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Everything posted by Invidiana

  1. Invidiana

    Screeching Parrot

    How could I pass this up when I live with a screeching parrot? (That's Lestat chewing a packing peanut from the box my TAL bath oils arrived in. But I digress.) This is a tart, boozy and fruit-punchy scent perfect for summer! Whatever pink lime is, I like it, and I definitely get the zingy tartness from it. Sometimes pineapple can go cloying on me but here it's kept in check by the citrus. There is a delicious rum note reminiscent of Grog but more "golden" and bright. I get plenty of juicy apricot as well, and just a hint of ginger but nothing sharp. I think if my parrot were human he'd approve.
  2. Invidiana


    I was initially terrified of the Ouzo in this--being Greek I've been exposed to that nasty stuff one too many times. In real life I honestly think Ouzo smells like nail polish remover infused with licorice. However, there is only the slightest suggestion of anise liquor (no nail polish remover overtones at all but more in the realm of an absinthe note) on my skin, which only adds a unique twist to the delicious blackberry rum I get instead. I think that along with the Ouzo note the black tea keeps it from getting too sweet. Overall it's a wonderfully sticky boozy blackberry and I'm so glad to have a bottle.
  3. Invidiana

    Temple of Dreams

    This starts out as a really sharp and medicinal lemony lavender but gradually mellows out to mostly lavender with a hint of lemon. It's not really something I wear but I think I'll keep my imp around with good reason; it seems to help calm nausea. The night I got this imp at the Meet the Lady show in Tribeca, I also got awfully sick from a restaurant we'd gone to earlier. Taking deep whiffs of this on my wrist actually helped me feel better and drift off to sleep eventually.
  4. Invidiana

    Red Lace

    I knew what I was doing when I bought two bottles of this unsniffed. It is SEX. I am a red musk maven and the gorgeous red musk in this doens't disappoint and remains at the fore with the raspberry and patchouli which are a really senual combo in themselves. I also love how the raspberry is true and juicy and not cloying candy like BBW's Sun Ripened Raspberry which still haunts me with memories of junior high. Besides the raspberry note being delicious on its own I think the pomegranate is balancing it out in terms of tartness as well. The vanilla is prominent as well, adding a sweet creaminess to the blend. As it dries down it takes on a smoky aspect from the frankincense and tobacco, and the sandalwood warms it up for even more sexiness. Absolute LOVE.
  5. Invidiana


    This is such a blatantly sexual scent, just sniffing it it makes me want to do really reprehensible things. Lush ylang ylang and fierce red musk are definitely at the fore and given even more potency by the patchouli and grounded by a thick sweet myrrh that gives it a resinous depth. If this is what it is now I can't imagine what it will be aged.
  6. Invidiana


    To my nose this is very similar to Dark Chocolate and Cherry with the addition of orange blossom, which gives it a slightly floral and slightly citrusy undertone. It is a little cough-syrupy in the beginning but dries down to a rich sticky cherry backed by bittersweet chocolate and orange blossom. I already have a bottle of DC& C so I'm going to have to deathmatch them side by side with to see if this one warrants a bottle of its own.
  7. Invidiana


    I am thoroughly in love with red patchouli. It's warm and sensual, fiery without being spicy, passion encapsulated in scent, just hot. The orange blossom here is not sharp but gently citrusy, creamy and even a bit vanillic though that may be my skin. There is a bit of a creamsicle tinge to this scent though it's not foody. I'm so glad I finally sprang for a bottle.
  8. Invidiana


    There is a bit of a cat pee undertone to this wet but here's hoping. :leaves swatch alone to dry down: Okay, now it's really starting to take shape. I was afraid of either cat pee jasmine or dry rose death but apparently night-blooming jasmine behaves quite well on me. The rose notes are also the voluptuous type and not dry at all. My favorite thing about this scent, however, is the thick sweet myrrh and warm, sensual musk that really shine in the drydown. This might just love me.
  9. Invidiana


    This is pretty sharp wet, but it dries down into the loveliest ethereal white musk touched with shadows of opium and patchouli. It's almost like opium and patchouli made "clean", if that makes any sense at all. It is a sophisticated scent with enough innocence from the white musk and mystery from the opium and patchouli notes. I can't quite take my nose away becaue there's something about it drawing me in that I just can't put my finger upon. So glad I got a bottle before it was discontinued because it's really unique and beautiful.
  10. Invidiana

    Eat Me

    This is all fluffy and lightly buttery vanilla cake studded with juicy currants. There is a perfect balance of just enough currant to accent the cake but not overtake it. The extra vanilla in addition to the cake notes gives it the feel of equally fluffy frosting. Yum.
  11. Invidiana

    Blue Morpho

    I typically don't do well with honeysuckle or geranium, but this is pink geranium which doesn't go sharp, and I barely get any honeysuckle at all. Thankfully this is mostly orchid and pikake on me, with gentle touches of the other florals in the background and a soft base of white amber. It actually smells really fresh and clean and uplifting, perfect for a hot day or any day when you need something to lift your spirits. Surprise win!
  12. Invidiana

    Berry Moon 2011

    Luscious boozy berries. I am so, so tempted to lick my knee since I ran out of testing room on my arms...there is no one fruit that dominates here, it's just like a sticky melange of dark berries doused in booze and shot through with sexy red musk. This is not one of those artificially sweet berry scents that goes all cloying but really rich and true with just enough tartness to balance out the sweetness, plus the apricot adds a little something special to the background. It's definitely a cousin of Bordello with more of a fruity punch and without the almond note. This was a no-brainer for me since I knew it would be a win.
  13. Invidiana


    Damn this is sexy. It's delicious red musk and amber in the bottle, and only gets better once on my skin. If you love Snake Charmer like I do, this is in that Snake Charmer family of thick sweet resinous incense that screams sex from half a mile away. Once it dries down it the sensual warmth of the sandalwood and golden musk emerges as well with a hint of smokiness from the tobacco. I don't get much orris or sunflower but there is the very faintest hint of florals somewhere in the background. Instant win, nuff said.
  14. Invidiana

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    I am really happy to have finally gotten a bottle of this because it's so pretty. It does stay close to the skin as others have mentioned but it's a warm and sensual skin scent. I get lots of sweet golden amber and sandalwood backed up with creamy vanilla and slightly spicy florals. I can sometimes amp cinnamon like nobody's business but there is just the barest hint of it here. The florals are warm and dry in an autumnal way and add to the overall golden feel of the scent. Lovely.
  15. Invidiana

    Serket v5

    Serket was the ancient Egyptian goddess of healing bites and stings, and is often depicted with a scorpion atop her head. Her scent is a sweet spiced plum that is like a sophisticated sugarplum. One of the elements that adds to the sweetness here is definitely sugarcane because I recognize that same note from Dia and Velvet Nudie; it starts out fresh and sweet with a greenish floral tinge and dries down to a warm brown-sugary sweetness. I'm guessing there is also white honey in here because while I don't distincly get a traditional honey note there is something else supporting the sugarcane. Since honey also has soothing properties, which would fit into the theme of a healing goddess, it's highly likely that's what it is. The plum is more of a fresh plum note than the smoky Hellion or Snake Charmer plums, though it still is very fragrant. It is deepened by soft resins, I'm guessing some ambers and possibly sweet myrrh, and finished off by subtle spice. There must be cinnamon though it stays subdued, maybe a bit of ginger or allspice. There can't be any cardamom because I'd know that instantly. There is something else that might be among the spices though I might be hallucinating; the ancient Egyptians used coriander to fight fever, and while I'm not quite sure it may be in there for the historical value. This is a really lovely scent that is fit for a deity.
  16. Invidiana


    Though I do like all of them I have to say this is my favorite of the Pretty Indulgent scents. It's predominantly a vanillaed white musk on me with a soft floral background in which I can definitely make out the orchid and lily with a hint of lilac. The lilac is actually pretty subdued, just enough to make its presence known but in no way overpowering. Apple blossom can be iffy on me but this one doesn't go to soap. I have no idea what begonias smell like because I've never actually stuck my nose in one when I had the chance but in any case it's working. All I know is I'm amping the vanilla musk and I'm all over that.
  17. Invidiana


    I was worried about the combo of leather and sage being a masculine blast but this is beautiful. The leather is most prominent in the wet stage but sweet balsam resin quickly comes out to play followed by the hickory (which thankfully doesn't amp like cedar), and the musk keeps warming up as it dries down. I do have a tendency to amp many resins, especially the sweeter ones, and in this case it's working in my favor. The leather here is a soft and well-worn leather note, true to the description. Finally the soft wildflower and herbal notes emerge, not in a medicinal-herbal way but rather like a golden usmmer field with wildflowers blowing in the wind. I'm really quite surprised at how much I like this one.
  18. Invidiana

    Une Folle Entreprise

    I would say this is more the love child of Silver Phoenix and Black Opal rather than B340. It is a little odd wet but I'm really glad I gave it a chance because it blossomed into a beautiful soft "silvery" scent, as others have said, with the violet, iris and musk at the forefront. I can pick out the blackcurrant though this is not a berry scent per se. This musk is a fuzzy musk but doesn't go cloyingly powdery on me like the one in Hunter Moon 07. There is a powderiness to this scent as a whole but it's a pleasant powderiness. There is the tiniest bit of anise here, but it ends up being no more than the faintest whisper, and I don't get anything soapy from the apple blossom. I get hints of patchouli and tonka as well, which add to the warmth of the musk. The final drydown of this is like a velvety grayish-purplish cloak that shifts colors in the twilight; difficult to describe but beautiful in its own right.
  19. Invidiana


    This is the jasmine that actually likes me; not just likes me, but really likes me. No cat pee but a soft, feminine, crystalline scent that seems to carry the essence of magic with it. Even if you don't like white florals (though I do), the florals in this are gentle and not at all overbearing. I get a lot of the Lab's gorgeous white musk in the drydown, and thankfully no spice of any kind. That could be because the spices in this are white spices, but in any case I don't amp them. I discovered this a little late but am so glad I've been able to collect enough imps to fill a bottle.
  20. Invidiana

    The Hesperides

    This is a very true fresh apple scent that reminds me of SGA without the snow/ice note. Fresh apple and a some misty greens in the background. On me at least it turns out to be a red apple rather than the tangy green apple I was hoping for. Not my thing, but if you love SGA you definitely need to snap this one up before it's gone.
  21. Invidiana


    This is pleasantly sweet and smoky on me, which I didn't expect because I thought it would be glaringly masculine. I barely get any leather. There is something almost caramelly about it though not exactly foody; I think it's the type of tobacco or maybe the snakeroot though I have no idea what snakeroot smells like. It's actually very similar to Pinched on my skin except without the cinnamon that I tend to amp in the drydown. I'm going to have to do a side-by-side comparison.
  22. Invidiana

    Molly Grue

    Something in this comes off like corn chips wet, I kid you not. I'm thinking it might be the sesame. As it dries down, the corn chip note all but disappears and some lovely sweet sticky fig and warm hazelnut come out with the soft creaminess of rice flower. The hazelnut gives it a toasty nutty backing to keep it from getting too sweet. I actually don't get too much spice out of this, which is good because sometimes I can amp some spices like no tomorrow. It's a really cozy scent that I can see being great for autumn. Winner!
  23. Invidiana

    The Harpy Celaeno

    This starts out really vegetal and off-putting wet; I think it's the horseradish, and I can't stand horseradish. As it dries down the sharp vegetal quality takes a backseat and it becomes something of a minty (I have no idea where I'm getting any mintiness from) clove blend with a bit of florals and resins. Maybe it's the bergamot that's giving me the minty effect. This ends up being a very discordant blend on my skin. Not for me.
  24. Invidiana

    Magic, Do As You Will

    I don't know exactly what it is but something in this goes strangely off on me. I do get the Lab's lovely frankincense with its deep resiny woodiness but that's not what goes awry; I think it's the combination of that and the other resins with the purple fruits that ruins it on my skin. I amp sweet notes and sometimes I ultimately end up amping them too much. All in all it smells somewhat like nail polish remover wet and then dries down into a sickly sweet chemical scent on me. Sad.
  25. Invidiana

    The Amorous Tree

    This is a bit odd on me at first, like rose and lime rind which don't really seem to mesh. However, the limey note fades and leaves a gentle rose with soft, airy greens and a warm bark note that I'm tempted to say ha oak bark in there somewhere. The rose isn't a really sharp or dry rose but more of a feminine pink tea rose to my nose. There is indeed something misty about this that comes off as fresh and clean, and a really romantic quality as well. I expected this one to be a disaster at first but I'm pleasantly surprised.