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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by jamcde03


  2. i am puzzled, trying ot leave you feedback but it's been a while and for some reason i can't figure out how. wait, we've swapped before and i left fb then, am i only able to leave it once? either way, thanks for being a lovely buyer!

  3. just tired and tired of being tired

  4. doctor boyfriend got me the most excellent desk chair for sitting at my jewelry table! i feel like Big Boss Lady in it.

    1. BuxomM


      Hooray for awesome desk chairs! I need to get one for my puter desk ... I'm currently sitting on an ottoman

  5. i can't make the PMs work, but i wanted to tell you i have just discovered, crumpled in the corner of my mailbox, the cutest postcard from youuuu! it seems to have been in there a while:/ my dumb neighbors never get their mail out so i can never see the bottom. thanks missy! made me smile.

  6. OH BOY OH BOY..... hehehe

    1. ephemera


      I see what you did there. *lol*

  7. oh god, totally jean grey

  8. happily, drunkenly reveling in lamia

  9. hi dear! it did indeed make it here, and while i think i can live without killer swarm, a bottle of lyonesse is most certainly in the plans!! thank you somuch!
