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Posts posted by Lorelai1945

  1. Poop. I can smell some amazing pumpkin in the background, but it's smothered in Big Red gum smell. I am surprised at how un-floss-like this is. It's heavy and spicy, where I was hoping it would be lighter and sweeter. If you like cinnamon, this one's for you!

  2. OMG!! This canNOT be the same Boo I tried last year- it's AMAZING! It's exactly what I wanted it to be- creamy cool vanilla softness. It's fantastic- no buttered popcorn! :joy: I am so glad I didn't write it off this year. SO ordering a bottle tonight! If I have any complaints it's that it doesn't have a lot of lasting power, but I will have no problem slathering repeatedly!


    ETA: Seriously?? Not again!! After being dry for a while, all of the sweetness of Boo is gone and all that's left is a dry, linen-y smell. Stupid skin sucks up all sweetness leaving nothing nommy behind. May not need it after all, even though is so good to begin with. :frustrated: Just like Gollettes- got me all excited and then total letdown. My skin chemistry severely limits the number of scents I can wear. Maybe it's time for a scent locket.

  3. 2010 Version


    This does smell a lot like men's cologne. It does have a leafy, slightly smoky feel, but there's also something kind of shaving soap about it- it's also a bit dry smelling. It's very strong at first, but once it's dry it does mellow a bit, and sweetens a tad. I neither love nor hate it, but I suspect it would be incredible on a man. I think I'll keep my decant around, but I don't think a bottle will be necessary.

  4. 2010 Version


    I also get a strong blast of something very strong and medicinal that lingers even after drydown. It's sad, too, because I can smell all kinds of good harvest smells hidden behind it- apples and spices and leaves. Unfortunately, that medicinal smell is killing everything else and gives me a headache. I may keep the decant around to see if that ages out, but for now this is really not wearable on me.


    ETA: Tried my decant again tonight. I put less on, and I'm getting a lot less of the medicinal smell. I'm hoping that this becomes better with age.

  5. Right away I'm getting a lot of leafiness and green tea with some spice. I can tell there's honey in there, especially when in the imp and really wet on the skin, but it doesn't scream honey like other blends I've tried. It's in the background just adding some sweetness. I don't get any discernable vanilla (unfortunately), but I do get a little bit of the berry as this dries blending with the green and spice. Once dry, this really clings to my skin and mellows-then fades. I just put it on a couple of minutes ago, and it's already almost gone. Overall, I don't mind it, but it's not the love I was hoping for. Decant will be plenty.

  6. Simplicity and innocence, gleefully despoiled! Sugared violet.

    When first on the skin, this is very sugary violets- it smells exactly like the violet flavored gum I get after eating Mexican food. The longer it stays on the skin, the more the sugaryness and sweetness comes through and pushes the violet back. It has a VERY similar feel to Antique Lace's drydown on me. Closer to Antique Lace than any other Bpal I've tried, actually. It is a tiny bit powdery, but not in a bad way. It is sweet and sugary violet powder. I like it much better than I like Hope- they are similar, but Hope was watery to me, where this is more dry. The powdery-ness gives it an old-fashioned feel. I do have to say that it seems to be fading on me pretty quickly, but I like it nonetheless.

  7. Hmm. In the imp this is a lot of skin musky with a little honey- it reminds me of what I remember Vasilissa smelling like. On the skin, it almost immediately starts to morph into something soapy- then strong, chemically leather. It's a strong, cold leathery, metal chemical smell. It softens a bit, and then begins to remind me of dirty asphalt snow. I've never smelled any Bpal quite like this. I really don't like it, and I'd never be able to wear it, but it's so strange that I keep smelling my wrist. I get zero honey or any sweetness of any kind on my skin.

  8. I definitely get butterscotch from this, but crazily enough, it doesn't go nasty buttered popcorn on me. It's almost caramelly in feel. At some point in the drying process I kind of smelled jelly beans, but it defnitely ends up caramel/butterscotch with a hint of spice. What I don't get is a lot of booze- and that's not a bad thing since booze-heavy scents are usually really awful on my skin. I didn't expect Grog to smell this way at all, and I didn't expect my skin to get along with it, but it's really not bad. I imagine that this is what butterbeer smells like! Now I just have to figure out when/where I would wear this...


    I think I may pretend it's a Weenie since those aren't working so hot for me this year. ;)


    I also wish I would have ordered Anne Beany if Bpal butterscotch/rum smells like this!

  9. I tried this early on in my Bpal days, before I had branched out into anything that wasn't screaming VANILLA, and found it uninteresting. A year later, I've changed my mind. Regan is very feminine and very pretty. When it's wet on the skin it is a very soft, sweet vanilla floral. My skin amps the flowers, so once it's dry I get a lot of floral and a teeny bit of the vanilla, but the vanilla tries to push through. It really smells like fresh orchids. I can see myself wearing this when I want something soft and sophisticated- it's very ladylike, and almost a bit old-fashioned. I do wish that I got more of the vanilla, but that's my skin chemistry for ya.


    ETA: I may need a bottle of this. The more it dries, it does sweeten a bit more.

  10. This one has me perplexed. When it was wet on the skin, it smelled watery and very much like dish soap. I was not a fan. However, fast forward about a half hour to when it had completely dried, and it smells like spicy, warm appley mush. I like it. It strikes me as more of a room scent than a skin scent, but I think that if I had a decant of it I would wear it seasonally. I wonder if aging would take away the weird dish soap stage- that's the only thing really bothering me at this point.


    ETA: 2010 version

  11. Looking for some red musk recommendations please. :wub2:


    Favorites: Smut, Lucy Kissed, and Mania.


    Himerus is one of those red musk scents that work on me if I can make it pass the dry down. Even then, the juniper and sandalwood make it too sharp and masculine sometimes.


    Red musk blends that don't work for me: Mme. Moriarty, Witchblade, and VILF.


    Are there any other blends that are like my favorites?


    I definitely plan on trying Infernal Lover and maybe Muilearteach (but the black musk/snow note makes me pause).


    Try The Grindhouse and Scherezade- both are available from the lab now. Also see if you can track down Marianne or Mircalla. And definitely give The Infernal Lover a go.

  12. In the bottle this smells just like Marianne. It is definitely RED MUSK!!, with not a whole lot else going on. I can tell there's sweetness behind it if I sniff closely, but it's waaaaaay in the background. It doesn't seem to be doing anything unpleasant (like my horrible Smut latex gloves and nuts experience). It's rather potent, and the oil is very red in color. I don't hate it, and could see myself wearing it out on a date in fall or winter. However, I already have Mircalla and Marianne...so I'll have to think about whether I need to keep this one too since it's pretty similar. I do love the label!


    ETA: I tested this again alongside my other red musk scents, and it does have a honey sweetness and a freshness present that the others don't. If this ages in a way that brings the sweetness out, it will be amazing. Definitely keeping this around.

  13. Hmm. Extremely boozy in the bottle and wet on the skin. It really does smell exactly like amaretto. I can tell there's some cherry trying to peek through the booze, and some sort of pastry as well. It becomes very dry as it's...well, drying. Something about this makes my head hurt. It has a lot of throw and is rather cloying. Ah- there's the coconut making an appearance. Oh my. Now that the oil is pretty dry on my skin it's almost coffee-like. And nail polish remover. My skin does not like this at all. It was a long shot in the first place, and just isn't paying off. Off to swaps with ye!


    ETA: Once this has been completely dry for a while, it smells a lot better. Kind of caramel/mapley. However, it's also so faint that I have to stick my wrist right up against my nose, and I'm not at all sure the initial stages are worth the end result.

  14. OMG!!! This is SOOOOOOOO good! It's like white cake with pink frosting. Or a jelly donut. Or a cherry frosted Pop-Tart. It's sweet and pink and totally different from the other mapley-type sugar Bpal scents that I've smelled. I think that this is what Strawberry Shortcake would smell like. Foodies rejoice!



    ETA: OH NOES! As amazing as this is to start out, my skin chemistry completely destroys it. It ends up smelling yeasty and doughy- no pink sugar, no sweet frosting yumminess. My skin sucks up all the sugar, all the cherry, all the sweetness and leaves nothing but raw dough smell. I'm heartbroken. How could you do this to me skin?? :cry2:

  15. Has anyone found a GC equivalent for Hod? I love the sweet golden scent of this.


    Brisingamen is close =)


    It looks like that turned to cleaning solution on me when I reviewed an imp back in July. I might track down another imp (since I frimped it away) in case my chemistry has changed since I had my baby. Thanks!


    I personally think that Morocco and aged Hod are pretty similar.



    I adore Tiki Princess - and I didn't get to grab enough before it came down - are there any similar GC scents - most particular I'm looking for the snowy/icy/frothy note that's present in Tiki Princess.


    It's not GC, but Snow White and Tiki Princess are sisters separated at birth IMO. Same snowy coldness for sure. Less punch of coconut, but super similar. Snow White '08 had more coconut to my nose than some of the other vintages. Snow White '07 is my favorite, though (that I've tried). If you like Tiki Princess, you must try Snow White.



    ETA: Also, FWIW, I don't think any other scent I've tried smells anything close to Antique Lace IMHO. I've always thought that the component issue must have been with whatever made AL the unique, magical creation it is.

  16. Where's the honey?? This was very herbal/floral on me- medicinal lavender and lots of herbs. It wasn't unpleasant, but it also wasn't something I'd wear regularly either. I didn't get any honey or sweetness like I was hoping for. I knew that French lavender would be a lot stronger than other lavenders I have, but I also hoped the honey would help soften it more. I thought about keeping my bottle around for aromatherapy purposes, but I have TKO and some TALs for that, so I sold it to a loving home.

  17. I have been plagued with dreams over the last few months- ranging from the mildly strange to out and out terrifying. I've also had a lot of anxiety about starting a new school year and going back to work. Needless to say, I haven't been getting the best sleep. Last night I tried Nocturne for the first time. I applied it as specified- on the soles of my feet, temples, third eye, pulse points, and heart. It smells lovely! Like soft lavender and soft roses. It made me feel extremely comfortable and peaceful. I didn't immediately conk out or anything- I read for a while before turning out the light- but once I did commit to sleep I don't remember being awake for very long. I sort of woke up a little bit when my BF got up for work, but had no problem going back to sleep. I had NO dreams that I can remember. I woke up feeling rested and happy! This will definitely get frequent use.

  18. I tried this out for the first time this morning- opening day of a new school year. I put it on my pulse points on my wrists and my neck. I have a hard time placing what it's composed of, except I'm pretty sure about lavender, and there's a sweetness coming from somewhere. It's crazy, but I felt almost...tingly just a couple of minutes after putting this on, and I did feel a total sense of relaxation and calm. I almost felt a little buzzed or something. I took a couple of deep breaths with my wrist up against my nose, and each time I did I got an extra surge of the calmness. Normally on my drive to school I'm tense and antsy and anxious, but this morning I was totally chilled and listened to my music like I was on a drive for pleasure. I could tell that the calm wore off about two hours later, but I only put on a tiny bit. It may need reapplication to stay potent. I was very pleased with both the scent of the oil and the result, and I'll be using it again for sure.

  19. The Riders (Red, Black, and White) from Marchen and Whip may have the leather you're looking for. Liz has leather and smoke with some floral. Clockwork Couture: Female has a shot of strong leather tamed with sweet vanilla. VILF has a softer leather to me. HTH!

  20. In the imp, I smell mostly honey and leather. They are working to balance each other out, and it creates this lovely smooth, sweet leathery sexy scent. When I put it on, I immediately get more floral (my skin amps florals like whoa) than I did before, and the honey moves more into the background- it's not as sweet on my skin. I also get a men's cologne feel coming through- so wet on my skin this is a little honey and leather in the background with some floral and some men's cologne pushing through the most. Weird, but surprisingly not bad. I do wish the honey sweetness would remain more in the foreground on my skin, but that's just not how my chemistry works. I definitely think this would be sexy on a man (or man-pire). It actually has something in it reminding me a bit of Hellhound, but I can't place the note that would be similar (does Hellhound have clove? That may be what it is). What I don't get is any red musk. Not at all what I was expecting, but I don't mind it. I just don't know if this is something I'd wear much- I tend to like more sweetness since my skin sucks it up.

  21. Hmm. Wet on my skin this smells a lot like the dreaded Smut disaster- latex and weird nuttyness and all. It has to be the almond/blood musk combo. I just can't do nuts (yeah, yeah- in scents). This smells dry and quite manly on me. Nutty and dry and that same musk from Smut- and I have to say it kind of makes my head hurt and my stomach a bit queasy. Once it's dry it does sweeten up, and I can almost tell there's Snake Oil in there. But not quite. I could see this being sexy on a man with the right skin chemistry, but not on me.

  22. At first whiff I get PLUM!!, but as soon as it begins to dry the plum takes a backseat to OH HAI Wildflowers! They blend after a bit into a smoother, creamy plummy floral- the cream definitely glues the fruit and flowers together. I actually don't mind it when I really expected to not like it. It reminds me of some kind of candy a little bit, but I can't think of which one.

  23. Oh why oh why did I discover that honey can work on me when it was way too late to order this?? It's awesome- it smells very much like Snake Oil does on my skin, with just a little added honey sweetness. It kind of envelops you with vanilla honey spicy goodness. I'll treasure my partial imp of this until I can hopefully track down a bottle.
