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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Lorelai1945

  1. Lorelai1945

    Clockwork Couture: Female

    OOOH! Vanilla! In the bottle this is yummy vanilla-y goodness. It has almost a bit of muskiness. When wet, I first get a straight shot of vanilla- it's a slightly flowery, sweet girly vanilla. It reminds me a lot of Mouse's Long and Sad Tale. As it dries, the leather comes through to the forefront, but the vanilla remains there to keep it in check and from becoming too masculine. This is one of the few leather blends that hasn't gone too strongly leather on me. The longer it is dry, the more it reverts back to the MLST vanilla. I love this and am so glad I snagged a bottle when I could.
  2. Lorelai1945


    I'm getting lots and lots of orange out of this one. I amp citrus, and that's really all I can smell. It's nice, but it's like sticking my face in a glass of fresh-squeezed OJ. There is a hint of floraliness (may be my nose confusing the patchouli and orange) way in the background, and also some spice in there, but the orange gobbles them up.
  3. Lol- I have the opposite problem. I love Snake Oil, and never found a pit blend that worked for me. Guess I'll stick with the original.
  4. Lorelai1945

    Crowd Pleasers

    Dorian is fantastic- to me it's a cooler scent- musky cool tea and soft vanilla. Alice is also great- it would be a warm scent. Cozy soft honey and tea and carnations. Of the ones you mentioned, those are my favorite. Maybe if you know she likes a warmer, snugglier scent go with Alice, and if she'd want something cooler and sophisticated yet still sweet go with Dorian.
  5. Lorelai1945

    Penis Admiration

    Meh. In the bottle I smell a lot of buttery sweetness. Like Underpants revved up kind of. When it's wet, it's like it goes on one scent and splits into the notes- I can pick up wafts of different things..the lilac, the wood, and sweetness somewhere at the very bottom. It's like it doesn't want to blend- I literally smell distinct top, middle, and bottom notes. It's cloying to my nose, and kind of gives me a headache. When it has completely dried, it smells sort of like Glowing Vulva's drydown did on me- lots of wood with some sweetness. I can't see myself ever wearing this. Swaps it goes.
  6. Lorelai1945

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    Hmm..I agree that it is a wacky idea, and I'm not sure I buy it..buuuuut...I swear that when I apply generously but lightly with a wand or in drops on my arm and am gentle with the oil it smells a lot better than it does when I rub wrists together (which I don't generally do because of this). It's like certain notes pop out when I do rub a lot. The softer I apply the oil, the better it seems to smell and the longer it seems to last. Could just be in my brain, though.
  7. Lorelai1945

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Oops. Never Mind.
  8. Lorelai1945


    When wet, I get a bit of the overly sweet, cloying honey from O. However, as it dries it softens, and I can detect something that reminds me of tea (bergamot?) and a creaminess coming through. There is also a hint of carnation creating some spiciness. Once dry, I really like it. It is feminine and creamy, and fits the inspiration well. Methinks I need a bottle of this...
  9. Lorelai1945

    Where is this scent?

    Jingo-Kogo ETA: Ah! I was beaten to it!
  10. Lorelai1945


    (Resurrected Version) In the imp, I can detect spicy, creamy carnation. When I put it on and it is still wet, I smell the stems and leaves- greenery- of the carnation, but it's a creamy green-ness. As it dries, that spiciness comes out more, and I get some amber as well. (I think amber- not quite vanilla). Hmm- I have tried the original and found it to be a lot like Morocco. Maybe once the new stuff ages a bit the green-ness will give way to more sweet creaminess. We shall see.
  11. Lorelai1945


    In the bottle this smells like creamy tea with flower petals in it. It's soft and feminine and springy. When I first put it on, I smell a lot of the same thing, but as it starts to dry, one of the florals pops out in the forefront...ah! Maybe the lavender? There's almost a hint of mintiness in there, but not really minty. As it continues to dry, I get more of the floweryness with some tea. It's slightly cloying, but I don't hate it either. Once it's completely dry, more of the tea comes out. I'm still kind of on the fence. I don't mind Needlework, but I also don't know if it'll get worn. If not, I may swap for something that will get more love. I wish it smelled on the way it smells in the bottle...
  12. Lorelai1945

    Springtime scents

    I ordered a backup bottle of Mouse's Long and Sad Tale because I plan on wearing it a lot this spring. Fairy Market will come into rotation as well.
  13. Lorelai1945

    Watery &/or Aquatic Florals

    Definitely try Lyonesse- it's slightly aquatic, but warmed as you mentioned- can't remember if it's vanilla or amber, but with one of the two. Lady of Shalott is nice, but it's not bright or warm- it dries down to a very melancholy, slightly watery floral. It's almost...bitter once it dries. (Which matches the poem nicely.)
  14. Lorelai1945

    Carnaval Diabolique recommendations

    Definitely Inez, and try Marcilla- I think it's very warm and has a honey/beeswax feel to it, layered with some soft musk.
  15. Lorelai1945


    Hmm- this is interesting. Antikythera and Sachs had a baby..and this is it. I get a lot of the wood- it's sharp at first, but something creamy is grounding it and keeping it from becoming too much. The more it dries, the more I like it- it becomes a lot more rounded and smooth. Not bad- I'll have to try it again.
  16. Lorelai1945

    Velvet Unicorn

    Oh. Wow. This smells like strawberry fizzy marshmallowy sugar goodness. Lots and lots of candy- I smell strawberry and cherry and lemon. YUM eta: The more this dries, the more I smell lemonyness. It's still sweet, though, and soft. It has the feel of Underpants- kind of buttery, yet not.
  17. Lorelai1945

    Two Loves

    This is a very nice, soft floral. I don't get a lot of musk, but I can feel it's there underneath the florals. It reminds me a little of something- Lady Lilith maybe? Very feminine and pretty.
  18. Lorelai1945

    Pink Mood

    Oh holy Jesus. I am so sad. This smells like nutty latex gloves and GACK licorice. I was so hoping for the vanilla to come out, but I don't get any vanilla from this at all. I can tell there's some floral in there somewhere, but the licorice is so strong. Sadly, I just don't like licorice. Definitely swapping this one.
  19. Lorelai1945


    2010 version In the bottle I get a strong whiff of musk- it's almost boozy. Applied, I get a very sweet, incensy musk. I can't really pick out any individual notes- it's just super sweet and heavily floral musk. I'm not sure I like this-it's cloying and kind of gives me a headache. There's also something in there that is slightly sour behind all the syrupy sweetness. I think I'll be swapping this one.
  20. Lorelai1945

    Signior Dildo

    In the bottle this is the most amazing mix of vanilla and soft floral. It is FANTASTIC- I wish it smelled like this on me. When I put it on, I smell mostly floral- it reminds me a lot of a scent I used to wear from Crabtree and Evelyn. It's almost like lilac or wisteria- that must be the orris or narcissus. I don't get as much vanilla as I was hoping for, but it's there underneath the floral, and it's a nice soft floral. The more it dries, I get a little vanilla. I hope this shall get better (i.e. more vanilla) with age. Hmm. I dunno. Still not much vanilla coming out in this. I don't mind it, but I wanted more vanilla.
  21. Lorelai1945

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I would LURVE something heavy on the bourbon vanilla, but I haven't found much that is as simple as you're looking for. Sachs has it, but on me it was rather overpowered by the chamomile, and it faded quickly. I find Antique Lace to have a similar vanilla to Black Lace, but it is the light whereas BL is the dark. Hard to find these days, though.
  22. Lorelai1945

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I love it too! I am pretty confident that I have tried most vanilla blends the Bpal offers/has offered, and none really have that exact combination. Love's Philosophy has vanilla and cream, so possibly layering that with something slightly caramelly- maybe Boo? Boo didn't work on me, but those two together might be pretty close. I'd definitely start with Love's Philosophy. Mouse's is nothing at all like VBN. It's very light and springy and pink. Hope this helps.
  23. Lorelai1945

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Hmm. At first, I got straight up balsalm. Lots of trees. Then it went through the musty book stage, and I could get more and more of the raw vanilla peeking through. I totally get "raw" vanilla- straight from the plant. It feels very earthy. After letting it get really dry, I'm smelling snickerdoodle dough and pine trees- strangely, though, not in a bad way. It isn't very strong, which is the thing that makes this not a mess. I don't think I'm getting any leather, but it could be mixed in there well enough that it doesn't pop out at me. I really am starting to like this. It's really strange, but I like that it's really strange.
  24. Lorelai1945

    Eat Me

    This was one of the first imps I got in my newbie imp packs, and I didn't remember liking it for some reason. Trying it again, I don't mind it, and I think I know why I didn't like it in the first place. I am always looking for very vanilla-heavy scents, yet I amp pretty much everything but vanilla. As a result, I end up getting a lot of the currant from this. I actually get very strong, dry cake at first, and then a shot of strong lemon, and then currant-heavy cake. Hmm. I really don't mind it. Do I need a bottle of this?? Hmm.
  25. Lorelai1945


    Hmm. I don't mind or love this scent. I get a very expensive shampoo scent. It's almost aquatic in feel, yet it's not watery. I can feel that vanilla is in there, but I don't really smell vanilla outright (but then again, I don't amp vanilla at all). I can definitely draw a comparison to Underpants because of a butteriness that I sense - it's very light (this doesn't smell like butter), but there's a smoothness. Like a greased cookie sheet. It's sweet but not too sweet. It's just...okay. And the idea of ambergris kind of freaks me out, even though I know this is not the real thing.