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Everything posted by Lorelai1945

  1. Lorelai1945


    Apparently I amp anything tree-scented. When I first applied and it was really wet, tombstone smelled like squished lightning bugs. As it dried, I smelled a lot of cedar and what I'm guessing is the balsam- I smelled strongly of trees. The more time passed, the more I could smell the vanilla. It didn't end up being too bad on me, but I do think it would be nicer on a man. There's also that waiting period for all the notes to settle down to get through. I'm glad I got to try it, though. ETA: I kept trying it, and eventually grew to really like this one. I think my imp just needed to settle and age a bit. I still amp the cedar, but now can also get a lot of the vanilla (almost root beer) underneath. I liked it enough to get a bottle, and mine is aged- so even that much better. Just goes to show that I need to try, try again with certain scents (snake oil was the same way).
  2. Lorelai1945

    The East

    This blend is so lovely! It's so well blended that I don't really pick out individual notes- just soft, airy flowers with a hint of mintiness. This scent is very light blue to me, if that makes any sense. It doesn't seem to last very long on me, but it's very nice.
  3. Lorelai1945


    Sybaris is very purple to me- a misty, smoky purple.
  4. Lorelai1945

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    Mmm. This reminds me a lot of some of the shops that I walk into at the Renaissance Faire...I think it's the incense/cyprus mix. When wet, I really smell the cyprus and it is love! I'll have to look for more cyprus- I would have never guessed that I would like such a non-vanilla note. Hee. Once it dries, I smell mostly pink musky incense with just a hint of the sugar and fruit in the background. I'm actually very glad I seem to amp the incense; I really like it. My only complaint is that every once in a while I sniff and get almost a sour milk smell- which must be the coconut, since I got the same thing from Snow White 08. However, I don't get enough of it to ruin it for me. Guess coconut is something for me to stay away from.
  5. Lorelai1945


    In the imp, I can smell the floral perfume and just a hint of vanilla that other people have mentioned. However, once i put it on, those quickly fade, and I smell strongly of smoke- like a lot. Too much for me..this is hopefully headed to someone who doesn't amp the smoke.
  6. Lorelai1945

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Vanilla is my favorite! I've tried many of Bpal's so far, and here is what I think. GC/lab orderable now: Antique Lace is very nice- it starts out kind of powdery, but the drydown is a soft vanilla. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale ends up very similar to AL on me when it dries. Also a nice soft vanilla. TKO is wonderful! It has a lot of lavender, but the more it dries, the more it is a sugary vanilla. Yum! Sachs is nice. It starts out with quite a hit of chamomile, but softens when dry to a nice vanilla. It doesn't seem to have a lot of lasting power, though. LE/Discontinued: Love's Philosophy is a wonderful, creamy vanilla on me. It can be hard to find, but I think it's worth it...It is probably my favorite Bpal scent. Many people recommend Snake Oil..I tried an imp straight from the lab and didn't get vanilla at all..but aging could make a difference in this. (?) I also tried Dorian and Regan (both not vanilla to me, but they're not bad scents. I like Dorian the best of the two). Detestable Putrescence turned plasticky and strage on me, but smelled great in the bottle- creamy vanilla. Boo dried down with similar results. Eat Me was too strong and spicy for me. Lyonesse is a nice, golden scent..I get a little vanilla, but not as much as I was hoping for. Hope this helps!
  7. Lorelai1945


    I like a nice, soft rose (unlike the sharpness of Black Rose), and this is just perfect. It has that old-fashioned, rosewater smell- like a young Victorian lady would smell like. It's sugary and almost has the same type of sweet dry-down as Antique Lace. It reminds me of Smith's Rosebud Salve in an oil form. It also has some lasting power; I've had mine on since 8:00 this morning, and it's 3:00 in the afternoon- I can still faintly smell it. I can't wait to try Faith now!
  8. Lorelai1945


    Yum! This is the lightest, sweetest, hint of fruity floral- but it lasts! Every time I smell it I either pick out the fruity notes or the florals. It's so girly and feminine and delicate. This truly is a fairy fragrance. I can't wait to have a bottle for next spring and summer so I can wear it when i really feel like it would shine the most.
  9. Lorelai1945


    OMG. I can't sing the praises of TKO enough. It is very strongly lavender in the bottle with a hint of vanilla, but when you put it on, it's a beautiful blend of yummy lavender and sugary, incensey vanilla. The more it dries, the more vanilla comes to the surface. This isn't the lavender vanilla at that store at the mall- the BPAL vanilla makes this deeper and much more interesting. I'm not sure if it puts me to sleep...since I want to stay awake and smell it. This is definitely one I'll have to buy in bulk.
  10. Lorelai1945

    Black Rose

    Wow. This one is so strong that immediately upon opening an imp, my boyfriend said "yuck" from across the room. It is very overwhelming, and made me think of something an older woman might wear. I have to admit that I didn't give it a chance to mellow, so perhaps it does soften as others have mentioned, but it was such a blast of sharp, bitter rose to begin with that I couldn't even keep it in the house. I had the same experience with Sophia, and it turns out...it has black rose in it. I like soft, sugary roses, but this one was not for me.
  11. Lorelai1945

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    I ordered an imp of this based on the name solely (I love the poem and the Waterhouse painting), and I do think that the subject of the poem is captured quite nicely. At first, it smelled rather strongly floral to me- I got a lot of rose. However, after wearing it for a while, I get the green, more earthy scent. It's almost like it's made as if the rose is covering up what's really underneath? Hee- it's tricksy. I don't know if it's something that I would wear on a regular basis- a little too sharp for my tastes- but I'm glad I got to try it.
  12. Lorelai1945

    Your Best-Bet "Must Try" Enabling Scents

    I sent my mom her first enabling pack this morning. I sent: Dorian Eve La Belle Au Bois Dormant Debauchery Fairy Market Blood Pearl Eat Me And something else which currently escapes my memory..(Regan?) It made it easier since i already know some of her likes/dislikes, but I feel like I gave her a decent range.
  13. Lorelai1945


    I agree. At first this is kind of yummy- more caramelly and sweet sugar. However, I start to get a lot of the butter, and it morphs into a buttery, burnt-caramel popcorn on me. I can maybe smell some of the cotton in the background..but I have to really try. I'll stick with Cake Smash if I'm in a "foodie" mood.
  14. Lorelai1945

    Cake Smash

    Yum! In the bottle I thought this smelled very spice-cakey..similar to a slightly softer Eat Me. However, once on, it slowly became more vanilla incense-y. LOVE! I couldn't even wait until I got home from work to order a bottle.
  15. Lorelai1945

    Detestable Putrescence

    I LOVE vanilla, so I was very excited to try DP. I had hoped it would be like Love's Philosophy, and it was...in the bottle. Once I put it on my skin, however, it had a burnt sugar-cinnamony scent that was rather strong. It was also a little plasticky. It ended up smelling a lot more like burned caramel on cinnamon toast than the creamy vanilla I was hoping for, and was ultimately very spicy. The search for another vanilla love continues!
  16. Lorelai1945

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Hee- I had both Sachs and D.P. in my Lab shopping cart tonight and was on the fence. Back they go! Thanks! *Thanks Apple! I will give those a shot.
  17. Lorelai1945

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I am still quite new to BPAL, and I am trying to wade through the sea of reviews and recommendations to find the perfect scent. I LOVE vanilla...it is my absolute favorite. However, I don't get a lot of vanilla from the scents I've been trying per recommendation. Here's what I've tried: LOVE!!!! : ) Love's Philosophy (Amazing...it may not get better than this, but I'm still willing to try.) Like very much: Antique Lace (Although I don't get that scream of pure vanilla- more baby powdery on me, but I still like it) Is pretty good: Dorian (To me more soft musk than vanilla), Regan (still not really vanilla to me) Didn't care for: O (too boozy), Boo (liked at first, but dried to a burnt smell), Black Opal (didn't get any vanilla from this at all- not terrible, but didn't smell vanilla) Any other suggestions? If it helps, I used to wear VS Vanilla Lace and loved it. That's the kind of note I'm looking for, although in a bit more interesting way.