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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Lorelai1945

  1. I love your YouTube videos! I actually tracked down bottles of MB: Bloody Mary and Beaver Moon '07 based on your reviews..they should be here next week. I'm looking forward to the rest of your Bpal series. I'm a big sweet/foodie scent lover, too. :)

  2. Has found my perfect Bpal skin!

  3. Put on the Snake Oil that's getting close to a year old. SO good.

  4. I love getting lab orders in the mailbox!!

  5. Bpaling on my brand new computer!

  6. I made a blueberry pie!

  7. Yay for Project Runway being back!

    1. mxtine


      I missed the first hour, Boo!

  8. Got my sale Anthropologie dress in the mail and it fits!! So excited. Already picked out belt and shoes for it- from my own closet. I CAN bargain shop!

  9. Had an AMAZING dinner cooked by the BF: cajun rubbed tilapia with white cheddar mashed potatoes and sauteed green beans.

    1. DeltaCat


      Hey do you want to go with me to get one of those gel manis? I'm calling to make appt morrow.

    2. DeltaCat


      Oh and did you get a letter from someone from EOEA today?

  10. I am not drinking again for a long, long time.

  11. Got my Mad Tea Party locket today! From Valley Girl Designs on Etsy. SO cute!

  12. Is regretting the decision to drink a bottle of wine and eat almost an entire pizza last night. :P

    1. teamilk


      Sounds like a fantastic night though!

    2. Lorelai1945
  13. Deadly Nightshade honey is amazing. I want to nom my arm!

  14. So excited that a honey scent works on my skin!

  15. Magical unicorns! Huzzah!
