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Everything posted by jamcde03

  1. jamcde03

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    has anyone ever experienced a reaction like this? i've got small rough bumps all over the inside of my forearm, they don't hurt or anything but are just sort of bumpy and ugly. i got a new batch of imps and wore a few different ones that day so I don't know what in particular I might be reacting to.... but i didn't apply it to that area, it was inside my elbows. i could always be reacting to something else but....
  2. jamcde03

    Scent for Halloween?

    i was thinking about kill devil on thankstaking- it's a nice warm foody scent on me- but i ended up on milk moon seemed appropriate.
  3. jamcde03


    i thought desdemona was my favorite... i was mistaken, sir! i loooove sweet pea, which is weird, because the pink, fluffy softness i think of when i wear it doesn't really reflect me at all. i might just like what it does on my skin. anyway, this is pure love. this sweet pea is defenitely dominant with the sage and tonka providing a nice steady base. if desdemona is fluffy pink cottonballs, this is fluffy pink cottonballs on a sea of young green stalks. It's like desdemona grew up- the same comforting softness with a deeper, more complex undertone. oh, did i mention i freaking love this? the only way i could love it more is to layer it with.... *eyes an imp of coconut lime on the dresser*
  4. thank you! i am slightly technologically challenged I can't help you with your search, as I haven't tried Milk Moon, but I thought I'd point you in the direction of how to search within this thread. Right above the first post on each page is an entry box with a "search topic" button beside it. I entered Milk Moon and got quite a few posts with comparisons. hth, and good luck!
  5. hi gize:) this thread popped up in a milk moon search so i'm assuming it's been discussed, but i only looked through ten or so pages of this 48 page thread are there any gcs that mimic milk moon? i want that creamy sweet fruitiness in something that's a little easier to come by. tried searching the notes at the actual catalogue's search engine... but all these things pop up that don't contain ANY of those notes. i must be doing something wrong.
  6. jamcde03

    The Season of Ghosts

    :anguished sobbing: this smells AMAZING in the bottle. bergamot is what i'm mostly getting with ginger peeking out underneath. unfortunately, and weirdly, this smells EXACTLY like australian gold sunscreen on my skin. still getting a lot of bergamot, can't pick out anything else individual because the sunscreen smell is so distracting. it's nice; i mean, it reminds me of summer and sunshine, but this is not something i want to smell like when i'm gallivanting about town. :continues sobbing: i was SO excited for this. i'll try it again in a few weeks before i send it to swaps....
  7. jamcde03

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    my unsophisticated nose has a hard time picking out notes, but i defenitely get some vanilla some spiciness, and some floral- everyone seems to agree it's gardenia? i've never worn gardenia and i don't normally like sweet florals but i looooooooove this. the first thing i though on opening the imp was that this smells NAUGHTY. Like i've just walked in to a party that's soon to become an orgy? It smells like the color it is- a dark, dusky pink, this is hedonistic and spells expensive. Like, maybe I can be bought but you totally can't afford me. This doesn't change much from wet to dry. I can absolutely see myself wearing this every day- though it worries me that my signature scent might be called Scared Whore
  8. jamcde03

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    Maybe this has been asked already, i didn't go through all 20 some pages can anyone tell me if BPAL has a scent involving both honey and orange blossom? If not I'll probably buy a single of each and splash them on together.
  9. jamcde03

    Black Pearl

    goodness, i wish this lasted longer on me. in the bottle the best word i can think of is 'heady.' strong coconut and hazelnut, with a touch of booziness and salty sand. this makes me think of lying on the beach oiled up. On my skin it lightens up quite a bit; the sweetness comes up strongly and the last hints (an hour or so in to wearing) are just a touch flowery, but the coconut lasts all the way through.
  10. jamcde03


    this is my first try in my first batch of imps! on opening i got VERY strong dark chocolate with a smoky spiciness underneath. It's mellowed out a bit on my skin with some pepper sneaking in. i'm heading to work waiting tables in a few hours so we'll see what happens to my tips edit: over the course of the night this scent turned to nothing but baby poweder. the guys at work said i smelled like a stripper... i'll be trading this one:)