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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by DarcyPennell

  1. DarcyPennell


    Wet: like embalming fluid but sweeter. like kumiho but with less bite. LOVE it. Drydown: the lemony scent lasts longer that other citrus blends, I guess because it’s verbena rather than actual citrus. Lasting: disappeared fast. I spilled about 1/3 of an imp on myself (I normally apply bpal very lightly) and still I could barely smell it two hours later. I'm still going to buy a bottle, to make linen spray/lotion/anything I can think of for this wonderful scent. Ranking: "love" (when I get my linen spray it will probably be upgraded to "yowza")
  2. DarcyPennell

    Sea of Glass

    This was beautiful, crisp, light but strong (if that makes sense), with white floral and ozone. Now the bad news. Major allergic reaction. I started feeling sniffly immediately. After a half hour my nose was running and eyes watering. At an hour I could barely see straight. I washed my wrists but it took another half hour for the constant sneezing to subside. Damn. I saw that other reviewers had the same reaction. Does anyone know what ingredient in this is prone to set off allergies? I'd sure like to identify and avoid the allergen. Ranking: "ugh" (that would be "love" if not for the sneezing)
  3. DarcyPennell


    I got a freebie imp of this in my last order. When first applied it had a nasty, bitter, burned smell. It was so unpleasant that I washed it off after about ten minutes. Tried again a week later and got the burned smell again, but after about 15 minutes it goes away and I get fig and coconut. Not Coppertone coconut but true fresh coconut. It's rich and beautiful. After about an hour it’s honey and milk, with just a hint of fig. I didn't get much almond or sandalwood. This scent is so complex. I really, really like it. I'm going to get a bottle with my next order. Ranking: "love" (would be "yowza" if the first few minutes weren't so unpleasant)