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Posts posted by Lorelai1945

  1. Very minty fresh. I had hoped it would have a little more vanilla or something to tone down the peppermint, but this is pretty much straight mint to my nose. Not bad- definitely candy cane, but kind of simplistic. I like sniffing it, but I don't know that I'll wear it.


  2. I was really hoping for a lot of vanilla and a little bit of rose in this. I got a little rose, but really no vanilla to speak of. It is a LOT like Snow White to my skin and my nose, except missing the ghastly coconut that ruined Snow White for me. It is very white and wintery, and my skin eats it up. Just okay.

  3. In Winter is all sweet flowers and citrus. It's exactly the type of scent I used to love when I was a teenager. I don't mind it, but I rarely wear florals, especially with the added citrus. I completely understand when people describe it as "pink" or "orange".

  4. Hmm..there seems to be a lot of different things going on here. At first, I smelled cold citrus- like iced grapefruit. Then it became sweeter and took on almost a pine-y scent- but with flowers. It reminds me a lot of Snow Bunny with the pine and sweet floral combination. I like it, but to me it's more of a room scent than something I'd wear on me. I'll test it again to see if it grows on me.


    *Somebody wrote that it smells like toilet cleaner. I just figured out that it smells like a Glade Plug-in I've been around before. That may have ruined it for me now that I know that. :P

  5. '09


    Peacock Queen smells like a Victorian woman's powder. It is a very old-fashioned rose. It starts out with a strong blast of ROSE, but does soften. It puts me in the mind of rose water linen spray my mom used to have or Smith's Rosebud Salve. It's nice, but I don't know if I'll wear it unless I feel like being extremely flowery and girly.

  6. '09


    Snow-Flakes is very light and has a hint of mint in the background, with a soft...almost soapyness to it. Kind of like baby shampoo smell a couple of hours later. It is definitely very white and cold. It doesn't have much lasting power; my skin seems to soak it up. I get a lot of similarity to the feel of Snow White, minus the rose and the coconut. It's nice, but not something I think I'll need a bottle of, especially since it doesn't last very long.

  7. Smut! Smut! Smut! Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes.

    Hmm..I was convinced this was going to be my perfect scent, but I am not so sure. I love Marianne and Mircalla and Snake Oil- all wonderful blends with red musk. This one is definitely darker to me and not as sweet. I don't smell the wonderful sugar and vanilla over red musk I read descriptions of. I swear I smell nuts and unsweetened cocoa and latex gloves all mixing in the background to ruin the lovely red musk I can tell is in there somewhere. I'm going to give it a few more chances; this was from an imp and I have a bottle on the way, so maybe I'll like the different age better. If not, maybe someone will trade me for more Marianne, which so far I vastly prefer.

    ETA: I got a bottle of an older version and I like it much better. It's more of the sugary scent I was expecting and less of the strange cloying smell I got from the decant. I have a feeling that age improves this, so hopefully it'll keep getting even better.

  8. Wow. I am reeeeally wishing I'd have ordered a bottle of this when I had the chance. It is wonderful! I have recently discovered that I love red musk and that it loves me, and this is a gorgeous one. It starts out on the skin red musk!, but dries to a sexy, warm, spicy red musk that is a bit sweet. I get a bit of the vanilla peeking through as well, and in the distant background there is some nice floral stuff going on. It's very well blended, and so sexy it makes me feel like putting on a corset and letting my hair down..Anyhoo, Marianne is my favorite red musk blend, and this is a super close second (it actually is very similar to me). I will have to eventually snag a bottle of this lady.

  9. O.M.G. This is amazing! I was really scared that I would finally get it and be disappointed, but it is so fantastic. To me, it smells a lot like a slightly boozier, more vanilla-ed Morocco. It has a lot of the same spicyness that Morocco has. It is rather masculine at first, but it dries down to a scent that I feel very sexy wearing. This is immediately one of my top ten. (Now I just have to snag a bottle....)

  10. I love Snake Oil, and feel super sexy wearing it. I recently got a decant of Marianne, and feel ultra-sexy wearing that, too. (Trouble is..I want more now. Bah.) I think that must make me a red musk girl, too. Mircalla is all right, and Mme. Moriarty is okay, but a little heavy on the hippie-shop smell. Any other red musk must-tries? (Especially in the ballpark of Marianne?)


    The Grindhouse!!! It is LOVE! And also elicits some wonderous responses!


    Ooooooh! That's going on my wishlist.


  11. I would recommend Snow Bunny. I've seen it for sale here on the forums. No mint- definitely snowy with some pine and a light floral. I think it's a great wintery/holiday scent. Also, have you tried Snow White? It definitely has a cold feel to it.

  12. Ooooh! Hello lacy, powdery vanilla-cotton smell from Antique Lace! This reminds me a lot of AL, only a little bit darker, which I'm guessing is the tobacco giving it an edge. It's very soft on me- my skin kind of wants to suck it up (just like it does AL). It isn't as vanilla to me as I had originally hoped it would be, but I can detect a faint bit of it somewhere in there. I really love this- I don't know if I'd call it outright sexy, but there's a way that this stays close to my skin that sort of gives it that feel.


    The only problem now is...what happens when I run out? : (



    ETA: Big thanks to ifinena for giving me the chance to try this!

  13. I think this would be the right thread for this question...I got a lab order in yesterday (yay!), and received my long-awaited bottle of The Girl. I was so excited! When I put it on to test, I immediately recognized the scent. I thought that was weird, since I bought it untested. I tried it again and realized it smells exactly like Under the Harvest Moon. I was concerned that it was just my nose being wacky, so I put UTHM on one wrist and my The Girl on the other, and I cannot smell a difference. I did it again this morning. Is it possible that my bottle has been mislabeled? I really like the smell, but I was really hoping to try The Girl. I read through all of the reviews, and I didn't see anyone review The Girl in a way that sounds like what I received. Any opinions or advice?


    Do you have a helpful friend who can sniff test the bottles for you? I would suggest having them blind sniff and try not to lead them in the direction of "does this smell different to you?"


    Yeah, I can definitely do that. I am really 99% convinced that the scent in the bottle is not The Girl based on reviews that I've read, but I don't want to e-mail the lab before I'm absolutely sure. I also thought it was kinda weird that my bottle was not quite full, whereas the bottle of Cake Smash that I got with it was full to the shoulder like they normally are. The bottle of TG that I got was right around the top of the label.


    On the positive side, I do like the scent (since UTHM is a favorite), so at least I have more of a scent that I like...




    ETA: Upon about the thousandth sniff, I can tell a little bit of a difference. Barely, but my bottle of The Girl is a little more vanilla-y, and the UTHM has a little more of a floral coming through. They're still super close, though.

  14. I think this would be the right thread for this question...I got a lab order in yesterday (yay!), and received my long-awaited bottle of The Girl. I was so excited! When I put it on to test, I immediately recognized the scent. I thought that was weird, since I bought it untested. I tried it again and realized it smells exactly like Under the Harvest Moon. I was concerned that it was just my nose being wacky, so I put UTHM on one wrist and my The Girl on the other, and I cannot smell a difference. I did it again this morning. Is it possible that my bottle has been mislabeled? I really like the smell, but I was really hoping to try The Girl. I read through all of the reviews, and I didn't see anyone review The Girl in a way that sounds like what I received. Any opinions or advice?

  15. I just got my bottle of The Girl, and it smells EXACTLY like my bottle of Under the Harvest Moon. It's nice, it's just smelling like the same scent to me. It's warm (not cold and crystalline like I've seen it reviewed) and has what I took to be the blue musk in UTHM. If I had smelled this without looking at the bottle, that's what I would have said it was.


    ETA: I keep sniffing back and forth between the two (TG and UTHM), and I can barely tell a little bit of a difference. The Girl seems to have a little bit more of a vanilla feel, and UTHM is a little more floral. Very, very similar, though.


    The Girl is definitely vanilla musk to my nose, and it is pretty light..I kind of have to really get it up next to my nose. I think it has some lasting power, though. It lasts a few hours on me, which is good for my skin chemistry (which tends to eat scents).


    Update: Oh. my. gatos. I sold my original bottle, but recently regretted it, so I bought one from the forums. It is amazing! Musky vanilla/amber goodness. I need more. A little aging made this so much better!

  16. The whole "snow" thing is a bit strange to me.. because I live in a part of Australia where it never snows, and at the time of year when it's snowing in the US it's usually around 100 degrees here! So I've generally avoided the whole snow thing in BPAL, with three exceptions...

    Snow, Glass, Apples - I know this is hard to find, but definitely worth hunting down - it combines the icy cool you'd expect from snow and glass with the crisp, sweet tartness of apples and is really lovely.


    Snow White - a favourite for so many people, but a new discovery for me. I've got the '05 version and I really LOVE IT - soft, sweet, cool, just gorgeous.

    Snowblind - chilly vanilla.. this *does* have mint, and quite a strong mint at that, but after it's warmed up a bit on your skin the vanilla balances out the mint quite nicely and sweetens it up.


    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but can any of you Snow White aficionados tell me whether all the Snow White releases are exactly the same from year to year? My chances of finding another bottle of the '05 version are slim, but I'm reluctant to buy the others in case they're different.


    I've noticed a difference between Snow Whites of varying years. I first got an imp of SW '07, and really loved it. It smells like very soft, snowy, fruity flowers. This prompted me to order a bottle, but I purchased SW '08. I found '08 to be heavy on the coconut to the point where it ruined it for me- coconut does a weird, spoiled milk thing on me. I thought about lettting it age, but I found someone who wanted it so I didn't wait on it. I ordered a decant of '09 specifically so I can further research the differences.

  17. I was almost scared to try Morocco, because so many things I'd seen reviewed as smelling like vanilla didn't to me. I wanted to like it so badly...and I do! I love it! It is everything that I'd hoped it would be- warm and sweet and somewhat spicy with a yummy creamy vanilla underneath it all. I wish I were good at picking out the individual notes so I could be more specific, but it's just such a wonderfully blended, exotic scent. I need a bottle of it right now!
