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Everything posted by Invidiana

  1. Invidiana


    This is flowery--very, very flowery. Not just floral, but downright flowery like sticking your head in a greenhouse. I do get a bit fo the banana, especially in the beginning, and a tiny bit of ginger on the drydown, but this scent is dominated by flowers for the most part. I don't really get much raspberry; I would have never known there was any in this until I read the description. I do lke tropical florals, but I think I personally would like this better if it had something like coconut/vanilla/amber/sandalwood to ground it.
  2. Invidiana

    Byron v13

    Manly? Dude running around in a garden? I don't think so. This stuff is so incredibly sexy and unlike De Sade or Iago (the definition of "manly" to me). This is like CC: Female's infernal twin. Where CC: Female has that Snake Oil-y vibe with the creamy vanilla and subdued leather, Byron v13 is the fiery answer smoldering with flames of red musk on a black leather jacket that clings ever so suggestively to the skin. There is also something "delicious" about it that isn't foody in the least but rather seethes eat me alivethrough swollen lips. It's perfectly evocative of Byron's roguish ways without being too restrictively male, though there is a masculine quality in the way of the Loviatar-esque dominatrix feel but it isn't manly in the least. It's just as daring and roguish as its namesake. Bottom Line: this is basically very akin to Snake Oil with a little extra red musk and an undercurrent of soft, sensual black leather. Or sex in a bottle. Whichever you prefer.
  3. Invidiana

    CD: Tilt v4

    This was one of the Carnaval protos I was lusting after the most, until my sweet-amping chemistry decided to have a way with it. Amping sweet notes is usually a positive thing, at least for me, but in the case that there is not enough tartness to balance them things can turn disastrous pretty quickly. Wet the first things I smelled were lemon and melon--probably honeydew--and I already knew it was hopeless. Unless there is a lot of something to counter them, both cantaloupe and honeydew go cloying on my skin. The lemon faded quickly and out came a blast of mango, which I do like in certain blends, but without enough tartness to balance it, joining hands wtih the melon the whole scent just became more and more saccharine, like a certain ubersweet aspartame-sweetened tropical gum I can't stand, until it became cloying enough to finally have to scrub off. At least the fact that I'm out of the race means there is more room left for people who really would adore it.
  4. Invidiana

    CD: Misfortune Teller v3

    I absolutely love this one and must seek out more. It has significantly more musk and vanilla than the released, which is mostly plum and red musk on me. I'm confused as how it could be fruitier than the original but I amp vanilla and red musk and I couldn't be happier with the way they amp here as they're also two of my favorite notes. It's a thick, heady, deeply sensual red musk cloaking equally thick boozy Bourbon (I believe) vanilla with a hint of plum and maybe a dash of spice, or at least the feel of some spice in the background even if it isn't actually there. It has that magnetic quality of drawing you to it wanting to take just one more sniff, and when you pull away you realize you need another...and another...
  5. Invidiana

    Spicebush Swallowtail

    Another lovely butterfly. Seriously, I've fallen hard with this whole collection, butterflies and moths. I'd forgotten the notes when I dabbed this on and now looking at them again a lightbulb went off as to what reminded me of the feel--not the exact scent, just the feel--of rootbeer; the sassafrass! I actually looked up sassafrass on Wikipedia and it was indeed used to make rootbeer until it was banned by the FDA for causing liver damage. It's very distinct and unique, and the scent as a whole reminds me of old-fashioned spice candy, like a richer version of Neccos. I normally amp clove but thankfully it took a backseat to the sassafrass here, and the sugar and plum lend it a lovely smooth sweetness and keep it from morphing into a spice rack on my skin (which many blends that have clove tend to do). Oh, did I mention I used to catch these things in my backyard all the time as a kid? They were my favorite butterflies because of the iridescent black wings, which were so atypical yet so gorgeous--just like this scent.
  6. Invidiana


    I got the pumpkin from first sniff (I'm a notorious pumpkinphile) and it only kept getting better after that. As this dries down, it warms up with a soft radiance all its own from the perfect balance of fruit, sugar and spice. I love how the red ginger adds a particularly exotic hint of spice to it. The sugarcane gives it a distinct sweetness from that "raw sugar" type note that has more depth than white sugar, and the amber grounds and deepens it, also adding to the golden feel. It's a summery twist on the pumpkin spice theme and if you love pumpkin as much as I do, this is one you definitely need!
  7. Invidiana

    Paper Kite

    I'm a huge fan of coconut, so naturally I LOVE this! It's mostly coconut and white sugar on me with just a tad of edge from the black pepper and angelica. I don't get anything herbal from the angelica as I feared, nothing at all come to think of it, juts a tad of spice from the pepper. The coconut is a bit boozy like I like it; reminds me a bit of old-school suntan oil (the smell of which I adore) and also one of my favorite evils, Malibu Coconut rum. It pretty much stays the same from wet stage to drydown, which is fine by me because once I smelled the sweet and slightly boozy coconut in the bottle I was hoping it would remain that way. It's coconut-dominant with a kick and very sexy.
  8. Invidiana

    Nightmarchers v5

    Lavender and vanilla musk? I don't think so. I'm getting something that definitely comes out as what I'm believing to be opium, black musk, black amber and dark tropical florals (definitely a dark orchid in there, possibly the same note in the Black Orchid proto). I am also familiar with the myth of the Nightmarchers and this really is evocative of phantoms roaming the tropical darkness. It's powerful blend that commands your attention and does have something of a trancelike effect, namely from the opium. Wet it's primarily dominated by the heavier elements but as it dries down the tropical florals emerge and give it a sensual and mysterious quality, and I also detect something that hits me like a cool island breeze--a sinister one, if you will. The floral and resinous/musky components do battle for a while, but it finally settles down and balances itself out into the perfect proportion of exotic dark florals and trance-inducing opium incense. It's ominous and unsettling and yet irresistable. I love it.
  9. Invidiana

    Anjali v3

    Whatever cedar there may be in this behaves remarkably (and unusually) well on my normally cedar-amping skin. It actually reminds me a LOT of Aatos Polemeio, but spicier and a bit juicier, and like in Aatos, what I’m guessing is wild plum manages to tame the cedar. There is actually little morphing from wet stage to drydown; the plum stays at the forefront the entire time, with a woody, spicy and resinous background emerging gradually and warming it up. The clove in this thankfully doesn't amp to ridiculous heights like clove is prone to doing on my kin.The cedar and resins are not in harsh contrast to the plum but rather blend beautifully with it and intensify its sensuality. A very “reddish-purple” scent, for any fellow synaesthesiacs. This is already beautiful and is only going to get deeper and richer with age.
  10. Invidiana

    Eve v5

    I wish I got the warm golden apples and honey out of this, the comforting baked apple feel referred to at the beginning of this thread. I love honey and usually amp it but something went seriously wrong here. All I get is apple peels and cheap powdery floral soap, not the comforting snuggly blanket type of powdery but the type that reminds me of my grandmother's Coty powder which made me gag. I desperately tried sucking in huge whiffs of it for any chance I might detect the slightest trace of honey, but nothing doing. If anything, the cheap floral soap background only kept amping with time. I hope it goes to someone whose chemistry turns it into the honeyed wonderfulness I was hoping for.
  11. Invidiana


    This is primarily jasmine on me more than anything else, and a blast of really intense jasmine with a sharp cat pee undertone, overcoming the gardenia and any other notes. I love white florals, including gardenia which usually turns out creamy on me, but I amp the jasmine in this one to the point of it benig a single-note jasmine. My skin doesn't really have much respect for BPAL jasmine so I'm not exactly the person to give an unbiased review of this one.
  12. Invidiana

    Vieux Carre

    This is a very grassy green floral with that dreaded Cat Pee Jasmine of Doom that ruins everything for me. Sometimes I also amp grass for some strange reason, like in Strawberry Moon 09, and here it is agin. I don't get to enjoy any of the bright spring day it should evoke because of my damned chemistry. In short my skin basically turns this into grass clippings sprayed with cat pee. Lovely image, I know.
  13. Invidiana


    This is like New Orleans sans the cat pee jasmine which ruined that one for me. It's a thick, humid dark green aquatic that's very evocative of the eerie marshes and bayous veiled in fog, and of course anything that reminds me of Anne Rice's New Orleans vampires is always welcome. It isn't a sharp grass type of green; no grass clippings, just murky waters and sinsiter vines without actual bog stench, and the heady aroma of exotic blooms that emerges more and more as it dries down further. The evergreen and cypress thankfully behave in the backgruond and don't amp horribly on me, and the spanish moss further adds to the dark green feel with an earthy tinge. If you like Roux-Ga-Roux and New Orleans (taken that BPAL jasmine behaves on your skin unlike mine), this one is in the same vein.
  14. Invidiana

    Mysterious Warning

    Agreed that the lavender seems to be the one from TKO; to me this is actually like an evil version of TKO, and I'm loving it. I'm relieved there's no cat pee jasmine in this one, I don't really get any strong jasmine note, probably because this is jasmine tea rather than straight-up jasmine, but mostly the lavender and sweet amber with a hazy wreath of nicotiana and osmanthus. There is just a hint of leather in the background, but not an in-your-face leather like that in De Sade. There really is something poisonous about this scent which makes it beautifully sinister.
  15. Invidiana

    Midnight Bell

    Wow. This is actually what I was hoping for Gilman House Hotel to smell like, but I find that when I'm hoping for one thing to smell a certain way, somewhere down the road another scent comes along that smells exactly like what I was imagining. This is very true to the ancient wood and stone and ominous incense it is meant to evoke. I really feel it is more of a dark smoky wood than a stone note, but that may just be the way the resins react with that note on my skin. The dark resins call to mind unknown ancient rituals that might have been performed in places like Stonehenge. It's a haunting and even terrifying scent that is somehow completely wearable. I absolutely love it.
  16. Invidiana

    Horrid Mysteries

    Thankfully the woods in this one don't amp to ridiculous heights but are well tempered by the other ingredients. This is another deliciously sinsiter scent; I mostly get black wine and pomegrante with an eerie backdrop of charred woods, very thick and dark and ominous. The earth note doesn't scream dirt, which I'm really glad about, and the mimosa isn't very prominent because I am really amping the wine and pomegrnate. This is just juicy and evil, in a similar vein with scents like Snake Charmer and Mircalla. I am loving this series so far.
  17. Invidiana

    L'Autunno Atmospheric Spray

    Love warm comforting fall scents, and this is no exception. It's not a foody one but still has a certain sweetness, probably from the fig leaf, balanced wtih the bitterness of the black tea and mystery of patchouli and finished off with one of my favorite things to smell in the air once autumn rolls around, bonfire smoke. I'm the type who will linger outside in the cold just to keep inhaling that trademark autumnal smoky smell, and the fact that I can have it inside now is going to be awesome once the cooler months come.
  18. Invidiana

    Okiya Atmosphere Spray

    I expected this to be a faint green tea-dominated scent, but no, it really surprised me. It's sweet booze-soaked cherry blossoms, maybe with a hint of green tea in the background but definitely not as the dominant note. It's a surprisingly "juicy" and "red" scent to my nose.
  19. Invidiana

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    Medicine Show *cough* *gag* is without a doubt the ultimate apothecary scent, but definitely not up my alley. I can't stand herbals.
  20. Invidiana

    L'Autunno Bath Oil

    This is not foody, but sweet enough from the molasses, and just so comforting...though BPAL cedar usually amps to eleven on me in perfume oils at least this bath oil gives me a chance to enjoy it as a supporting note. It makes me think of a dry autumnal landscape and sweet, spiced fall desserts, with that mysterious undercurrent of patchouli. The scent really lingers on my skin long after the bath, too.
  21. Invidiana


    I passed this up when it was available because I know the warm, comforting scent Samhain turns into on my skin is not the same as the dominant woods in the bottle, but finally caved to an LJ sale and it turned out it was a worthwhile investment. Even though fabric obviously won't amp the sweet stuff like my skin does, the spiced candy dust completely makes up for it, giving this the perfect blend of a dark, sinister October night and the lighthearted fun and mischief on Halloween. One of my favorite labels too.
  22. Invidiana

    Xmvlzencab Bath Oil

    This is like bathing in Meliai to me. It's a sheer but still sensual honey scent with floral nuances in the background. What I love about all BPTP bath oils though is the fact that even with my papery skin half the moisturizing battle is done when I step out of the bath and I don't have to slather on moisturizer as maniacally as I used to because my skin will suck it up in 2.5 seconds. My skin feels very soft and one application of moisturizer afterward is plenty enough.
  23. Invidiana

    Xmvlzencab Soap

    The lather of this stuff is awesome. It really is the "sheer silken lather" described on the label, very creamy and moisturizing. Like the bath oil, it reminds me highly of Meliai; a soft, sensual honey scent with a whisper of florals.
  24. Invidiana

    Archenemy Training Seminar & Leadership Retreat

    To my nose this seems to be a combination of buttermints and something fruity underneath; sounds bizarre but it's actually pretty pleasant. I'm wondering whether it will ever be released in a full-size bottle, because I'd definitely get one.
  25. Invidiana

    Spare Change

    This is very minty, cool and metallic, very much like spare change that has been sitting in someone's purse with peppermint gum. There is a slight tang of metal along with the ozone and aquatics. It actually eminds me a lot of the smell of my aunt's purse from when I was a kid. Not for me, but for anyone who's a fan of metallics it's definitely worth a shot.