

  6. just tired and tired of being tired

  7. OH BOY OH BOY..... hehehe

    1. ephemera


      I see what you did there. *lol*

  8. oh god, totally jean grey

