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Posts posted by Lorelai1945

  1. In the imp, this reminds me a lot of Door- it's mostly soft honey. When I put it on the skin, the honey takes the background, and the apple blossom comes to the forefront. It's a cool, barely minty apple with just a whisper of honey. It's soft and delicate. I don't mind it, and in fact it may one be the best of the new Yules I've tried this year. Dunno if I'd need a whole bottle- it's almost soapy in a way, like Bath and Body Works kind of- but it's certainly not a bad scent. I wish my skin wouldn't suck the honey away, because I think I'd really like it in that case.


    Once totally dry, I get a bit more honey back. I will have to try this one again. I may end up wanting more.

  2. Thanks for all the info, everyone :)


    I've been trying to figure something out. I've looked at the rose thread, and most people just talk about using it as perfume. I've looked at the diffuser thread, but not many people try for rose.


    I recall a time in my hometown when I would walk in the Botanical Gardens during spring and summer, and there would be fields of Roses of every shape and color. I remember loving being surrounded by the scent of rose, just enveloped in it.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a scent that I could use in my diffuser for that effect? I looked at Black Rose, which looks interesting, and 2 5 and 7, although the latter seems like it could be way too sugary in the end. I'd just like to be surrounded by the smell of roses, does anyone have any idea of what would work best for that?


    From everything I've read, Rose Red (part of the Limited Edition Yules and orderable from the lab right now) is the truest "rose" rose scent- it smells the closest to real roses.

  3. Boo is the most vanilla of the vanillas on my skin. I use it a lot to layer when something needs a little more vanilla. I get more vanilla-y sweetness from Boo 2009 than 2010, but I don't know if that is due to aging or formulation.


    Banshee Beat is gorgeous. I love the combination, and I was also wary of patchouli until Banshee Beat. (There were bad scent memories there.... :lol:)


    Tombstone is a sasparilla-y vanilla on me, like a root beer float. With leather.


    TKO has wonderful vanilla in it. If you like lavender as well, it's wonderful.


    Midway smells like cream soda on me, I get a lot of vanilla from that.


    I wish I had your skin chemistry! Boo dries to burnt buttered popcorn cloth on my skin, Banshee Beat was so patchouli that I didn't even get vanilla from it, and Midway was again too buttery. I do like Tombstone and TKO, though. I struggle with the "buttery" vanillas and foody scents because that's all I end up smelling, and I don't like it.

  4. I know I love Vanilla, I've always loved Vanilla, but I am having such a hard time finding the perfect one!


    So far I've tried Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, White Rabbit, Gluttony, Dorian, Bow & Crown of Conquest, Wezwanie/Hold, Haloes, Lyonesse, Hollywood Babylon, Defututa, Her Voice, The Antikythera Mechanism, Inez, The Illustrated Woman, Thirteen (13): November 2009, Black Heart, Unveiled, Ü, Narkissos, Clockwork Couture: Female, Gypsy, Rosy Maple, Tombeur, Calaveras, Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple, Dragon's Milk, Velvet, Mata Hari, Blood Kiss, Peitho, Euphrosyne, Tamora, Le Serpent Qui Danse, and Snake Oil.


    I've got Black Lace and Terpsichore but haven't tried them yet, and Sachs and Eat Me are in the mail.


    The ones that were close (but not THE ONE) so far were Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, White Rabbit, Dorian, Lyonesse, Tombeur, Calaveras, and Dragon's Milk.


    Is my chemistry just not playing nice? Am I doomed to be perfect-Vanilla-scent-less? :cry2:


    I feel the same way sometimes. I have tried pretty much all of those you have listed plus some (notable absences from your list are Antique Lace, MB: Underpants, Love's Philosophy, Joyful Moon, Morocco (not super vanilla-like but has that feeling), Tombstone, Hellhound on my Trail, and Cake Smash- I know most of these are super hard to find, but you may want to try), and I still feel like I'm looking for that vanilla holy grail. Love's Philosophy is probably the most VANILLA scent of them all that I've come across. I have found some vanillas that I really, really like, but none enough to end my searching. Some scents that other people get vanilla from- Liz, Boo, O, Detestable Putrescence, Black Opal, Lyonesse, Sachs, Gypsy, Banshee Beat, Pink Snowballs, Antikythera...okay a LOT of scents that other people find a lot of vanilla in just don't work with my skin chemistry. My skin sucks in sweetness and creaminess and amps pretty much everything else..so a scent has to scream vanilla for me to smell it on my skin. I would say not to give up and to keep trying- I felt like it took me awhile to find the scents that are really "me" and that I want to wear regularly.


    My vanilla favorites are Love's Philosophy, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Dorian, Snake Oil, Joyful Moon, Cake Smash, Hellhound on my Trail, CC:Female, Morocco, Antique Lace, and Under the Harvest Moon (which doesn't read vanilla on my skin at all but is beautiful nonetheless).


    I recently was super disappointed with The First of the Three Spirits- it lists "voluminous vanilla" as a component, but on my wacky skin there was none to be found.


    I personally find three types of vanillas (at least)- the "creamy" Snake Oil/Tombstone/Hellhound/CC: Female/Love's Philosophy kind, the "sugary" Antique Lace/Dorian kind, and the more "watery/aquatic" type like Sachs/Lyonesse/Pink Snowballs.

  5. Red Rider is definitely worn saddle leather hung in a tack room with the sun streaming through. I LOVE the smell of tack and horses and barns, and this totally smells like a tack store I used to go to. I don't know about wearing it as perfume, but I'm glad to have an imp to huff when I get the urge. There's no metallic or harsh chemical leather here- it's a deep chestnut well-worn leather. The balsam and moss serve to give the leather a somewhat woodsy housing. Possibly the best leather scent I've smelled.


    If this could somehow get an injection of vanilla I think I would buy bottles and swim in them.

  6. Nom. I may require a bottle of this one.


    When I first put it on and it's wet, it smells a lot like cream soda or root beer. It's very sweet, but creamy. Actually, what it reminds me of exactly is the syrup they use to make root beer flavored Hawaiian Shaved Ice. As it dries, the sandalwood comes through to give it a bit more sophistication and to cut through a bit of the sweetness. I get the peach, but it's not sickeningly, syrupy sweet like peach can sometimes be. It's warm and golden and...fuzzy. It threatens plasticyness a bit during one stage of dryness, but never gets there enough to bother me. It just smells good. Everything melds together and is hard to describe- it's not really foody or woodsy, but tiptoes around both genres. It's just yummy vanilla-tinted amberyness with a hint of peach. It doesn't have much throw, and my skin kind of sucks it in quickly, but it hovers on the skin for long enough that I can tell it's still there. I can see myself wearing this one pretty much year-round.


    Yep. I need a bottle.

  7. ?


    That's pretty much where I am with this one right now. In the bottle, it is sweet, rich vanilla, and I got SUPER excited about it. Until I put it on. It immediately went kind of buttery on my skin (a lot like Underpants, actually), but then that stage fled quickly...leaving whatever in the world is going on on my hand atm. It smells kind of cold and slightly buttery, not really floral at all- maybe like amber if you removed a lot of the sweetness? I really can't pinpoint what this smells like. It's kind of musty and muted. It definitely feels beigey/goldenish in color, but it's not at all what I was expecting. I get NO vanilla, nothing of white musk that I'm used to, and nothing resembling summer flowers. It's almost kind of like extremely flat cream soda or something. I don't think this is a winner- I'll give it a bit more time, but I'm not in love.

  8. This smells like femininity personified in the bottle- light and sweet and slightly floral. When I first apply it, it smells nearly dead-on to Alice. Same type of honey for sure. It dries down very quickly to a rather soft scent that is mostly the tea rose (darn skin and the floral ampage, but it's not bad), but also a smidge of the honey- and thank goodness for carnation! I'm pretty sure that's what's keeping this from going tea rose- crazy and adding a bit of spice to the mix. It is a teensy bit soapy on me, but I'm willing to give it some more time, since it's not nearly as soapy as Dawn:Maiden or Katrina Van Tassel on me (That also may be coming from the other scent on my hand now that I think about it). It does, however, have a VERY similar feel to both of those scents. I think that I will grow to like this very much, especially when I give it the chance to shine on its own; right now it has another scent crammed up right next to it since I couldn't be patient and test my new scents one at a time. :P It is definitely representative of the Klara character, and very pretty. This may end up being the winner of this round of Yules for me.


    ETA: I tested it again today. No soap, and a bit less tea rose. I can see myself wearing this when I want something soft and feminine. I really like it.

  9. Hmm. I, too am a bit befuddled by this one. In the bottle, it smells pretty amazing- sweet, vanilla-minty coldness. When I first applied it, I got a faint, sweet, minty pine. The more this dries on my skin, the more it takes a masculine turn. It's definitely cold and snowy, but there's also a smokiness coming from somewhere, and almost a dirty smell- like the forest floor covered in snow. The sweetness I got in the beginning is gone. It is a very high-pitched scent, if that makes any sense- it almost makes me sneeze, and it seems to hit the back of my nasal passages. I'm a bit sad, because I loved how it started out, but it seems my skin chemistry is doing strange things to it. I'll keep it around and re-test, but I fear this is not going to be the favorite I was hoping for.

  10. Is there a Yule scent that is backordered- something besides Unicorns? I ordered three Yule bottles on the 22nd and my order was harvested on the 11/28, but I still don't have a CnS, and there are people who ordered on 11/2 and they do. I also noticed in the "Come Squee With Us!" Thread that I'm not alone in this... :think:


    ETA: I notice that no one's gotten a bottle of The First of the Three Spirits yet, and that's in my order...

  11. Wow. This is really pretty. I get mostly a soft, floral honey (VERY similar to Deadly Nightshade Honey) blended with chamomile that is much softer and better behaved than the one in Sachs. I agree that it's like wearing a cup of afternoon tea sweetened with honey. Very lovely and feminine, and I'm contemplating a bottle; I think it'd be great to wear in the spring.

  12. Mmm. A very powdery, mineral-like vanilla. It's definitely cool in feel- it smells a lot like "ice cream" I used to make as a little kid out of snow, vanilla extract, and sugar. In fact, that's a lot what this smells like! I really like it. It doesn't last very long, but I like all of its stages- wet and dry. It also puts me in mind of something my grandmother had in her bathroom (no idea what), but it's not close enough to it to feel "old-ladyish".

  13. When I first put this on, I get a blast of cakey smell that is very similar to Eat Me, only with definite honey coming through. I like it. It's sweet and creamy honey, and it reminds me of the girlish type of honey in Alice. As it dries (this happens quickly), I smell what must be the sugarplums and also the rose as they push their way to the foreground. I vastly prefer the sugarplums to regular plum- they seem more sugary and delicate to me. I like this stage pretty well, although I really like the way the scent starts out with the honey cake a little bit better. It is not until this has had a bit of time to dry that I can distinctly sense the vanilla. When this is completely dry, it is quite faint, and eventually fades to just a hint of the plasticy (on my skin) pastry note with a ghost of the original scent. It reminds me of the "Strawberry Shortcake doll" smell I sometimes recognize. I really like this scent in its early stages, and I just wish it would stick around longer. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I need to track down a bottle, or if I'll be okay with my decant.

  14. Oh. my. goodness. This is so incredibly beautiful. It is creamy, honeyed, gently citrus-y tea. It is a lot like Dorian with a soft mandarin in place of the lavender. It's feminine and so, so pretty. It's a bit musky, a bit sweet, and extremely gentle. I actually can't pick out the tea rose, so on my skin it's blending nicely with the other notes. I am SO happy that someone was kind enough to pick me up a bottle!! :wub2: Definitely the best new Bpal I have tried in a while.

  15. In the bottle, this oil is delicious! It's sweet , flowery cake. When I put it on, I get a hint of cake for a fraction of a second, followed immediately by a blast of tea that smells like it has some lemon in it. I get no cake, no strawberry. Just lemony tea...and then some of the not-so-imaginary flowers. I really wish I got the yummy strawberries and cream I'm hearing about, but knowing how my skin chemistry hates me, I'm not surprised. I kind of sort of think I can sniff a little bit of it every once in a while, but the tea and flowers dominate my skin. Dry-down is slightly plasticy flowers, but very faint. This was in a hot mailbox just a couple of hours ago, so I'll keep trying. I want to love this, but I don't know if we were meant to be. The amount of beautiful scents being ruined by my stupid skin lately is really starting to get to me. :sad: On a final note...it seems to be working better on my arm than on my hand, so maybe it's testing placement. Try, try again.


    ETA: Later that day...this dried down the same way that Gollettes and Boo did. No sweetness- all doughy, plasticy funk. Something about the lab's pastry note really doesn't work on me. Maybe cream doesn't always, either. Hmm. Off to swaps it goes!

  16. I am opting to remain optimistic about this one for now, but it's not what I expected. When it's wet on the skin I get cinnamon Trident gum wrapper. Cinnamony, but not as strong a blast as in Blue Pumpkin Floss. I can kind of tell there is something sweet and creamy in the background, but it's very far back there. When this has been dry for about an hour, I start to get the marshmallow. It's like a cotton candy marshmallow, and I really like it. I wish that Marshmallow Pumpkin started out this way! Maybe aging will help dull the cinnamon factor. I think I'll give it some time, but as of right now I'm on the fence.
